{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} {-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-} -- | N-dimensional arrays. Two classes are supplied: -- -- - 'Tensor' where shape information is held at type level, and -- - 'SomeTensor' where shape is held at the value level. -- -- In both cases, the underlying data is contained as a flat vector for efficiency purposes. module NumHask.Tensor ( Tensor(..) , SomeTensor(..) -- * Conversion , someTensor , unsafeToTensor , toTensor , flatten1 ) where import qualified Protolude as P import Protolude (($), (<$>), Functor(..), Show, Eq(..), (.), Maybe(..), Int, reverse, foldr, fst, zipWith, scanr, drop, sum, product, Foldable(..)) import Data.Distributive as D import Data.Functor.Rep import Data.Singletons import Data.Singletons.Prelude import GHC.Exts import GHC.Show import GHC.TypeLits import NumHask.Algebra.Additive import NumHask.Algebra.Integral import NumHask.Algebra.Multiplicative import Test.QuickCheck import qualified Data.Vector as V import NumHask.HasShape -- | an n-dimensional array where shape is specified at the type level -- The main purpose of this, beyond safe typing, is to supply the Representable instance with an initial object. -- A single Boxed 'Data.Vector.Vector' is used underneath for efficient slicing, but this may change or become polymorphic in the future. newtype Tensor r a = Tensor { flattenTensor :: V.Vector a } deriving (Functor, Eq, Foldable) instance (SingI r) => HasShape (Tensor (r::[Nat]) a) where type Shape (Tensor r a) = [Int] shape = shapeT ndim = P.length . shape instance HasShape (SomeTensor a) where type Shape (SomeTensor a) = [Int] shape (SomeTensor sh _) = sh ndim = P.length . shape -- | extract shape from type-level shapeT :: forall a r. (SingI r) => Tensor (r :: [Nat]) a -> [Int] shapeT _ = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> [] (SCons x xs) -> fromIntegral <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs) -- not sure how to combine this with HasShape newtype ShapeT = ShapeT {unshapeT :: [Int]} deriving (Show, Eq) -- | an n-dimensional array where shape is specified at the value level as an '[Int]' -- Use this to avoid type-level hasochism by demoting a 'Tensor' with 'someTensor' data SomeTensor a = SomeTensor [Int] (V.Vector a) deriving (Functor, Eq, Foldable) instance (Show a) => Show (SomeTensor a) where show r@(SomeTensor l _) = go (P.length l) r where go n r'@(SomeTensor l' v') = case P.length l' of 0 -> show $ V.head v' 1 -> "[" P.++ P.intercalate ", " (show <$> P.toList v') P.++ "]" x -> "[" P.++ P.intercalate (",\n" P.++ P.replicate (n-x+1) ' ') (go n <$> flatten1 r') P.++ "]" instance (Show a, SingI r) => Show (Tensor (r::[Nat]) a) where show = show . someTensor -- * Conversion -- | convert a 'Tensor' to a 'SomeTensor', losing the type level shape someTensor :: (SingI r) => Tensor (r::[Nat]) a -> SomeTensor a someTensor n = SomeTensor (shape n) (flattenTensor n) -- | convert a 'SomeTensor' to a 'Tensor' with no checks on shape. unsafeToTensor :: SomeTensor a -> Tensor (r::[Nat]) a unsafeToTensor (SomeTensor _ v) = Tensor v -- | convert a 'SomeTensor' to a 'Tensor', check for shape equality. toTensor :: forall a r. (SingI r) => SomeTensor a -> Maybe (Tensor (r::[Nat]) a) toTensor (SomeTensor sh v) = if sh==sh' then Just (Tensor v) else Nothing where sh' = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> [] (SCons x xs) -> fromIntegral <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs) -- | convert the top layer of a SomeTensor to a [SomeTensor] flatten1 :: SomeTensor a -> [SomeTensor a] flatten1 (SomeTensor rep v) = (\s -> SomeTensor (drop 1 rep) (V.unsafeSlice (s*l) l v)) <$> ss where n = P.fromMaybe 0 $ P.head rep ss = P.take n [0..] l = product $ drop 1 rep ind :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Int ind ns xs = sum $ zipWith (*) xs (drop 1 $ scanr (*) 1 (reverse ns)) unfoldI :: forall t. Integral t => [t] -> t -> ([t], t) unfoldI ns x = foldr (\a (acc,rem) -> let (d,m) = divMod rem a in (m:acc,d)) ([],x) (P.reverse ns) unind :: [Int] -> Int -> [Int] unind ns x= fst $ unfoldI ns x instance forall r. (SingI r) => Distributive (Tensor (r::[Nat])) where distribute f = Tensor $ V.generate n $ \i -> fmap (\(Tensor v) -> V.unsafeIndex v i) f where n = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> one (SCons x xs) -> product $ fromInteger <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs) instance forall (r :: [Nat]). (SingI r) => Representable (Tensor r) where type Rep (Tensor r) = [Int] tabulate f = Tensor $ V.generate (product ns) (f . unind ns) where ns = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> [] (SCons x xs) -> fromIntegral <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs) index (Tensor xs) rs = xs V.! ind ns rs where ns = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> [] (SCons x xs') -> fromIntegral <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs') -- | from flat list instance (SingI r, AdditiveUnital a) => IsList (Tensor (r::[Nat]) a) where type Item (Tensor r a) = a fromList l = Tensor $ V.fromList $ P.take n $ l P.++ P.repeat zero where n = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> one (SCons x xs') -> product $ fromIntegral <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs') toList (Tensor v) = V.toList v -- | arbitraryly-nested list conversion to fit in with OverloadedLists needs some complex parsing fromListSomeTensor :: forall a. (AdditiveUnital a) => [Int] -> [a] -> SomeTensor a fromListSomeTensor ns l = SomeTensor ns (V.fromList $ P.take (product ns) $ l P.++ P.repeat zero) instance Arbitrary ShapeT where arbitrary = frequency [ (1, P.pure (ShapeT [])) -- , (1, Shape . (:[]) <$> arbitrary) , (1, ShapeT . (:[]) <$> n) , (1, ShapeT <$> ((\x y -> [x,y]) <$> n P.<*> n)) , (1, ShapeT <$> ((\x y z -> [x,y,z]) <$> n P.<*> n P.<*> n)) ] where n = frequency [(1,P.pure 1),(1,P.pure 2),(1,P.pure 3)] instance forall a (r :: [Nat]). (SingI r, Arbitrary a, AdditiveUnital a) => Arbitrary (Tensor r a) where arbitrary = frequency [ (1, P.pure zero) , (9, fromList <$> vector n) ] where n = case (sing :: Sing r) of SNil -> one (SCons x xs) -> product $ fromInteger <$> (fromSing x: fromSing xs) instance forall a. (Arbitrary a, AdditiveUnital a) => Arbitrary (SomeTensor a) where arbitrary = frequency [ (1, P.pure (SomeTensor [] V.empty)) , (9, fromListSomeTensor <$> (unshapeT <$> arbitrary) P.<*> vector 48) ]