{-# OPTIONS -fno-implicit-prelude #-}
module Algebra.Units (
    {- * Class -}

    {- * Standard implementations for instances -}

    {- * Properties -}
  ) where

import qualified Algebra.IntegralDomain as Integral
import qualified Algebra.Ring           as Ring
import qualified Algebra.Additive       as Additive
import qualified Algebra.ZeroTestable   as ZeroTestable

import qualified Algebra.Laws           as Laws

import Algebra.IntegralDomain (div)
import Algebra.Ring           (one, (*))
import Algebra.Additive       (negate)
import Algebra.ZeroTestable   (isZero)

import PreludeBase
import Prelude (Integer, Int)
import qualified Prelude as P
import Test.QuickCheck ((==>), Property)

{- |
This class lets us deal with the units in a ring.
'isUnit' tells whether an element is a unit.
The other operations let us canonically
write an element as a unit times another element.
Two elements a, b of a ring R are _associates_ if a=b*u for a unit u.
For an element a, we want to write it as a=b*u where b is an associate of a.
The map (a->b) is called
"StandardAssociate" by Gap,
"unitCanonical" by Axiom,
and "canAssoc" by DoCon.
The map (a->u) is called
"canInv" by DoCon and
"unitNormal(x).unit" by Axiom.

The laws are

>   stdAssociate x * stdUnit x === x
>     stdUnit x * stdUnitInv x === 1
>  isUnit u ==> stdAssociate x === stdAssociate (x*u)

Currently some algorithms assume

>  stdAssociate(x*y) === stdAssociate x * stdAssociate y

Minimal definition:
   'isUnit' and ('stdUnit' or 'stdUnitInv') and optionally 'stdAssociate'

class (Integral.C a) => C a where
  isUnit :: a -> Bool
  stdAssociate, stdUnit, stdUnitInv :: a -> a

  stdAssociate x = x * stdUnitInv x
  stdUnit      x = div one (stdUnitInv x)  -- should be safeDiv
  stdUnitInv   x = div one (stdUnit x)

{- * Instances for atomic types -}

intQuery :: (P.Integral a, Ring.C a) => a -> Bool
intQuery = flip elem [one, negate one]
{- constraint must be replaced by NumericPrelude.Real -}
intAssociate, intStandard, intStandardInverse ::
   (P.Integral a, Ring.C a, ZeroTestable.C a) => a -> a
intAssociate = P.abs
intStandard x = if isZero x then one else P.signum x
intStandardInverse = intStandard

instance C Int where
  isUnit       = intQuery
  stdAssociate = intAssociate
  stdUnit      = intStandard
  stdUnitInv   = intStandardInverse

instance C Integer where
  isUnit       = intQuery
  stdAssociate = intAssociate
  stdUnit      = intStandard
  stdUnitInv   = intStandardInverse

fieldQuery = not . isZero
fieldAssociate = 1
fieldStandard        x = if isZero x then 1 else x
fieldStandardInverse x = if isZero x then 1 else recip x

propComposition      :: (Eq a, C a) => a -> Bool
propInverseUnit      :: (Eq a, C a) => a -> Bool
propUniqueAssociate  :: (Eq a, C a) => a -> a -> Property
propAssociateProduct :: (Eq a, C a) => a -> a -> Bool

propComposition x  =  stdAssociate x * stdUnit x == x
propInverseUnit x  =    stdUnit x * stdUnitInv x == one
propUniqueAssociate u x =
                     isUnit u ==> stdAssociate x == stdAssociate (x*u)

{- | Currently some algorithms assume this property. -}
propAssociateProduct =
    Laws.homomorphism stdAssociate (*) (*)