{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

-- | The Region API.
-- This module should be imported qualified, to prevent name clashes:
-- @
-- import NationStates
-- import qualified NationStates.Region as Region
-- @
-- In general, this module follows the terminology used in the
-- <https://www.nationstates.net/pages/api.html#nationapi official documentation>.
-- Here's a short example:
-- @
-- import NationStates
-- import qualified NationStates.Region as Region
-- import Text.Printf
-- main = 'NationStates.withContext' "ExampleBot/2000" $ \\c -> do
--     (name, numnations, delegate) <- Region.'run' "Pony Lands"
--         ((,,) \<$\> Region.'name' \<*\> Region.'numnations' \<*\> Region.'delegate') c
--     printf "%s has %d nations. Its delegate is %s\\n" name numnations delegate
-- @

module NationStates.Region (

    -- * Running queries

    -- * Shards
--    delegatevote,
--    gavote,
--    scvote,
--    founder,
--    power,
--    flag,
--    embassies,
--    tags,
--    happenings,
--    messages,
--    history,
--    poll,

    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Prelude  -- GHC 7.10

import NationStates.Core

-- | A request to the Region API.
newtype Region a = Region { unRegion :: NS a }
    deriving (Functor, Applicative)

-- | Perform a request to the Region API.
    :: String
        -- ^ Region name
    -> Region a
        -- ^ Requested shards
    -> Context
        -- ^ Connection manager
    -> IO a
run region = requestNS (Just ("region", region)) . unRegion

-- | Region name.
-- > "Pony Lands"
name :: Region String
name = Region $ makeNS "name" "NAME"

-- | Factbook, in BBCode format.
-- > "[b]We&#39;ve got ponies, therefore your argument is invalid..."
factbook :: Region String
factbook = Region $ makeNS "factbook" "FACTBOOK"

-- | Number of nations in the region.
-- > 112
numnations :: Region Integer
numnations = Region . fmap (expect "nation count" readMaybe) $
    makeNS "numnations" "NUMNATIONS"

-- | List of nations in the region.
-- > ["urmanian","enatai","unfitting_doors","lykosia","trotterdam"]
nations :: Region [String]
nations = Region . fmap (wordsBy (== ':')) $ makeNS "nations" "NATIONS"

-- | Region delegate.
-- > "princess_luna"
delegate :: Region String
delegate = Region $ makeNS "delegate" "DELEGATE"