{- |
Copyright   :  (c) Henning Thielemann 2008

Maintainer  :  haskell@henning-thielemann.de
Stability   :  stable
Portability :  Haskell 98

This module contains internal functions (*Unsafe)
that I had liked to re-use in the NumericPrelude type hierarchy.
However since the Eq and Ord instance already require the Num class,
we cannot use that in the NumericPrelude.
module Numeric.NonNegative.ChunkyPrivate
   (T, fromChunks, fromNumber, toChunks, toNumber,
    zero, normalize, isNull, isPositive,
    fromChunksUnsafe, toChunksUnsafe, ) where

import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg
import Numeric.NonNegative.Class ((-|), )
import Control.Monad (liftM, liftM2)

import qualified Data.Monoid as Mn
import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary(arbitrary))

{- |
A chunky non-negative number is a list of non-negative numbers.
It represents the sum of the list elements.
It is possible to represent a finite number with infinitely many chunks
by using an infinite number of zeros.

Note the following problems:

Addition is commutative only for finite representations.
E.g. @let y = min (1+y) 2 in y@ is defined,
@let y = min (y+1) 2 in y@ is not.
newtype T a = Cons {decons :: [a]}

fromChunks :: NonNeg.C a => [a] -> T a
fromChunks = Cons

fromNumber :: NonNeg.C a => a -> T a
fromNumber = fromChunks . (:[])

{- |
This routine exposes the inner structure of the lazy number.
toChunks :: T a -> [a]
toChunks = decons

toNumber :: NonNeg.C a => T a -> a
toNumber =  sum . decons

instance (Show a) => Show (T a) where
   showsPrec p x =
      showParen (p>10)
         (showString "Chunky.fromChunks " . showsPrec 10 (decons x))

lift2 :: ([a] -> [a] -> [a]) -> (T a -> T a -> T a)
lift2 f (Cons x) (Cons y) = Cons $ f x y

zero :: T a
zero = Cons []

{- |
Remove zero chunks.
normalize :: NonNeg.C a => T a -> T a
normalize = Cons . filter (>0) . decons

isNullList :: NonNeg.C a => [a] -> Bool
isNullList = null . filter (>0)

isNull :: NonNeg.C a => T a -> Bool
isNull = isNullList . decons
  -- null . decons . normalize

isPositive :: NonNeg.C a => T a -> Bool
isPositive = not . isNull

check :: String -> Bool -> a -> a
check funcName b x =
   if b
     then x
     else error ("Numeric.NonNegative.Chunky."++funcName++": negative number")

glue :: (NonNeg.C a) => [a] -> [a] -> ([a], [a], Bool)
glue [] ys = ([], ys, True)
glue xs [] = ([], xs, False)
glue (x:xs) (y:ys) =
   let (z,(zs,rs,b)) =
           case compare x y of
              LT -> (x, glue xs ((y-|x):ys))
              GT -> (y, glue ((x-|y):xs) ys)
              EQ -> (x, glue xs ys)
   in  (z:zs,rs,b)

{- |
In @minMaxDiff x y == (z,r,b)@
@z@ represents @min x y@,
@r@ represents @max x y - min x y@,
and @x<y  ==>  b@ or @x>y  ==>  not b@,
 for @x==y@ the value of b is arbitrary.
minMaxDiff :: (NonNeg.C a) => T a -> T a -> (T a, T a, Bool)
minMaxDiff (Cons xs) (Cons ys) =
   let (zs, rs, b) = glue xs ys
   in  (Cons zs, Cons rs, b)

equalList :: (NonNeg.C a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
equalList x y =
   let (_,r,_) = glue x y
   in  isNullList r

compareList :: (NonNeg.C a) => [a] -> [a] -> Ordering
compareList x y =
   let (_,r,b) = glue x y
   in  if isNullList r
         then EQ
         else if b then LT else GT

minList :: (NonNeg.C a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
minList x y =
   let (z,_,_) = glue x y in z

maxList :: (NonNeg.C a) => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
maxList x y =
   let (z,r,_) = glue x y in z++r

instance (NonNeg.C a) => Eq (T a) where
   (Cons x) == (Cons y) = equalList x y

instance (NonNeg.C a) => Ord (T a) where
   compare (Cons x) (Cons y) = compareList x y
   min = lift2 minList
   max = lift2 maxList

instance (NonNeg.C a) => NonNeg.C (T a) where
   (Cons x) -| (Cons w) =
      let sub _ [] = []
          sub z (y:ys) =
             if z<y then (y-|z):ys else sub (z-|y) ys
      in  Cons (foldr sub x w)

instance (NonNeg.C a) => Num (T a) where
   (+)    = Mn.mappend
   (Cons x) - (Cons y) =
      let (_,d,b) = glue x y
          d' = Cons d
      in check "-" (not b || isNull d') d'
   negate x = check "negate" (isNull x) x
   fromInteger = fromNumber . fromInteger
   (*)    = lift2 (liftM2 (*))
   abs    = id
   signum = fromNumber . (\b -> if b then 1 else 0) . isPositive

instance Mn.Monoid (T a) where
   mempty = zero
   mappend = lift2 (++)

instance (NonNeg.C a, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (T a) where
   arbitrary = liftM Cons arbitrary

{- * Functions that may break invariants -}

fromChunksUnsafe :: [a] -> T a
fromChunksUnsafe = Cons

{- |
This routine exposes the inner structure of the lazy number
and is actually the same as 'toChunks'.
It was considered dangerous,
but you can observe the lazy structure
in tying-the-knot applications anyway.
So the explicit revelation of the chunks seems not to be worse.
toChunksUnsafe :: T a -> [a]
toChunksUnsafe = decons