name: nats-queue version: synopsis: Haskell API for NATS messaging system description: This library is a Haskell driver for NATS . NATS is a fast and lightweight publish-subscribe messaging system. This version supports authentication but does not support SSL as the current version of gnatsd (go server 0.5.6) does not support it either. license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Ondrej Palkovsky maintainer: category: Network build-type: Simple cabal-version: >=1.8 source-repository head type: git location: library exposed-modules: Network.Nats, Network.Nats.Json build-depends: base==4.*, network>=2.6, dequeue, random, network-uri>=2.6, containers >= 0.5, bytestring, text, aeson >= 0.7 ghc-options: -Wall extensions: TemplateHaskell OverloadedStrings RecordWildCards GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving PatternGuards DeriveDataTypeable Rank2Types