Naqsha ------ [![Build Staus][travis-status]][travis-naqsha] [![Hackage][hackage-badge]][hackage] [![Hackage Dependencies][hackage-deps-badge]][hackage-deps] [![Stackage LTS][stackage-lts-badge]][stackage-lts] [![Stackage Nightly][stackage-nightly-badge]][stackage-nightly] Naqsha is a Haskell library to work with geospatial data types. The goal of this library is to provide fast and high level access to various operations in the geospatial setting like distance calculations, azimuth etc. Due to the very nature of the geometry on the surface of the globe, many of these basic tasks have multiple algorithms based on criteria like speed of computation and accuracy. We would like to provide all such algorithms in this package. The word naqsha, or more accurately naqshA (नक़्शा), means a map or a sketch. # Legal Copyright 2016 Piyush P Kurur The library is licensed under * Apache License, Version 2.0 * BSD 3-Clause license You may not use this software except in compliance with one of the above Licenses (*at your option*). SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under these Licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. For the exact terms and conditions see the accompanying LICENSE file. [travis-status]: "Build status" [travis-naqsha]: [hackage]: [hackage-badge]: [hackage-deps-badge]: [hackage-deps]: [stackage-lts]: [stackage-nightly]: [stackage-lts-badge]: [stackage-nightly-badge]: