{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields, FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{- |The Data.IP library exports IPv4 and IPv6 address and header structures.

   Patches to add more parsing and pretty printing are welcome.

   There is currently no support for options fields of the IP header.
module Data.IP
	( IPv4 (..)
	, IPv4Header (..)
	, IPv4Flag (..)
	, dummyIPv4Header
	, module Data.IPv6
	, ipv4
	) where

import Control.Monad (sequence)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import Data.Binary
import Data.Binary.Put
import Data.Binary.Get
import Data.CSum
import Data.List
import Data.IPv6
import Data.Header
import Data.Bits
import Text.PrettyPrint
import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJClass
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Prim

-- |For IPv4 addresses.  The internal representation is a bytestring so
-- use the pretty print 'ipv4' function as needed (instead of 'show').
data IPv4 = IPv4 B.ByteString deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

instance Binary IPv4 where
	put (IPv4 b) = putLazyByteString b
	get = getLazyByteString 4 >>= return . IPv4

-- |Don't fragment, more fragment and reserved flags
data IPv4Flag = DF | MF | Res deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)

instance Enum [IPv4Flag] where
	fromEnum xs = foldl' (.|.) 0 $ map fromEnum1 xs
	toEnum f = map snd $ filter fst [(testBit f 0, Res), (testBit f 1, MF), (testBit f 2, DF)]

fromEnum1 DF   = 4
fromEnum1 MF   = 2
fromEnum1 Res  = 1

-- |This IPv4 header structure lacks support for options.  Ints are used
-- for most integral data types and the binary instance hands the bit packing.
-- No warning is provided if a field is overflowed!
data IPv4Header =
	IPv4Hdr { hdrLength		:: Int
		, version		:: Int
		, tos			:: Int
		, payloadLength		:: Int
		, ipID			:: Int
		, flags			:: [IPv4Flag]
		, fragmentOffset	:: Int
		, ttl			:: Int
		, protocol		:: Int
		, checksum		:: CSum
		, source		:: IPv4
		, destination		:: IPv4
	} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- |A dummy header with zeroed fields except version, header length and TTL (255).
dummyIPv4Header = IPv4Hdr 5 4 0 0 0 [] 0 255 0 0 ipv4zero ipv4zero

ipv4zero = IPv4 (B.pack [0,0,0,0])

instance Binary IPv4Header where
  put (IPv4Hdr ihl ver tos len id flags off ttl prot csum src dst) = do
	pW8 $ (ihl .&. 0xF) .|. (ver `shiftL` 4 .&. 0xF0)
	pW8 tos
	pW16 len
	pW16 id
	let offFlags = (off .&. 0x1FFF) .|. fromIntegral (fromEnum flags `shiftL` 13)
	pW16 offFlags
	pW8 ttl
	pW8 prot
	put csum
	put src
	put dst

  get = do
	ihlVer <- gW8
	let ihl = (ihlVer .&. 0xF)
	    ver = (ihlVer `shiftR` 4) .&. 0xF
	tos <- gW8
	len <- gW16
	id  <- gW16
	offFlags <- gW16
	let off = offFlags .&. 0x1FFF
	    flags = toEnum $ offFlags `shiftR` 13
	ttl <- gW8
	prot <- gW8
	csum <- get
	src <- get
	dst <- get
	return $ IPv4Hdr ihl ver tos len id flags off ttl prot csum src dst

gW8 = getWord8 >>= return . fromIntegral
gW16 = getWord16be >>= return . fromIntegral
pW8 = putWord8 . fromIntegral
pW16 = putWord16be . fromIntegral
pW32 = putWord32be . fromIntegral

-- L3Header and L3Address instances (see Data.Header)
instance L3Header IPv4Header IPv4 CSum where
	getChecksum = checksum
	setChecksum h c = h { checksum = c }
	src = source
	dst = destination
	pseudoHeader h = runPut (do
		put (src h)
		put (dst h)
		putWord8 0
		pW8 $ fromIntegral (protocol h)
		pW16 (payloadLength h))
	computeChecksum h = csum16 (encode (zeroChecksum h))

instance L3Address IPv4 IPv4Header where
	localBroadcast (IPv4 a) = IPv4 $ B.concat [B.pack [0xFF], B.drop 1 a]
	globalBroadcast = IPv4 $ B.replicate 4 0xFF

-- Pretty Printing and parsing instances
instance Pretty IPv4 where
	pPrint (IPv4 i) = cat . intersperse (char '.') . map (int . fromIntegral) $ (B.unpack i)

ipv4 = do
	a <- octet
	P.char '.'
	b <- octet
	P.char '.'
	c <- octet
	P.char '.'
	d <- octet
	return $ IPv4 $ B.pack [a, b, c, d]
	"Expected IPv4 Address"

octet = do
	d <- P.many1 P.digit
	let s = toEnum $ read d
	return s