# Changelog for net-mqtt ## Don't set a message ID of 0. This had been working fine for a while, but starting in mosquitto 1.6, the server would just hang up on a subscribe request with a message ID of zero. ## Link QoS2 completion thread on subscriber. An exception from a subscriber callback could be silently dropped without completing the handshake which would then cause the MQTT broker to just stop sending messages to the subscriber. Unfortunately, the broker (at least mosquitto) still responds to pings and doesn't give any useful notification that it's no longer sending messages. ## Introduced `Filter` type alias to distinguish from `Topic`. Reintroduced timeout management at the protocol layer, dropping a connection when a pong response hasn't come in in a while (~3x longer than the current 30s ping rate). This was mostly after noticing mosquitto do really weird things where it seemed to just forget about all my active connections (other clients figured that out and dropped and reconnected). ## Fixed up github links. ## Added Network.MQTT.Topic with `match` to test `Topic`s against wildcards. ## Added connectURI to make it easier to connect to mqtt or mqtts via URI. ## No externally visible changes, but a few bug fixes I found when writing an application that published in QoS < 2. QoS 0 would likely not transmit (which is probably fine according to the spec, but not very desirable) and QoS1 didn't check its ACKs, so it would continue to retry after the server ACKd the message. ## ### API Change Subscriber callbacks now include the MQTT client as the first argument. This breaks a circular dependency that prevented callbacks from being able to publish messages easily. ### Other Updated to stackage LTS 13.2