- DepTree.hs - generate a tree to store file, dependency, and source information
-              for a given noodle source file. Used by the interpreter to load
-              module imports, and associate error messages with the appropriate
-              source files.
 - Author: Jesse Rudolph <jesse.rudolph@gmail.com>
 - See LICENSE for licensing details
 ----------------------------------------------------------------- -}

module Language.Noodle.DepTree
    ( SourceFile(..)
    , parseDeps ) where

import System.FilePath
import System.Directory
import System.IO

{- this module is here to provide a basis of operations on noodle programs in relation to the file system -}

-- data structure that represents a parsable source file,
-- where it is on disk, what its filename is, and all of its dependencies
data SourceFile
    = SF { srcName :: FilePath
         , srcDir  :: FilePath
         , srcBody :: String
         , srcDeps :: [SourceFile] }

-- self indenting instance of show for SourceFile
instance Show SourceFile where
    show sf = show' 0 sf
ind 0 = ""
ind 1 = "  "
ind n = ind 1 ++ ind (n-1)
show' n sf = let indn = ind n
             in indn ++ "Source File: \n" ++
                indn ++ " name -" ++ show (srcName sf) ++ "\n" ++
                indn ++ " dir  -" ++ show (srcDir sf)  ++ "\n" ++
                indn ++ " body -" ++ show (srcBody sf) ++ "\n" ++
                indn ++ if null (srcDeps sf)
                           then " deps - NONE\n"
                           else " deps - (\n" ++ concat (map (show' (n+1)) (srcDeps sf)) ++ indn ++ " )\n"

-- generate a source file dependency tree from a a set of search paths and the filename of the source file
parseDeps :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Either String SourceFile)
parseDeps fp f = do curdir <- getCurrentDirectory
                    parseDeps' (curdir:fp) f

parseDeps' searchps file
    = do mabs <- mFindAbsolute searchps file
         let justFileName = takeFileName file
         case mabs of -- find a usable path to the file, if one exists
              Nothing -> return $ Left $ "unable to find '" ++ file ++ "' in search path"
              Just absname ->
                do let justDirName  = dropFileName absname -- absolute path to directory containing 'file'
                       newSearchps = justDirName : searchps -- add justDirName to search path
                   eHeader <-readDeps absname
                   case eHeader of -- get a list of dependency paths, if the header is valid
                        Left s -> return $ Left s
                        Right (depnames,src) ->
                            do eDepSrcs <- mapM (parseDeps' newSearchps) depnames
                               case sqshDepSrcs eDepSrcs of -- get SourceFile structures for dependencies
                                    Left s -> return $ Left $ file ++": " ++ s
                                    Right depsrcs -> return $ Right $
                                        SF { srcName = justFileName
                                           , srcDir  = justDirName
                                           , srcBody = src
                                           , srcDeps = depsrcs }

         -- convert from a list of either values to the first Left, or Right of a list of SourceFiles
         sqshDepSrcs :: [Either String SourceFile] -> Either String [SourceFile]
         sqshDepSrcs [] = Right []
         sqshDepSrcs (Left s:_) = Left s
         sqshDepSrcs (Right d:eds) = case sqshDepSrcs eds of
                                   Left s   -> Left s
                                   Right ds -> Right (d:ds)

         -- try to find the absolute path of a file name in relation to the search paths
         mFindAbsolute :: [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
         mFindAbsolute [] file         = return Nothing
         mFindAbsolute (dir:dirs) file
             = do let absPath = (if isAbsolute file then file else combine dir file)
                  exists <- doesFileExist absPath
                  if exists
                     then return $ Just absPath
                     else mFindAbsolute dirs file

-- read an existing source file from disk, and pass it to parseHeader, returning either
-- the result of parseHeader, or an error message if the file is unreadable
readDeps :: FilePath -> IO (Either String ([FilePath],String))
readDeps file = do p <- getPermissions file
                   if readable p
                      then do source <- readFile file
                              return $ Right $ parseHeader source
                      else return $ Left $ "insufficient permissions to read '" ++ file ++ "'"

-- parse the header of a source file, returning a list of dependency paths, and the source
-- text modulo header information. Header lines are replaced with blank lines to preserve source
-- line numbering. If the header is malformed, parseHeader returns ([],[])
parseHeader :: String -> ([FilePath],String)
parseHeader rawsrc = let parseme = case lines rawsrc of
                              (('#':'!':_):rest) -> "":rest
                              noshebang          -> noshebang
                         (ds,ls)  = parseH ([],parseme)
                     in (ds,unlines ls)
      parseH (d,[])    = (d,[])
      parseH (d,l:ls)
        = case words l of
               []                 -> let (fd,fls) = parseH (d,ls) -- blank lines are ok, but preserve them
                                     in (fd,"":fls)
               ("import":[])      -> ([],[])
               ("import":file:[]) ->
                    if isValid file && isRelative file -- i dont think absolute paths make much sense
                       then parseH (d ++ [file],"":ls)
                       else ([],[])
               _                  -> (d,(l:ls))        -- everything else is source code