-- -- This code was created by Jeff Molofee '99 (ported to Haskell GHC 2005) -- module Main where -- import Graphics.UI.GLUT import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as GLFW -- everything from here starts with gl or GL import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.Raw import Graphics.Rendering.GLU.Raw ( gluPerspective ) import Data.Bits ( (.|.) ) import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) ) import Control.Monad ( forever ) initGL :: IO () initGL = do glShadeModel gl_SMOOTH -- enables smooth color shading glClearColor 0 0 0 0 -- Clear the background color to black glClearDepth 1 -- enables clearing of the depth buffer glEnable gl_DEPTH_TEST glDepthFunc gl_LEQUAL -- type of depth test glHint gl_PERSPECTIVE_CORRECTION_HINT gl_NICEST resizeScene :: GLFW.WindowSizeCallback resizeScene w 0 = resizeScene w 1 -- prevent divide by zero resizeScene width height = do glViewport 0 0 (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height) glMatrixMode gl_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective 45 (fromIntegral width/fromIntegral height) 0.1 100 glMatrixMode gl_MODELVIEW glLoadIdentity glFlush drawScene :: IO () drawScene = do -- clear the screen and the depth buffer glClear $ fromIntegral $ gl_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT .|. gl_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glLoadIdentity -- reset view glFlush shutdown :: GLFW.WindowCloseCallback shutdown = do GLFW.closeWindow GLFW.terminate _ <- exitWith ExitSuccess return True keyPressed :: GLFW.KeyCallback keyPressed GLFW.KeyEsc True = shutdown >> return () keyPressed _ _ = return () main :: IO () main = do True <- GLFW.initialize -- get a 640 x 480 window let dspOpts = GLFW.defaultDisplayOptions { GLFW.displayOptions_width = 640 , GLFW.displayOptions_height = 480 -- Set depth buffering and RGBA colors , GLFW.displayOptions_numRedBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numGreenBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numBlueBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numAlphaBits = 8 , GLFW.displayOptions_numDepthBits = 1 -- , GLFW.displayOptions_displayMode = GLFW.Fullscreen } -- initialize our window. True <- GLFW.openWindow dspOpts -- window starts at upper left corner of the screen GLFW.setWindowPosition 0 0 -- open a window GLFW.setWindowTitle "Jeff Molofee's GL Code Tutorial ... NeHe '99" -- register the function to do all our OpenGL drawing GLFW.setWindowRefreshCallback drawScene -- register the funciton called when our window is resized GLFW.setWindowSizeCallback resizeScene -- register the function called when the keyboard is pressed. GLFW.setKeyCallback keyPressed -- register window close handler GLFW.setWindowCloseCallback shutdown initGL -- start event processing engine forever $ do drawScene GLFW.swapBuffers