Typical use cases for this module are:

 - binding a packet socket to an interface (combining 'mkBindSockAddrLl' and 'Network.Socket.Address.bind')
 - sending raw packets (combining 'mkSendSockAddrLl' and 'Network.Socket.Address.sendTo')
 - receiving data from a packet socket (using 'Network.Socket.Address.recvFrom')

Here's an example of binding to an interface and receiving packets:

main :: IO ()
main = do
  -- Open a raw packet socket, receiving all protocols
  sock <- socket AF_PACKET Raw (toProtocolNumber ETH_P_ALL)

  -- Get the index of the eth0 interface, or fall back to "any interface" (0) if "eth0" doesn't exist
  ifIndex <- fromMaybe 0 \<\$\> ifNameToIndex "eth0"

  -- Bind the socket to the interface index found above
  bind sock (mkBindSockAddrLl AF_PACKET ETH_P_ALL ifIndex)

  -- Print the length of the next 10 packets received on the interface:
  replicateM_ 10 $ do
    msg <- recv sock 4096
    putStrLn $ "Received " ++ (show . BS.length) msg ++ " bytes"

  -- Close the socket
  close sock

See [packet (7)](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/packet.7.html) for more information about packet sockets.
module Network.Socket.Linux (
    -- * sockaddr_ll type
    , sllPktType
    , physicalAddress
    , mkBindSockAddrLl
    , mkSendSockAddrLl
    , IfIndex
    , PhysicalAddress
    , PhysicalAddressBytes
    , addressLength
    , address
    , mkPhysicalAddress
    , macAddress

    -- * ProtocolId
    , ProtocolId(GeneralProtocolId, UnsupportedProtocolId
    , isSupportedProtocolId
    , toProtocolNumber

    -- * PacketType
    , PacketType(GeneralPacketType, UnsupportedPacketType
    , isSupportedPacketType
    ) where

import Network.Socket.Linux.Types