{-| Module : Network.MQTT.Arbitrary Description : Arbitrary instances for QuickCheck. Copyright : (c) Dustin Sallings, 2019 License : BSD3 Maintainer : dustin@spy.net Stability : experimental Arbitrary instances for QuickCheck. -} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} module Network.MQTT.Arbitrary ( SizeT(..), MatchingTopic(..), arbitraryTopicSegment, arbitraryTopic, arbitraryMatchingTopic, v311mask ) where import Control.Applicative (liftA2) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Network.MQTT.Topic (Filter, Topic, mkFilter, mkTopic, unTopic, unFilter) import Network.MQTT.Types as MT import Test.QuickCheck as QC -- | Arbitrary type fitting variable integers. newtype SizeT = SizeT Int deriving(Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary SizeT where arbitrary = SizeT <$> oneof [ choose (0, 127), choose (128, 16383), choose (16384, 2097151), choose (2097152, 268435455)] instance Arbitrary LastWill where arbitrary = LastWill <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> astr <*> astr <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary ProtocolLevel where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary ConnectRequest where arbitrary = do _username <- mastr _password <- mastr _connID <- astr _cleanSession <- arbitrary _keepAlive <- arbitrary _lastWill <- arbitrary _connProperties <- arbitrary pure ConnectRequest{..} mastr :: Gen (Maybe L.ByteString) mastr = fmap (L.fromStrict . BC.pack . getUnicodeString) <$> arbitrary astr :: Gen L.ByteString astr = L.fromStrict . BC.pack . getUnicodeString <$> arbitrary instance Arbitrary QoS where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary SessionReuse where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary ConnACKFlags where arbitrary = ConnACKFlags <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary shrink (ConnACKFlags b c pl) | null pl = [] | otherwise = ConnACKFlags b c <$> shrink pl instance Arbitrary PublishRequest where arbitrary = do _pubDup <- arbitrary _pubQoS <- arbitrary _pubRetain <- arbitrary _pubTopic <- astr _pubPktID <- if _pubQoS == QoS0 then pure 0 else arbitrary _pubBody <- astr _pubProps <- arbitrary pure PublishRequest{..} instance Arbitrary PubACK where arbitrary = PubACK <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary PubREL where arbitrary = PubREL <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary PubREC where arbitrary = PubREC <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary PubCOMP where arbitrary = PubCOMP <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary SubscribeRequest where arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \pid -> choose (1,11) >>= \n -> SubscribeRequest pid <$> vectorOf n sub <*> arbitrary where sub = liftA2 (,) astr arbitrary shrink (SubscribeRequest w s p) = if length s < 2 then [] else [SubscribeRequest w (take 1 s) p' | not (null p), p' <- shrinkList (const []) p] instance Arbitrary SubOptions where arbitrary = SubOptions <$> arbitraryBoundedEnum <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary SubErr where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary SubscribeResponse where arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \pid -> choose (1,11) >>= \n -> SubscribeResponse pid <$> vectorOf n arbitrary <*> arbitrary shrink (SubscribeResponse pid l props) | length l == 1 = [] | otherwise = [SubscribeResponse pid sl props | sl <- shrinkList (const []) l, not (null sl)] instance Arbitrary UnsubscribeRequest where arbitrary = arbitrary >>= \pid -> choose (1,11) >>= \n -> UnsubscribeRequest pid <$> vectorOf n astr <*> arbitrary shrink (UnsubscribeRequest p l props) | length l == 1 = [] | otherwise = [UnsubscribeRequest p sl props | sl <- shrinkList (const []) l, not (null sl)] instance Arbitrary UnsubStatus where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary UnsubscribeResponse where arbitrary = UnsubscribeResponse <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary MT.Property where arbitrary = oneof [ PropPayloadFormatIndicator <$> arbitrary, PropMessageExpiryInterval <$> arbitrary, PropMessageExpiryInterval <$> arbitrary, PropContentType <$> astr, PropResponseTopic <$> astr, PropCorrelationData <$> astr, PropSubscriptionIdentifier <$> arbitrary `suchThat` (>= 0), PropSessionExpiryInterval <$> arbitrary, PropAssignedClientIdentifier <$> astr, PropServerKeepAlive <$> arbitrary, PropAuthenticationMethod <$> astr, PropAuthenticationData <$> astr, PropRequestProblemInformation <$> arbitrary, PropWillDelayInterval <$> arbitrary, PropRequestResponseInformation <$> arbitrary, PropResponseInformation <$> astr, PropServerReference <$> astr, PropReasonString <$> astr, PropReceiveMaximum <$> arbitrary, PropTopicAliasMaximum <$> arbitrary, PropTopicAlias <$> arbitrary, PropMaximumQoS <$> arbitrary, PropRetainAvailable <$> arbitrary, PropUserProperty <$> astr <*> astr, PropMaximumPacketSize <$> arbitrary, PropWildcardSubscriptionAvailable <$> arbitrary, PropSubscriptionIdentifierAvailable <$> arbitrary, PropSharedSubscriptionAvailable <$> arbitrary ] instance Arbitrary AuthRequest where arbitrary = AuthRequest <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary ConnACKRC where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary DiscoReason where arbitrary = arbitraryBoundedEnum instance Arbitrary DisconnectRequest where arbitrary = DisconnectRequest <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary instance Arbitrary MQTTPkt where arbitrary = oneof [ ConnPkt <$> arbitrary <*> pure Protocol50, ConnACKPkt <$> arbitrary, PublishPkt <$> arbitrary, PubACKPkt <$> arbitrary, PubRELPkt <$> arbitrary, PubRECPkt <$> arbitrary, PubCOMPPkt <$> arbitrary, SubscribePkt <$> arbitrary, SubACKPkt <$> arbitrary, UnsubscribePkt <$> arbitrary, UnsubACKPkt <$> arbitrary, pure PingPkt, pure PongPkt, DisconnectPkt <$> arbitrary, AuthPkt <$> arbitrary ] shrink (SubACKPkt x) = SubACKPkt <$> shrink x shrink (ConnACKPkt x) = ConnACKPkt <$> shrink x shrink (UnsubscribePkt x) = UnsubscribePkt <$> shrink x shrink (SubscribePkt x) = SubscribePkt <$> shrink x shrink _ = [] -- | v311mask strips all the v5 specific bits from an MQTTPkt. v311mask :: MQTTPkt -> MQTTPkt v311mask (ConnPkt c@ConnectRequest{..} _) = ConnPkt (c{_connProperties=mempty, _password=mpw _username _password, _lastWill=cl <$> _lastWill}) Protocol311 where cl lw = lw{_willProps=mempty} mpw Nothing _ = Nothing mpw _ p = p v311mask (ConnACKPkt (ConnACKFlags a b _)) = ConnACKPkt (ConnACKFlags a b mempty) v311mask (SubscribePkt (SubscribeRequest p s _)) = SubscribePkt (SubscribeRequest p c mempty) where c = map (\(k,SubOptions{..}) -> (k,subOptions{_subQoS=_subQoS})) s v311mask (SubACKPkt (SubscribeResponse p s _)) = SubACKPkt (SubscribeResponse p s mempty) v311mask (UnsubscribePkt (UnsubscribeRequest p l _)) = UnsubscribePkt (UnsubscribeRequest p l mempty) v311mask (UnsubACKPkt (UnsubscribeResponse p _ _)) = UnsubACKPkt (UnsubscribeResponse p mempty mempty) v311mask (PublishPkt req) = PublishPkt req{_pubProps=mempty} v311mask (DisconnectPkt _) = DisconnectPkt (DisconnectRequest DiscoNormalDisconnection mempty) v311mask (PubACKPkt (PubACK x _ _)) = PubACKPkt (PubACK x 0 mempty) v311mask (PubRECPkt (PubREC x _ _)) = PubRECPkt (PubREC x 0 mempty) v311mask (PubRELPkt (PubREL x _ _)) = PubRELPkt (PubREL x 0 mempty) v311mask (PubCOMPPkt (PubCOMP x _ _)) = PubCOMPPkt (PubCOMP x 0 mempty) v311mask x = x instance Arbitrary Topic where arbitrary = arbitraryTopic ['a'..'z'] (1,6) (1,6) shrink (unTopic -> x) = mapMaybe (mkTopic . Text.intercalate "/") . shrinkList shrinkWord $ Text.splitOn "/" x where shrinkWord = fmap Text.pack . shrink . Text.unpack -- | An arbitrary Topic and an arbitrary Filter that should match it. newtype MatchingTopic = MatchingTopic (Topic, [Filter]) deriving (Eq, Show) instance Arbitrary MatchingTopic where arbitrary = MatchingTopic <$> arbitraryMatchingTopic ['a'..'z'] (1,6) (1,6) (1,6) shrink (MatchingTopic (t,ms)) = fmap (MatchingTopic . (t,)) . shrinkList (const []) $ ms -- | Generate an arbitrary topic segment (e.g. the 'X' in 'a\/X\/b') of a -- given length from the given alphabet. arbitraryTopicSegment :: [Char] -> Int -> Gen Text arbitraryTopicSegment alphabet n = Text.pack <$> vectorOf n (elements alphabet) -- | Generate an arbitrary Topic from the given alphabet with lengths -- of segments and the segment count specified by the given ranges. arbitraryTopic :: [Char] -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Gen Topic arbitraryTopic alphabet seglen nsegs = someSegs `suchThatMap` (mkTopic . Text.intercalate "/") where someSegs = choose nsegs >>= flip vectorOf aSeg aSeg = choose seglen >>= arbitraryTopicSegment alphabet -- | Generate an arbitrary topic similarly to arbitraryTopic as well -- as some arbitrary filters that should match that topic. arbitraryMatchingTopic :: [Char] -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Gen (Topic, [Filter]) arbitraryMatchingTopic alphabet seglen nsegs nfilts = do t <- arbitraryTopic alphabet seglen nsegs let tsegs = Text.splitOn "/" (unTopic t) fn <- choose nfilts reps <- vectorOf fn $ vectorOf (length tsegs) (elements [id, const "+", const "#"]) let m = mapMaybe (mkFilter . Text.intercalate "/" . clean . zipWith (&) tsegs) reps pure (t, m) where clean [] = [] clean ("#":_) = ["#"] clean (x:xs) = x : clean xs -- | Generate an arbitrary Filter from the given alphabet with lengths -- of segments and the segment count specified by the given ranges. -- Segments may contain wildcards. arbitraryFilter :: [Char] -> (Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Gen Filter arbitraryFilter alphabet seglen nsegs = someSegs `suchThatMap` (mkFilter . Text.intercalate "/") where someSegs = choose nsegs >>= flip vectorOf aSeg aSeg = oneof [ pure "+", pure "#", choose seglen >>= arbitraryTopicSegment alphabet ] instance Arbitrary Filter where arbitrary = arbitraryFilter ['a'..'z'] (1,6) (1,6) shrink (unFilter -> x) = mapMaybe (mkFilter . Text.intercalate "/") . shrinkList shrinkWord $ Text.splitOn "/" x where shrinkWord = fmap Text.pack . shrink . Text.unpack