Nemesis: a rake like task management tool for haskell ===================================================== Demo ---- nemesis = do clean [ "**/*.hi" , "**/*.o" , "manifest" ] task "dist" - do sh "cabal clean" sh "cabal configure" sh "cabal sdist" task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs") task "manifest" - do sh "find . | grep 'hs$' > manifest" Tutorial -------- ### Install cabal update; cabal install nemesis ### DSL Put the following code into a file named `Nemesis` nemesis = do -- desc is optional, it gives some description to the following task desc "Hunter attack macro" -- syntax: task "keyword: dependencies" io-action task "attack: pet-attack auto-attack" (putStrLn "attack macro done!") desc "Pet attack" task "pet-attack: mark" - do sh "echo 'pet attack'" desc "Hunter's mark" task "mark" - do sh "echo \"casting hunter's mark\"" desc "Auto attack" task "auto-attack" - do sh "echo 'auto shoot'" ### Run run `nemesis` attack : Hunter attack macro auto-attack : Auto attack mark : Hunter's mark pet-attack : Pet attack run `nemesis attack` casting hunter's mark pet attack auto shoot attack macro done! ### Namespace Suppose you have the following tasks nemesis = do namespace "eat" - do task "bread: salad" - putStrLn "eating bread" task "salad: /drink/coke" - putStrLn "nice salad" namespace "drink" - do task "coke" - putStrLn "drinking coke" then nemesis bread => .nemesis: bread does not exist! nemesis eat/bread => drinking coke nice salad eating bread Advance usage ------------- ### Use LANGUAGE Use a separator below language extensions, e.g. {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- Nem nemesis = do task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs") currently the separator `-- Nem` is hard coded ### Build it yourself If you don't want `nemesis` to compile `Nemesis` through intermediate `nemesis-tmp.hs` file, rename your `Nemesis` to `Nemesis.hs`, then start with this template. import System.Nemesis (run) import System.Nemesis.DSL nemesis = do task "i" (sh "ghci -isrc src/System/Nemesis.hs") main = run nemesis The logic is that whenever `main` is defined in `Nemesis.hs`, `nemesis` will act as `ghc --make` wrapper, so you can get nice error messages. ### That's it! ![mnemosyne]( OK, she's actually mnemosyne, a cool goddess none the less.