{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, OverloadedStrings #-} module SnapshotTestCase ( SnapshotTestCase(..), basics, traverses ) where import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.Greskell (FromGraphSON) import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import Data.List (sort, sortOn) import Data.Text (Text, pack) import qualified Data.Vector as V import Data.Vector ((!), Vector) import Test.Hspec import NetSpider.Found (FoundNode(..), FoundLink(..), LinkState(..)) import NetSpider.Graph (NodeAttributes, LinkAttributes) import NetSpider.Query ( Query, defQuery, unifyLinkSamples, foundNodePolicy, policyOverwrite, policyAppend ) import NetSpider.Snapshot ( SnapshotLink, SnapshotGraph, nodeId, linkNodeTuple, isDirected, linkTimestamp, isOnBoundary, nodeTimestamp ) import qualified NetSpider.Snapshot as S (nodeAttributes, linkAttributes) import NetSpider.Unify ( UnifyStdConfig(..), defUnifyStdConfig, unifyStd, latestLinkSample ) import NetSpider.Timestamp (fromS) import TestCommon ( AText(..), APorts(..), sortSnapshotElements, subIdWithAPorts, alignAPortsToLinkDirection ) data SnapshotTestCase where SnapshotTestCase :: ( FromGraphSON n, ToJSON n, Ord n, Hashable n, Show n, Eq na, Show na, NodeAttributes na, Eq fla, Show fla, LinkAttributes fla, Eq sla, Show sla ) => { caseName :: String, caseInput :: [FoundNode n na fla], caseQuery :: Query n na fla sla, caseAssert :: SnapshotGraph n na sla -> IO () } -> SnapshotTestCase oneNeighborFoundNodes :: [FoundNode Text () ()] oneNeighborFoundNodes = [nbs] where link = FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () } nbs = FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", neighborLinks = return link, nodeAttributes = () } queryWithAPorts :: Text -> Query Text () APorts APorts queryWithAPorts nid = (defQuery [nid]) { unifyLinkSamples = unifyStd unify_conf } where unify_conf = defUnifyStdConfig { makeLinkSubId = subIdWithAPorts, mergeSamples = \l r -> fmap alignAPortsToLinkDirection $ latestLinkSample (l ++ r) } sortLinksWithAttr :: (Ord n, Ord la) => Vector (SnapshotLink n la) -> Vector (SnapshotLink n la) sortLinksWithAttr = V.fromList . sortOn getKey . V.toList where getKey link = (linkNodeTuple link, S.linkAttributes link) -- | \"Basic\" test cases are shared by ServerTest and -- WeaverSpec. Weaver has the following limitation, so the test cases -- should not include any of those features. -- -- - Weaver doesn't traverse the graph, but makes a snapshot from the -- whole FoundNodes input. A test case's query and input should -- cover the whole graph (no disconnected components or step -- limitation) -- -- - Weaver doesn't support specifying time interval for a snapshot. A -- test case's query's timeInterval should be unbounded on upper and -- lower. basics :: [SnapshotTestCase] basics = [ SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "one neighbor", caseInput = oneNeighborFoundNodes, caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = one_neighbor_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "no neighbor", caseInput = ([ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", neighborLinks = mempty, nodeAttributes = () } ] :: [FoundNode Text () ()]), caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = no_neighbor_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "mutual neighbors", caseInput = let link_12 :: FoundLink Text () link_12 = FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = () } link_21 = FoundLink { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () } nbs1 :: FoundNode Text () () nbs1 = FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", neighborLinks = return link_12, nodeAttributes = () } nbs2 = FoundNode { subjectNode = "n2", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", neighborLinks = return link_21, nodeAttributes = () } in [nbs1, nbs2], caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = mutual_neighbor_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "multiple findings for a single node", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text AText ()] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n3", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = () } ], nodeAttributes = AText "at 20:00" }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", neighborLinks = mempty, nodeAttributes = AText "at 10:00" }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T15:00", neighborLinks = return $ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () }, nodeAttributes = AText "at 15:00" } ] in fns, caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = multi_findings_single_node_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "multi-hop neighbors", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () AText] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = intToNodeId 1, foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", neighborLinks = return $ FoundLink { targetNode = intToNodeId 2, linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = AText "first" }, nodeAttributes = () }, middleNode 2 $ fromS "2018-12-01T05:00", middleNode 3 $ fromS "2018-12-01T15:00", middleNode 4 $ fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", FoundNode { subjectNode = intToNodeId 5, foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T15:00", neighborLinks = return $ FoundLink { targetNode = intToNodeId 4, linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = AText "last" }, nodeAttributes = () } ] intToNodeId :: Int -> Text intToNodeId i = pack ("n" ++ show i) middleNode node_i time = FoundNode { subjectNode = sub_nid, foundAt = time, neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = intToNodeId (node_i - 1), linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = AText (sub_nid <> " to prev") }, FoundLink { targetNode = intToNodeId (node_i + 1), linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = AText (sub_nid <> " to next") } ], nodeAttributes = () } where sub_nid = intToNodeId node_i in fns, caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = multi_hop_neighbors_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "loop network", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () ()] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () } ], nodeAttributes = () }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n2", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T15:00", neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = () }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n3", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ], nodeAttributes = () }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n3", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ], nodeAttributes = () } ] in fns, caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = loop_network_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "multiple links between two nodes", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () APorts] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = APorts "p4" "p8" }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = APorts "p3" "p6" }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = APorts "p5" "p10" } ] }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n2", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = APorts "p6" "p3" }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = APorts "p10" "p5" }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = APorts "p8" "p4" } ] } ] in fns, caseQuery = queryWithAPorts "n1", caseAssert = multiple_links_assert }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "link disappears", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () ()] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ] }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n2", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [] } ] in fns, caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = \got_graph -> do let (got_ns, got_ls) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 2 V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 0 -- the n2 observes at t=200 that there is no link to n1. So the -- Spider should consider the link disappears. }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "link appears", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () ()] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ] }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n2", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [] } ] in fns, caseQuery = defQuery ["n1"], caseAssert = \got_graph -> do let (got_ns, got_ls) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 2 linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") isDirected (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` False linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 1 -- the n2 observes at t=100 that there is no link to n1, but n1 -- observes there is a link at t=200. Spider should consider the -- link appears. }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "multiple links between pair, some appear, some disappear.", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () APorts] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n2", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T20:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = links2 }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2018-12-01T10:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = links1 } ] links1 = [ FoundLink -- disappears { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = APorts "p11" "p21" }, FoundLink -- stays { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = APorts "p12" "p22" } ] links2 = [ FoundLink -- appears { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = APorts "p23" "p13" }, FoundLink -- stays { targetNode = "n1", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = APorts "p22" "p12" } ] in fns, caseQuery = queryWithAPorts "n1", caseAssert = \got_graph -> do let (got_ns, got_ls_raw) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` (Just $ fromS "2018-12-01T10:00") nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` (Just $ fromS "2018-12-01T20:00") V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 2 let got_ls = sortLinksWithAttr got_ls_raw linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` APorts "p12" "p22" linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") -- TODO: looks like this link is removed. why? S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` APorts "p13" "p23" linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 2 }, -- TODO: how linkState relates to the property of SnapshotLink ? -- especially Bidirectional links? -> important thing is that if the -- link is Bidirectional, (source, destination) of snapshot link is -- always (subject, target). SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "policyOverwrite and link disappear", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () ()] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2020-03-10T15:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n4", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ] }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2020-03-10T14:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () }, FoundLink { targetNode = "n3", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ] } ] in fns, caseQuery = (defQuery ["n1"]) { foundNodePolicy = policyOverwrite }, caseAssert = \got_graph -> do let (got_ns, got_ls) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` (Just $ fromS "2020-03-10T15:00") nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n4" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` Nothing V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 2 linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n4") linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2020-03-10T15:00" isDirected (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` False V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 1 }, SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "policyAppend", caseInput = let fns :: [FoundNode Text () ()] fns = [ FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2020-02-18T11:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n2", linkState = LinkToTarget, linkAttributes = () } ] }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2020-02-18T10:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n3", linkState = LinkToSubject, linkAttributes = () } ] }, FoundNode { subjectNode = "n1", foundAt = fromS "2020-02-18T09:00", nodeAttributes = (), neighborLinks = [ FoundLink { targetNode = "n4", linkState = LinkBidirectional, linkAttributes = () } ] } ] in fns, caseQuery = (defQuery ["n1"]) { foundNodePolicy = policyAppend }, caseAssert = \got_graph -> do let (got_ns, got_ls) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` (Just $ fromS "2020-02-18T11:00") nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` Nothing nodeId (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` "n3" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` Nothing nodeId (got_ns ! 3) `shouldBe` "n4" nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 3) `shouldBe` Nothing V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 4 linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") isDirected (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2020-02-18T11:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n4") isDirected (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` False linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` fromS "2020-02-18T09:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` ("n3", "n1") isDirected (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` fromS "2020-02-18T10:00" V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 3 } ] where one_neighbor_assert (got_ns, got_ls) = do let (got_n1, got_n2, got_link) = case (sort got_ns, sort got_ls) of ([a, b], [c]) -> (a, b, c) _ -> error ("Unexpected result: got = " ++ show (got_ns, got_ls)) nodeId got_n1 `shouldBe` "n1" isOnBoundary got_n1 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n1 `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T10:00") S.nodeAttributes got_n1 `shouldBe` Just () nodeId got_n2 `shouldBe` "n2" isOnBoundary got_n2 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n2 `shouldBe` Nothing -- n1 is not observed. S.nodeAttributes got_n2 `shouldBe` Nothing -- n1 is not observed. linkNodeTuple got_link `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") isDirected got_link `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp got_link `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T10:00" S.linkAttributes got_link `shouldBe` () no_neighbor_assert (got_ns, got_ls) = do let got_n1 = case (sort got_ns, sort got_ls) of ([a], []) -> a _ -> error ("Unexpected result: got = " ++ show (got_ns, got_ls)) nodeId got_n1 `shouldBe` "n1" isOnBoundary got_n1 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n1 `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T20:00") S.nodeAttributes got_n1 `shouldBe` Just () mutual_neighbor_assert (got_ns, got_ls) = do let (got_n1, got_n2, got_l) = case (sort got_ns, sort got_ls) of ([a,b], [c]) -> (a,b,c) _ -> error ("Unexpected result: got = " ++ show (got_ns, got_ls)) nodeId got_n1 `shouldBe` "n1" isOnBoundary got_n1 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n1 `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T10:00") S.nodeAttributes got_n1 `shouldBe` Just () nodeId got_n2 `shouldBe` "n2" isOnBoundary got_n2 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n2 `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T20:00") S.nodeAttributes got_n2 `shouldBe` Just () linkNodeTuple got_l `shouldBe` ("n2", "n1") isDirected got_l `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp got_l `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" S.linkAttributes got_l `shouldBe` () multi_findings_single_node_assert (got_ns, got_ls) = do let (got_n1, got_n2, got_n3, got_l12, got_l31) = case (sort got_ns, sort got_ls) of ([g1, g2, g3], [g4, g5]) -> (g1, g2, g3, g4, g5) _ -> error ("Unexpected patter: got = " ++ show (got_ns, got_ls)) nodeId got_n1 `shouldBe` "n1" isOnBoundary got_n1 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n1 `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T20:00") S.nodeAttributes got_n1 `shouldBe` Just (AText "at 20:00") nodeId got_n2 `shouldBe` "n2" isOnBoundary got_n2 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n2 `shouldBe` Nothing S.nodeAttributes got_n2 `shouldBe` Nothing nodeId got_n3 `shouldBe` "n3" isOnBoundary got_n3 `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp got_n3 `shouldBe` Nothing S.nodeAttributes got_n3 `shouldBe` Nothing linkNodeTuple got_l12 `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") isDirected got_l12 `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp got_l12 `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" linkNodeTuple got_l31 `shouldBe` ("n3", "n1") isDirected got_l31 `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp got_l31 `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" multi_hop_neighbors_assert got_graph = do let (got_ns, got_ls) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T10:00") S.nodeAttributes (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` Just () nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T05:00") S.nodeAttributes (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` Just () nodeId (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` "n3" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T15:00") S.nodeAttributes (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` Just () nodeId (got_ns ! 3) `shouldBe` "n4" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 3) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 3) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T20:00") S.nodeAttributes (got_ns ! 3) `shouldBe` Just () nodeId (got_ns ! 4) `shouldBe` "n5" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 4) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 4) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T15:00") S.nodeAttributes (got_ns ! 4) `shouldBe` Just () V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 5 linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") isDirected (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T10:00" S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` AText "first" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` ("n2", "n3") isDirected (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T15:00" S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` AText "n3 to prev" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` ("n3", "n4") isDirected (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` AText "n4 to prev" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 3) `shouldBe` ("n4", "n5") isDirected (got_ls ! 3) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 3) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 3) `shouldBe` AText "n4 to next" V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 4 loop_network_assert got_graph = do let (got_ns, got_ls) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T10:00") nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T15:00") nodeId (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` "n3" isOnBoundary (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` False nodeTimestamp (got_ns ! 2) `shouldBe` Just (fromS "2018-12-01T10:00") V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 3 linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") isDirected (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T15:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` ("n2", "n3") isDirected (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` False linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T15:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` ("n3", "n1") isDirected (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` True linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T10:00" multiple_links_assert got_graph = do let (got_ns, got_ls_raw) = sortSnapshotElements got_graph nodeId (got_ns ! 0) `shouldBe` "n1" nodeId (got_ns ! 1) `shouldBe` "n2" V.length got_ns `shouldBe` 2 let got_ls = sortLinksWithAttr got_ls_raw linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` APorts "p3" "p6" linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 0) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` APorts "p4" "p8" linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 1) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" linkNodeTuple (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` ("n1", "n2") S.linkAttributes (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` APorts "p5" "p10" linkTimestamp (got_ls ! 2) `shouldBe` fromS "2018-12-01T20:00" V.length got_ls `shouldBe` 3 -- | \"Traverses\" test cases involve traversing graphs. For example, -- it checks some nodes are not reachable from the starting node. traverses :: [SnapshotTestCase] traverses = [ SnapshotTestCase { caseName = "missing starting node", caseInput = oneNeighborFoundNodes, caseQuery = defQuery ["no node"], caseAssert = \(got_ns, got_ls) -> do got_ns `shouldBe` mempty got_ls `shouldBe` mempty } ]