module Main (main) where import qualified Conduit import qualified Control.Concurrent.MVar as MVar import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy import qualified Data.List import qualified Debug import qualified Expect import qualified Http import qualified Http.Mock import qualified Log.HttpRequest as HttpRequest import qualified Network.HTTP.Types.Status as Status import qualified Network.Wai as Wai import qualified Network.Wai.Handler.Warp as Warp import qualified Platform import qualified Task import Test (Test, describe, test) import qualified Test import qualified Prelude main :: Prelude.IO () main = tests tests :: Test tests = describe "Http" [ test "Given a request made using `get` when the response has a 200 status code the task return succeeds" <| \() -> withServer (constant "" Status.ok200) ( \http url -> do Http.get http url Http.expectWhatever |> Expect.succeeds ), test "Given a request made using `get` when the response has a 400 status code the task fails with a BadStatus error" <| \() -> withServer (constant "" Status.badRequest400) ( \http url -> do err <- Http.get http url Http.expectWhatever |> Expect.fails err |> Expect.equal (Http.BadStatus 400) ), test "Given a request made using `get` that expects a JSON response when the response includes the right JSON it is returned decoded" <| \() -> withServer (constant "[1,2,3]" Status.ok200) ( \http url -> do response <- Http.get http url Http.expectJson |> Expect.succeeds response |> Expect.equal [1, 2, 3 :: Int] ), test "Given a request made using `get` that expects a JSON response when the JSON in the responses can not be decoded we fail with a BadBody error" <| \() -> withServer (constant "12" Status.ok200) ( \http url -> do err <- Http.get http url (Http.expectJson :: Http.Expect Text) |> Expect.fails err |> Expect.equal (Http.BadBody "Error in $: parsing Text failed, expected String, but encountered Number") ), test "When a request is made using `get` to an invalid URL we fail with a BadUrl error" <| \() -> withServer (constant "" Status.ok200) ( \http _ -> do err <- Http.get http "ceci n'est pas un URL" Http.expectWhatever |> Expect.fails err |> Expect.equal (Http.BadUrl "Invalid URL") ), test "When a request is made using `get` with a json body the `Content-Type` header is set to `application/json`" <| \() -> do request <- expectRequest ( \http url -> http url (Http.jsonBody ()) Http.expectWhatever ) request |> Wai.requestHeaders |> Data.List.lookup "content-type" |> Expect.equal (Just "application/json"), test "When a request is made using `get` with a json body the JSON is encoded correctly" <| \() -> do request <- expectRequest ( \http url -> http url (Http.jsonBody [1, 2, 3 :: Int]) Http.expectWhatever ) body <- Expect.fromIO (Wai.strictRequestBody request) Expect.equal "[1,2,3]" body, test "When a request is made using `get` with a string body the `Content-Type` header is set to provided mime type" <| \() -> do request <- expectRequest ( \http url -> http url (Http.stringBody "element/fire" "WOOSH") Http.expectWhatever ) request |> Wai.requestHeaders |> Data.List.lookup "content-type" |> Expect.equal (Just "element/fire"), test "Http requests report the span data we expect" <| \_ -> withServer (constant "" Status.ok200) ( \http url -> do span <- Http.get http url Http.expectWhatever |> spanForTask Debug.toString span |> Expect.equalToContentsOf "test/golden-results/expected-http-span" ), test "Http.Mock.stub" <| \_ -> do urlsAccessed <- Http.Mock.stub [Http.Mock.mkStub (\req -> Task.succeed (Http.url req, "Response!" :: Text))] ( \http -> Expect.succeeds <| do _ <- Http.get http "" Http.expectText _ <- Http.get http "" Http.expectText Task.succeed () ) urlsAccessed |> Expect.equal ["", ""] ] -- # Wai applications to test against -- WAI NOT? -- | A web application that returns the same response to every request. constant :: Data.ByteString.Lazy.ByteString -> Status.Status -> Wai.Application constant body status _ respond = Wai.responseLBS status [] body |> respond -- | Run a temporary web application to send requests to. withServer :: Wai.Application -> (Http.Handler -> Text -> Expect.Expectation) -> Expect.Expectation withServer app run = do log <- Expect.succeeds Platform.logHandler doAnything <- Expect.fromIO Platform.doAnythingHandler Expect.around ( \runTask -> withServerIO log app (\http host -> runTask (http, host)) |> Platform.doAnything doAnything ) (\(http, host) -> run http host) -- | Run a temporary web application to send requests to. withServerIO :: Platform.LogHandler -> Wai.Application -> (Http.Handler -> Text -> Task e a) -> Prelude.IO (Result e a) withServerIO log app run = do Conduit.withAcquire Http.handler <| \http -> Warp.testWithApplication (Prelude.pure app) ( \port -> run http ("http://localhost:" ++ Text.fromInt (Prelude.fromIntegral port)) |> Task.attempt log ) -- | Run a temporary web application that handles a single request, and then -- immediately returns that request so you can run expectations against it. -- -- Useful if you want to check properties of requests you send. expectRequest :: Show e => (Http.Handler -> Text -> Task e a) -> Expect.Expectation' Wai.Request expectRequest run = do let app req _respond = Exception.throwIO (FirstRequest req) log <- Expect.succeeds Platform.logHandler either <- Expect.fromIO <| Exception.try (withServerIO log app run) Expect.succeeds <| case either of Prelude.Left (FirstRequest req) -> Task.succeed req Prelude.Right (Ok _) -> "Expected a request, but none was received." Prelude.Right (Err err) -> (Debug.toString err) newtype FirstRequest = FirstRequest Wai.Request deriving (Show) instance Exception.Exception FirstRequest spanForTask :: Show e => Task e () -> Expect.Expectation' Platform.TracingSpan spanForTask task = do spanVar <- Expect.fromIO MVar.newEmptyMVar res <- Expect.fromIO <| do Platform.rootTracingSpanIO "test-request" (MVar.putMVar spanVar) "test-root" (\log -> Task.attempt log task) Expect.ok res span <- Expect.fromIO (MVar.takeMVar spanVar) constantValuesForVariableFields span |> Task.succeed |> Expect.succeeds -- | Timestamps recorded in spans would make each test result different from the -- last. This helper sets all timestamps to zero to prevent this. -- -- Similarly the host URI changes in each test, because `warp` pickes a random -- free port to run a test webserver on. To prevent this from failing tests we -- set the URI to a standard value. constantValuesForVariableFields :: Platform.TracingSpan -> Platform.TracingSpan constantValuesForVariableFields span = span { Platform.started = 0, Platform.finished = 0, Platform.details = Platform.details span |> andThen ( \details -> Platform.renderTracingSpanDetails [ Platform.Renderer ( \(HttpRequest.Outgoing httpDetails) -> httpDetails { = Just "mock-uri"} |> HttpRequest.Outgoing |> Platform.toTracingSpanDetails ) ] details ), Platform.allocated = 0, Platform.summary = Just "mock-uri", Platform.children = map constantValuesForVariableFields (Platform.children span) }