{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} module Kafka.Worker.Internal where import qualified Conduit import qualified Control.Concurrent import qualified Control.Concurrent.Async as Async import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM as STM import qualified Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar as TVar import qualified Control.Exception.Safe as Exception import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.UUID import qualified Data.UUID.V4 import qualified Dict import qualified GHC.Clock import qualified Kafka.Consumer as Consumer import qualified Kafka.Internal as Kafka import qualified Kafka.Metadata import qualified Kafka.Worker.Analytics as Analytics import qualified Kafka.Worker.Fetcher as Fetcher import qualified Kafka.Worker.Partition as Partition import qualified Kafka.Worker.Settings as Settings import qualified Kafka.Worker.Stopping as Stopping import qualified Observability import qualified Set import qualified System.Environment import qualified System.Exit import qualified System.Posix.Process import qualified System.Posix.Signals as Signals import qualified Prelude -- | Alias for a TopicName and PartitionId, something every message will have type PartitionKey = (Consumer.TopicName, Consumer.PartitionId) type AllPartitions = TVar.TVar (Dict.Dict PartitionKey Partition.Partition) data Rebalance = Assign | Revoking | Revoked deriving (Show) type RebalanceInfo = TVar.TVar (Dict.Dict PartitionKey (Rebalance, Float)) data State = State { partitions :: AllPartitions, -- | When we receive a shutdown signal this variable will change. Threads -- should stop processing new messages to allow the process to shut down. stopping :: Stopping.Stopping, analytics :: Analytics.Analytics, rebalanceInfo :: RebalanceInfo } -- | The topics this worker should subscribe too. At the moment this library -- only supports subscribing to a single topic. data TopicSubscription = TopicSubscription { topic :: Kafka.Topic, onMessage :: Partition.MessageCallback, offsetSource :: OffsetSource } -- | Params needed to write / read offsets to another data store data PartitionOffset = PartitionOffset { -- | The partition of a topic. partitionId :: Int, -- | The partition's offset. offset :: Int } -- | Create a subscription for a topic. -- -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > settings <- Environment.decode decoder -- > let subscription = -- > subscription -- > "the-topic" -- > (\msg -> Debug.todo "Process your message here!") -- > process settings subscription subscription :: (Aeson.FromJSON msg, Aeson.ToJSON msg) => Text -> (msg -> Task Text ()) -> TopicSubscription subscription topic callback = TopicSubscription { topic = Kafka.Topic topic, onMessage = Partition.MessageCallback ( \_ msg -> do callback msg Task.succeed Partition.NoSeek ), offsetSource = InKafka } -- | Create a subscription for a topic and manage offsets for that topic -- yourself. -- -- You'll need to tell Kafka where it can read starting offsets. When passed -- a message you can also tell Kafka to seek to a different offset. -- -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > settings <- Environment.decode decoder -- > let subscription = -- > subscriptionManageOwnOffsets -- > "the-topic" -- > (\partitions -> -- > sql -- > "SELECT partition, offset FROM offsets WHERE partition = %" -- > [partitions] ) -- > (\msg -> Debug.todo "Process your message here!") -- > process settings subscription subscriptionManageOwnOffsets :: (Aeson.FromJSON msg, Aeson.ToJSON msg) => Text -> ([Int] -> Task Text (List PartitionOffset)) -> (PartitionOffset -> msg -> Task Text Partition.SeekCmd) -> TopicSubscription subscriptionManageOwnOffsets topic fetchOffsets callback = TopicSubscription { topic = Kafka.Topic topic, onMessage = Partition.MessageCallback ( \record msg -> do let offsetParams = PartitionOffset { partitionId = Consumer.crPartition record |> partitionIdToInt, offset = Consumer.unOffset (Consumer.crOffset record) } callback offsetParams msg ), offsetSource = Elsewhere ( \partitionKeys -> do let partitionIds = partitionKeys |> List.map (partitionIdToInt << Tuple.second) offsets <- fetchOffsets partitionIds offsets |> List.map toPartitionKey |> Task.succeed ) } where toPartitionKey :: PartitionOffset -> (PartitionKey, Int) toPartitionKey (PartitionOffset {partitionId, offset}) = ( ( Consumer.TopicName topic, Consumer.PartitionId (Prelude.fromIntegral partitionId) ), offset ) partitionIdToInt :: Consumer.PartitionId -> Int partitionIdToInt (Consumer.PartitionId int) = Prelude.fromIntegral int -- | This determines how a worker that was just assigned a partition should -- decide at which message offset to continue processing. data OffsetSource where -- | Use Kafka's own offset storage mechanism. InKafka :: OffsetSource -- | Store offsets somewhere else, in which case you need to provide a -- function that the worker can use to load initial offsets. Storing offsets -- outside Kafka can be used to implement exactly-once-delivery schemes. -- Using this requires the message itself to commit the offset. Elsewhere :: ([PartitionKey] -> Task Text [(PartitionKey, Int)]) -> OffsetSource -- | Starts the kafka worker handling messages. process :: Settings.Settings -> Text -> TopicSubscription -> Prelude.IO () process settings groupIdText topicSubscriptions = do processWithoutShutdownEnsurance settings (Consumer.ConsumerGroupId groupIdText) topicSubscriptions -- Start an ensurance policy to make sure we exit in 5 seconds. We've seen -- cases where our graceful shutdown seems to hang, resulting in a worker -- that's not doing anything. We should try to fix those failures, but for the -- ones that remain this is our fallback. -- -- Running it using `Async.async` makes it so we won't wait for this thread to -- complete. If the regular shutdown completes before this thread is done we -- will exit early. _ <- Async.async <| do Control.Concurrent.threadDelay 5_000_000 {- 5 seconds -} Prelude.putStrLn "Something is holding up shutdown. Going to die ungracefully now." System.Posix.Process.exitImmediately (System.Exit.ExitFailure 1) Prelude.pure () -- | Like `process`, but doesn't exit the current process by itself. This risks -- leaving zombie processes when used in production but is safer in tests, where -- the worker shares the OS process with other test code and the test runner. processWithoutShutdownEnsurance :: Settings.Settings -> Consumer.ConsumerGroupId -> TopicSubscription -> Prelude.IO () processWithoutShutdownEnsurance settings groupId topicSubscriptions = do let TopicSubscription {onMessage, topic, offsetSource} = topicSubscriptions state <- initState onQuitSignal (Stopping.stopTakingRequests (stopping state) "Received stop signal") Conduit.withAcquire (Observability.handler (Settings.observability settings)) <| \observabilityHandler -> do Exception.bracketWithError (createConsumer settings groupId observabilityHandler offsetSource onMessage topic state) (cleanUp observabilityHandler (rebalanceInfo state) (stopping state)) (runThreads settings state) initState :: Prelude.IO State initState = do stopping <- Stopping.init partitions <- TVar.newTVarIO Dict.empty analytics <- Analytics.init (map Dict.size (TVar.readTVarIO partitions)) rebalanceInfo <- TVar.newTVarIO Dict.empty Prelude.pure State { partitions, stopping, analytics, rebalanceInfo } -- | Goes to Kafka and registers a consumer on the Topic -- Kafka whould give the consumer some number of partitions to be responsible for createConsumer :: Settings.Settings -> Consumer.ConsumerGroupId -> Observability.Handler -> OffsetSource -> Partition.MessageCallback -> Kafka.Topic -> State -> Prelude.IO Consumer.KafkaConsumer createConsumer Settings.Settings { Settings.brokerAddresses, Settings.logLevel, Settings.maxPollIntervalMs, Settings.onProcessMessageSkip } groupId observability offsetSource callback topic state = do let rebalance = rebalanceCallback onProcessMessageSkip observability callback offsetSource state let properties = Consumer.brokersList brokerAddresses ++ Consumer.groupId groupId ++ Consumer.noAutoCommit ++ Consumer.logLevel logLevel ++ Consumer.setCallback (Consumer.rebalanceCallback rebalance) ++ Consumer.compression Consumer.Snappy ++ Consumer.extraProps ( Dict.fromList [("max.poll.interval.ms", Text.fromInt (Settings.unMaxPollIntervalMs maxPollIntervalMs))] ) let subscription' = Consumer.topics [Consumer.TopicName (Kafka.unTopic topic)] ++ Consumer.offsetReset Consumer.Earliest eitherConsumer <- Consumer.newConsumer properties subscription' case eitherConsumer of Prelude.Left err -> -- We create the worker as part of starting the application. Throwing -- means that if there's a problem with the settings the application will -- fail immediately upon start. It won't result in runtime errors during -- operation. Exception.throwIO err Prelude.Right consumer -> Prelude.pure consumer -- | Triggered when a rebalance happens, due to workers going offline or coming -- online. This typically happens when we're scaling up or down, or when a -- worker dies because of an unexpected exception. -- -- The following provides reasonable documentation for these events. It's Java -- documentation, but it should apply to what's happening here fairly well (the -- `hw-kafka-client` library we use is a wrapper over librdkafka). -- https://docs.confluent.io/2.0.0/clients/librdkafka/classRdKafka_1_1RebalanceCb.html#a490a91c52724382a72380af621958741 rebalanceCallback :: Settings.SkipOrNot -> Observability.Handler -> Partition.MessageCallback -> OffsetSource -> State -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> Consumer.RebalanceEvent -> Prelude.IO () rebalanceCallback skipOrNot observability callback offsetSource state consumer rebalanceEvent = do now <- GHC.Clock.getMonotonicTime Analytics.updateTimeOfLastRebalance now (analytics state) case rebalanceEvent of Consumer.RebalanceBeforeAssign newPartitions -> do keysWithOffsets <- case offsetSource of InKafka -> Prelude.pure <| List.map (\partitionKey -> (partitionKey, Partition.ToKafka)) newPartitions Elsewhere fetch -> do log <- Platform.silentHandler fetchResult <- Task.attempt log (fetch newPartitions) case fetchResult of Err err -> Exception.throwString (Text.toList err) Ok fetched -> do let storedOffsets = List.map (Tuple.mapSecond Partition.Elsewhere) fetched |> Dict.fromList let storedKeys = fetched |> List.map Tuple.first |> Set.fromList let missingPartitions = Set.diff (Set.fromList newPartitions) storedKeys -- NOTE: we fallback to the end of the queue so we can reset -- offsets in staging. -- in production, we should never hit this code. Perhaps we -- should explicitly guard against it? waterMarkInfo :: Prelude.Either Consumer.KafkaError (List Kafka.Metadata.WatermarkOffsets) <- missingPartitions |> Set.toList |> Prelude.traverse ( \(topicName, partitionId) -> Kafka.Metadata.partitionWatermarkOffsets consumer (Consumer.Timeout 5000 {- 5 seconds -}) topicName partitionId ) |> map Prelude.sequence case waterMarkInfo of Prelude.Left err -> Exception.throwIO err Prelude.Right waterMarks -> let fallbackOffsets = waterMarks |> List.map ( \Kafka.Metadata.WatermarkOffsets {Kafka.Metadata.woTopicName, Kafka.Metadata.woPartitionId, Kafka.Metadata.woHighWatermark} -> ((woTopicName, woPartitionId), Partition.Elsewhere (Consumer.unOffset woHighWatermark)) ) |> Dict.fromList in Dict.union storedOffsets fallbackOffsets |> Dict.toList |> Prelude.pure -- We are being assigned new partitions. Lets prepare threads for the new -- messages we're about to receive. Lib-rdkafka hasn't yet started to send -- messages, so the queues exist but should be idle keysWithOffsets |> Prelude.traverse ( \(partitionKey, offset) -> do initPartition skipOrNot offset observability consumer callback state partitionKey STM.atomically <| TVar.modifyTVar' (rebalanceInfo state) (Dict.insert partitionKey (Assign, now)) ) |> map (\_ -> ()) Consumer.RebalanceAssign _ -> Prelude.pure () Consumer.RebalanceBeforeRevoke revokedPartitions -> do -- This callback is intended to allow us to finish committing any -- ongoing work before rebalancing. This avoids processing messages twice. -- -- When the callback returns, the rebalancing occurs. -- -- We will tell workers to wrap up current work, and wait for them to -- complete before rebalancing. -- -- First: mark partitions as Stopping. Worker threads will stop. _ <- revokedPartitions |> Prelude.traverse ( \partitionKey -> do STM.atomically <| do partitions <- TVar.readTVar (partitions state) case Dict.get partitionKey partitions of Nothing -> Prelude.pure () Just partition -> Partition.revoke partition STM.atomically <| TVar.modifyTVar' (rebalanceInfo state) (Dict.insert partitionKey (Revoking, now)) ) -- Second: Wait for the workers to stop working. -- (They will only remove themselves from the partitions when done processing -- any ongoing message, so checking non-existence should suffice.) _ <- revokedPartitions |> Prelude.traverse ( \partitionKey -> do STM.atomically <| do partitions <- TVar.readTVar (partitions state) case Dict.get partitionKey partitions of Nothing -> Prelude.pure () Just _ -> do -- we cannot block on work happening in the FETCHER -- but here, we're blocking work happening in the WORKER -- which is fine! STM.retry STM.atomically <| TVar.modifyTVar' (rebalanceInfo state) (Dict.insert partitionKey (Revoked, now)) ) -- Now workers have stopped and it's safe to rebalance. -- Returning from this callback starts the rebalance. Prelude.pure () Consumer.RebalanceRevoke _revokedPartitions -> do Prelude.pure () -- | Disconnects our Consumer / yields back partitions on quit / node shutdown cleanUp :: Observability.Handler -> RebalanceInfo -> Stopping.Stopping -> Maybe Exception.SomeException -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> Prelude.IO () cleanUp observabilityHandler rebalanceInfo stopping maybeException consumer = do Prelude.putStrLn "Cleaning up" _ <- Consumer.closeConsumer consumer -- In case we're already stopping, get the reason we're doing so. maybeStopReason <- Stopping.stopReason stopping -- Ensure we enter stopping mode if we weren't already. Stopping.stopTakingRequests stopping "Shutting down" requestId <- map Data.UUID.toText Data.UUID.V4.nextRandom -- at some point, k8s should report system crashes. In the mean time, we'll do it. Platform.rootTracingSpanIO requestId (Observability.report observabilityHandler requestId) "Kafka consumer shutting down" <| \log -> do case maybeException of Nothing -> Prelude.pure () Just exception -> do rebalanceInfo' <- TVar.readTVarIO rebalanceInfo Log.error "Kafka consumer crashed" [ Log.context "triage" ("The consumer should automatically restart. If we see lots of these in a short period of time we should try to figure out what's wrong" :: Text), Log.context "error" (Debug.toString exception), Log.context "rebalance info" (Debug.toString rebalanceInfo') ] |> Task.perform log writeCrashLogOnError maybeException case (maybeException, maybeStopReason) of (Just exception, _) -> Prelude.putStrLn ("Shut down because of exception: " ++ Exception.displayException exception) (_, Just stopReason) -> Prelude.putStrLn ("Shut down because of: " ++ Text.toList stopReason) (Nothing, Nothing) -> Prelude.putStrLn "Shut down for an unknown reason." -- | Handle crash logging writeCrashLogOnError :: Maybe Exception.SomeException -> Prelude.IO () writeCrashLogOnError maybeException = do -- Not using the nri-env-parser lib for this configuration option because it would -- require us to run code to make it available. If that code failed it -- wouldn't end up in the crash log! Using only `base` functionality allows us -- to put the crashlog reporting in the very root of the application. crashLogPath <- System.Environment.lookupEnv "CRASHLOG_PATH" let crashLog = case maybeException of Nothing -> "System exited in response to signal" Just exception -> Exception.displayException exception case crashLogPath of Nothing -> Prelude.pure () Just "" -> Prelude.pure () Just path -> Prelude.writeFile path crashLog -- Adds a partition to our partitions dict. These partitions will be idle until -- lib-rdkafka actually starts sending us new messages -- (after the Consumer.rebalanceassign event occurs) initPartition :: Settings.SkipOrNot -> Partition.CommitOffsets -> Observability.Handler -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> Partition.MessageCallback -> State -> PartitionKey -> Prelude.IO () initPartition skipOrNot commitOffset observabilityHandler consumer callback state key = do -- # Start worker thread for handling messages in partition. Partition.spawnWorkerThread skipOrNot commitOffset observabilityHandler (analytics state) (stopping state) consumer callback -- startup function ( Partition.OnStartup ( \partition -> STM.atomically <| do queues <- TVar.readTVar (partitions state) case Dict.get key queues of Just _ -> -- We never expect to be asked to create a partition that already exists. -- We expect that revoke has completely removed the partition before -- re-assign. -- -- If it happens anyway, it seems safer to crash (and restart) than to -- try continue into the unknown. STM.throwSTM (AskedToInitPartitionThatAlreadyExists key) Nothing -> do TVar.writeTVar (partitions state) (Dict.insert key partition queues) ) ) -- cleanup function ( Partition.OnCleanup ( do -- Remove the partition from the dict to clean up memory STM.atomically <| TVar.modifyTVar' (partitions state) (Dict.remove key) Prelude.putStrLn ("Stop processing messages for partition: " ++ Prelude.show key) ) ) runThreads :: Settings.Settings -> State -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> Prelude.IO () runThreads settings state consumer = do Stopping.runUnlessStopping (stopping state) () ( Async.race (pauseAndAnalyticsLoop (Settings.maxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally settings) consumer state Set.empty) (Fetcher.pollingLoop settings (enqueueRecord (partitions state)) (analytics state) consumer) |> map (\_ -> ()) ) data RuntimeExceptions = AskedToInitPartitionThatAlreadyExists (Consumer.TopicName, Consumer.PartitionId) deriving (Show) instance Exception.Exception RuntimeExceptions enqueueRecord :: AllPartitions -> Partition.ConsumerRecord -> Prelude.IO Partition.SeekCmd enqueueRecord partitions record = STM.atomically <| do let key = (Consumer.crTopic record, Consumer.crPartition record) partitions' <- TVar.readTVar partitions let maybePartition = Dict.get key partitions' case maybePartition of Nothing -> Prelude.pure Partition.NoSeek Just partition -> Partition.append record partition -- | Intermittently updates -- - paused partitions to reflect desired state. -- - analytics, so that the worker node can report up-to-date data to honeycomb pauseAndAnalyticsLoop :: Settings.MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally -> Consumer.KafkaConsumer -> State -> Set.Set PartitionKey -> Prelude.IO () pauseAndAnalyticsLoop maxBufferSize consumer state pausedPartitions = do desiredPausedPartitions <- pausedPartitionKeys maxBufferSize (partitions state) Analytics.updatePaused (Set.size desiredPausedPartitions) (analytics state) let newlyPaused = Set.diff desiredPausedPartitions pausedPartitions _ <- Consumer.pausePartitions consumer (Set.toList newlyPaused) let newlyResumed = Set.diff pausedPartitions desiredPausedPartitions _ <- Consumer.resumePartitions consumer (Set.toList newlyResumed) Control.Concurrent.threadDelay 1_000_000 {- 1 second -} pauseAndAnalyticsLoop maxBufferSize consumer state desiredPausedPartitions pausedPartitionKeys :: Settings.MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally -> AllPartitions -> Prelude.IO (Set.Set PartitionKey) pausedPartitionKeys (Settings.MaxMsgsPerPartitionBufferedLocally maxBufferSize) partitions = do partitions' <- TVar.readTVarIO partitions partitions' |> Dict.toList |> Prelude.traverse ( \(key, partition) -> do maybeLen <- Partition.length partition Prelude.pure <| case maybeLen of Nothing -> Nothing Just length -> if length > maxBufferSize then Just key else Nothing ) |> map (List.filterMap identity >> Set.fromList) quitSignals :: [Signals.Signal] quitSignals = [ Signals.sigINT, -- ctrl-c Signals.sigQUIT, -- ctrl-\ ??? Signals.sigTERM ] onQuitSignal :: Prelude.IO () -> Prelude.IO () onQuitSignal release = do let handleQuit signal = Signals.installHandler signal (Signals.Catch release) Nothing _ <- Prelude.traverse handleQuit quitSignals Prelude.pure ()