{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-} module Network.Transport.TCP.Mock.Socket ( -- * Types HostName , ServiceName , Socket , SocketType(..) , SocketOption(..) , AddrInfo(..) , Family , SockAddr , ProtocolNumber , ShutdownCmd(..) -- * Functions , getAddrInfo , socket , bindSocket , listen , setSocketOption , accept , sClose , connect , shutdown -- * Constants , defaultHints , defaultProtocol , sOMAXCONN -- * Debugging API , scheduleReadAction -- * Internal API , writeSocket , readSocket , Message(..) ) where import Data.Word (Word8) import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Control.Exception (throwIO) import Control.Category ((>>>)) import Control.Concurrent.MVar import Control.Concurrent.Chan import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO) import Data.Accessor (Accessor, accessor, (^=), (^.), (^:)) import qualified Data.Accessor.Container as DAC (mapMaybe) import System.Timeout (timeout) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Mock state -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- data MockState = MockState { _boundSockets :: !(Map SockAddr Socket) , _nextSocketId :: !Int , _validHostnames :: [HostName] } initialMockState :: MockState initialMockState = MockState { _boundSockets = Map.empty , _nextSocketId = 0 , _validHostnames = ["localhost", ""] } mockState :: MVar MockState {-# NOINLINE mockState #-} mockState = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar initialMockState get :: Accessor MockState a -> IO a get acc = timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ withMVar mockState $ return . (^. acc) set :: Accessor MockState a -> a -> IO () set acc val = timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar_ mockState $ return . (acc ^= val) boundSockets :: Accessor MockState (Map SockAddr Socket) boundSockets = accessor _boundSockets (\bs st -> st { _boundSockets = bs }) boundSocketAt :: SockAddr -> Accessor MockState (Maybe Socket) boundSocketAt addr = boundSockets >>> DAC.mapMaybe addr nextSocketId :: Accessor MockState Int nextSocketId = accessor _nextSocketId (\sid st -> st { _nextSocketId = sid }) validHostnames :: Accessor MockState [HostName] validHostnames = accessor _validHostnames (\ns st -> st { _validHostnames = ns }) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- The public API (mirroring Network.Socket) -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type HostName = String type ServiceName = String type PortNumber = String type HostAddress = String data SocketType = Stream data SocketOption = ReuseAddr data ShutdownCmd = ShutdownSend data Family data ProtocolNumber data Socket = Socket { socketState :: MVar SocketState , socketDescription :: String } data SocketState = Uninit | BoundSocket { socketBacklog :: Chan (Socket, SockAddr, MVar Socket) } | Connected { socketBuff :: Chan Message , _socketPeer :: Maybe Socket , _scheduledReadActions :: [(Int, IO ())] } | Closed data Message = Payload Word8 | CloseSocket data AddrInfo = AddrInfo { addrFamily :: Family , addrAddress :: SockAddr } data SockAddr = SockAddrInet PortNumber HostAddress deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) instance Show AddrInfo where show = show . addrAddress instance Show Socket where show sock = "<>" socketPeer :: Accessor SocketState (Maybe Socket) socketPeer = accessor _socketPeer (\peer st -> st { _socketPeer = peer }) scheduledReadActions :: Accessor SocketState [(Int, IO ())] scheduledReadActions = accessor _scheduledReadActions (\acts st -> st { _scheduledReadActions = acts }) getAddrInfo :: Maybe AddrInfo -> Maybe HostName -> Maybe ServiceName -> IO [AddrInfo] getAddrInfo _ (Just host) (Just port) = do validHosts <- get validHostnames if host `elem` validHosts then return . return $ AddrInfo { addrFamily = error "Family unused" , addrAddress = SockAddrInet port host } else throwSocketError $ "getAddrInfo: invalid hostname '" ++ host ++ "'" getAddrInfo _ _ _ = error "getAddrInfo: unsupported arguments" defaultHints :: AddrInfo defaultHints = error "defaultHints not implemented" socket :: Family -> SocketType -> ProtocolNumber -> IO Socket socket _ Stream _ = do state <- newMVar Uninit sid <- get nextSocketId set nextSocketId (sid + 1) return Socket { socketState = state , socketDescription = show sid } bindSocket :: Socket -> SockAddr -> IO () bindSocket sock addr = do timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar_ (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Uninit -> do backlog <- newChan return BoundSocket { socketBacklog = backlog } _ -> throwSocketError "bind: socket already initialized" set (boundSocketAt addr) (Just sock) listen :: Socket -> Int -> IO () listen _ _ = return () defaultProtocol :: ProtocolNumber defaultProtocol = error "defaultProtocol not implemented" setSocketOption :: Socket -> SocketOption -> Int -> IO () setSocketOption _ ReuseAddr 1 = return () setSocketOption _ _ _ = error "setSocketOption: unsupported arguments" accept :: Socket -> IO (Socket, SockAddr) accept serverSock = do backlog <- timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ withMVar (socketState serverSock) $ \st -> case st of BoundSocket {} -> return (socketBacklog st) _ -> throwSocketError "accept: socket not bound" (theirSocket, theirAddress, reply) <- readChan backlog ourBuff <- newChan ourState <- newMVar Connected { socketBuff = ourBuff , _socketPeer = Just theirSocket , _scheduledReadActions = [] } let ourSocket = Socket { socketState = ourState , socketDescription = "" } timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ putMVar reply ourSocket return (ourSocket, theirAddress) sClose :: Socket -> IO () sClose sock = do -- Close the peer socket writeSocket sock CloseSocket -- Close our socket timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar_ (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> do -- In case there is a parallel read stuck on a readChan writeChan (socketBuff st) CloseSocket return Closed _ -> return Closed connect :: Socket -> SockAddr -> IO () connect us serverAddr = do mServer <- get (boundSocketAt serverAddr) case mServer of Just server -> do serverBacklog <- timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ withMVar (socketState server) $ \st -> case st of BoundSocket {} -> return (socketBacklog st) _ -> throwSocketError "connect: server socket not bound" reply <- newEmptyMVar writeChan serverBacklog (us, SockAddrInet "" "", reply) them <- timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ readMVar reply timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar_ (socketState us) $ \st -> case st of Uninit -> do buff <- newChan return Connected { socketBuff = buff , _socketPeer = Just them , _scheduledReadActions = [] } _ -> throwSocketError "connect: already connected" Nothing -> throwSocketError "connect: unknown address" sOMAXCONN :: Int sOMAXCONN = error "sOMAXCONN not implemented" shutdown :: Socket -> ShutdownCmd -> IO () shutdown sock ShutdownSend = do writeSocket sock CloseSocket timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar_ (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> return (socketPeer ^= Nothing $ st) _ -> return st -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Functions with no direct public counterpart -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- peerBuffer :: Socket -> IO (Either String (Chan Message)) peerBuffer sock = do mPeer <- timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ withMVar (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> return (st ^. socketPeer) _ -> return Nothing case mPeer of Just peer -> timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ withMVar (socketState peer) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> return (Right (socketBuff st)) _ -> return (Left "Peer socket closed") Nothing -> return (Left "Socket closed") throwSocketError :: String -> IO a throwSocketError = throwIO . userError writeSocket :: Socket -> Message -> IO () writeSocket sock msg = do theirBuff <- peerBuffer sock case theirBuff of Right buff -> writeChan buff msg Left err -> case msg of Payload _ -> throwSocketError $ "writeSocket: " ++ err CloseSocket -> return () readSocket :: Socket -> IO (Maybe Word8) readSocket sock = do mBuff <- timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> do let (later, now) = tick $ st ^. scheduledReadActions return ( scheduledReadActions ^= later $ st , Just (socketBuff st, now) ) _ -> return (st, Nothing) case mBuff of Just (buff, actions) -> do sequence actions msg <- timeoutThrow readSocketThreshold $ readChan buff case msg of Payload w -> return (Just w) CloseSocket -> timeoutThrow mvarThreshold $ modifyMVar (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> return (Closed, Nothing) _ -> throwSocketError "readSocket: socket in unexpected state" Nothing -> return Nothing -- | Given a list of scheduled actions, reduce all delays by 1, and return the -- actions that should be executed now. tick :: [(Int, IO ())] -> ([(Int, IO ())], [IO ()]) tick = go [] [] where go later now [] = (reverse later, reverse now) go later now ((n, action) : actions) | n == 0 = go later (action : now) actions | otherwise = go ((n - 1, action) : later) now actions -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Debugging API -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Schedule an action to be executed after /n/ reads on this socket -- -- If /n/ is zero we execute the action immediately. scheduleReadAction :: Socket -> Int -> IO () -> IO () scheduleReadAction _ 0 action = action scheduleReadAction sock n action = modifyMVar_ (socketState sock) $ \st -> case st of Connected {} -> return (scheduledReadActions ^: ((n, action) :) $ st) _ -> throwSocketError "scheduleReadAction: socket not connected" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Util -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mvarThreshold :: Int mvarThreshold = 1000000 readSocketThreshold :: Int readSocketThreshold = 10000000 timeoutThrow :: Int -> IO a -> IO a timeoutThrow n p = do ma <- timeout n p case ma of Just a -> return a Nothing -> throwIO (userError "timeout")