{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}

module System.Nemesis.DSL where

import Control.Monad.State hiding (State, join)
import Data.Default
import Data.List (nub, sort)
import Prelude hiding ((.), (>), (^), lookup)
import System
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Glob
import System.Nemesis
import System.Nemesis.Util

desc :: String -> Unit
desc s = do
  n <- get
  put n {current_desc = Just s}

task :: String -> IO () -> Unit
task s action = 
  if s.has ':'
      let h = s.takeWhile (/= ':')
          t = s.dropWhile (/= ':') .tail
      task' (h.strip) (t.words)
      task' s []
    task' name deps = insert_task def {name, deps, action}
    strip = dropWhile (== ' ') > reverse > dropWhile (== ' ') > reverse

sh :: String -> IO ()
sh s = do
  status <- system s
  case status of 
    ExitSuccess -> return ()
    ExitFailure code -> error $ s ++ " failed with status code: " ++ show code

clean :: [String] -> Unit
clean xs = do
  desc "Remove any temporary products."
  task "clean" $ do
    paths <- globDir (xs.map compile) "." ^ fst ^ join' ^ nub ^ sort ^ reverse
    mapM_ rm_any paths
      rm_any s = do
        file_exist <- doesFileExist s
        when file_exist $ rm s
        dir_exist <- doesDirectoryExist s
        when dir_exist $ rm_rf s