{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-type-equality-out-of-scope #-} -- | Metric classes module NumHask.Algebra.Metric ( Basis (..), Absolute, Sign, EndoBased, abs, signum, distance, Direction (..), Polar (..), polar, coord, Epsilon (..), nearZero, aboutEqual, (~=), EuclideanPair (..), ) where import Control.Applicative import Data.Bool import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64, Int8) import Data.Kind import Data.Word (Word16, Word32, Word64, Word8) import GHC.Generics import GHC.Natural (Natural (..)) import NumHask.Algebra.Action import NumHask.Algebra.Additive import NumHask.Algebra.Field import NumHask.Algebra.Lattice import NumHask.Algebra.Multiplicative import NumHask.Algebra.Ring import Prelude (Double, Eq (..), Float, Functor (..), Int, Integer, Ord, Show, Word, fromRational) import Prelude qualified as P -- $setup -- -- >>> :m -Prelude -- >>> :set -XRebindableSyntax -- >>> import NumHask.Prelude -- | 'Basis' encapsulates the notion of magnitude (intuitively the quotienting of a higher-kinded number to a scalar one) and the basis on which the magnitude quotienting was performed. An instance needs to satisfy these laws: -- -- @since 0.11 -- -- > \a -> magnitude a >= zero -- > \a -> magnitude zero == zero -- > \a -> a == magnitude a *| basis a -- > \a -> magnitude (basis a) == one -- -- The names chosen are meant to represent the spiritual idea of a basis rather than a specific mathematics. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basis_(linear_algebra) & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norm_(mathematics) for some mathematical motivations. -- -- >>> magnitude (-0.5 :: Double) -- 0.5 -- -- >>> basis (-0.5 :: Double) -- -1.0 class (Distributive (Mag a)) => Basis a where type Mag a :: Type type Base a :: Type -- | or length, or ||v|| magnitude :: a -> Mag a -- | or direction, or v-hat basis :: a -> Base a -- | Basis where the domain and magnitude codomain are the same. -- -- @since 0.11 type Absolute a = (Basis a, Mag a ~ a) -- | Basis where the domain and basis codomain are the same. -- -- @since 0.11 type Sign a = (Basis a, Base a ~ a) -- | Basis where the domain, magnitude codomain and basis codomain are the same. -- -- @since 0.11 type EndoBased a = (Basis a, Mag a ~ a, Base a ~ a) -- | The absolute value of a number. -- -- prop> \a -> abs a * signum a ~= a -- -- -- >>> abs (-1) -- 1 abs :: (Absolute a) => a -> a abs = magnitude -- | The sign of a number. -- -- @since 0.11 -- -- >>> signum (-1) -- -1 -- -- @abs zero == zero@, so any value for @signum zero@ is ok. We choose lawful neutral: -- -- >>> signum zero == zero -- True signum :: (Sign a) => a -> a signum = basis instance Basis Double where type Mag Double = Double type Base Double = Double magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Float where type Mag Float = Float type Base Float = Float magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Int where type Mag Int = Int type Base Int = Int magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Integer where type Mag Integer = Integer type Base Integer = Integer magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Natural where type Mag Natural = Natural type Base Natural = Natural magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Int8 where type Mag Int8 = Int8 type Base Int8 = Int8 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Int16 where type Mag Int16 = Int16 type Base Int16 = Int16 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Int32 where type Mag Int32 = Int32 type Base Int32 = Int32 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Int64 where type Mag Int64 = Int64 type Base Int64 = Int64 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Word where type Mag Word = Word type Base Word = Word magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Word8 where type Mag Word8 = Word8 type Base Word8 = Word8 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Word16 where type Mag Word16 = Word16 type Base Word16 = Word16 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Word32 where type Mag Word32 = Word32 type Base Word32 = Word32 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum instance Basis Word64 where type Mag Word64 = Word64 type Base Word64 = Word64 magnitude = P.abs basis = P.signum -- | Distance, which combines the Subtractive notion of difference, with Basis. -- -- > distance a b >= zero -- > distance a a == zero -- > distance a b *| basis (a - b) == a - b distance :: (Basis a, Subtractive a) => a -> a -> Mag a distance a b = magnitude (a - b) -- | Convert between a "co-ordinated" or "higher-kinded" number and a direction. -- -- @since 0.7 -- -- > ray . angle == basis -- > magnitude (ray x) == one class (Distributive coord, Distributive (Dir coord)) => Direction coord where type Dir coord :: Type angle :: coord -> Dir coord ray :: Dir coord -> coord -- | Something that has a magnitude and a direction, with both expressed as the same type. -- -- @since 0.7 -- -- See [Polar coordinate system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polar_coordinate_system) data Polar a = Polar {radial :: a, azimuth :: a} deriving (Generic, Show, Eq) instance (Additive a, Multiplicative a) => Basis (Polar a) where type Mag (Polar a) = a type Base (Polar a) = a magnitude = radial basis = azimuth -- | Convert a higher-kinded number that has direction, to a 'Polar' -- -- @since 0.7 polar :: (Dir (Base a) ~ Mag a, Basis a, Direction (Base a)) => a -> Polar (Mag a) polar x = Polar (magnitude x) (angle (basis x)) -- | Convert a Polar to a (higher-kinded) number that has a direction. -- -- @since 0.07 coord :: (Scalar m ~ Dir m, MultiplicativeAction m, Direction m) => Polar (Scalar m) -> m coord x = radial x *| ray (azimuth x) -- | A small number, especially useful for approximate equality. class (Eq a, Additive a) => Epsilon a where epsilon :: a epsilon = zero -- | Note that the constraint is Lattice rather than Ord allowing broader usage. -- -- >>> nearZero (epsilon :: Double) -- True -- -- >>> nearZero (epsilon :: EuclideanPair Double) -- True nearZero :: (Epsilon a, Lattice a, Subtractive a) => a -> Bool nearZero a = epsilon /\ a == epsilon && epsilon /\ negate a == epsilon -- | Approximate equality -- -- >>> aboutEqual zero (epsilon :: Double) -- True aboutEqual :: (Epsilon a, Lattice a, Subtractive a) => a -> a -> Bool aboutEqual a b = nearZero (a - b) infixl 4 ~= -- | About equal operator. -- -- >>> (1.0 + epsilon) ~= (1.0 :: Double) -- True (~=) :: (Epsilon a) => (Lattice a, Subtractive a) => a -> a -> Bool (~=) = aboutEqual -- | 1e-14 instance Epsilon Double where epsilon = 1e-14 -- | 1e-6 instance Epsilon Float where epsilon = 1e-6 -- | 0 instance Epsilon Int instance Epsilon Integer instance Epsilon Int8 instance Epsilon Int16 instance Epsilon Int32 instance Epsilon Int64 instance Epsilon Word instance Epsilon Word8 instance Epsilon Word16 instance Epsilon Word32 instance Epsilon Word64 -- | Two dimensional cartesian coordinates. -- -- @since 0.11 newtype EuclideanPair a = EuclideanPair {euclidPair :: (a, a)} deriving stock ( Generic, Eq, Show ) instance Functor EuclideanPair where fmap f (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (f x, f y) instance Applicative EuclideanPair where pure x = EuclideanPair (x, x) EuclideanPair (fx, fy) <*> EuclideanPair (x, y) = EuclideanPair (fx x, fy y) liftA2 f (EuclideanPair (x, y)) (EuclideanPair (x', y')) = EuclideanPair (f x x', f y y') instance (Additive a) => Additive (EuclideanPair a) where (+) = liftA2 (+) zero = pure zero instance (Subtractive a) => Subtractive (EuclideanPair a) where negate = fmap negate instance (Multiplicative a) => Multiplicative (EuclideanPair a) where (*) = liftA2 (*) one = pure one instance (Subtractive a, Divisive a) => Divisive (EuclideanPair a) where recip = fmap recip instance (TrigField a) => Direction (EuclideanPair a) where type Dir (EuclideanPair a) = a angle (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = atan2 y x ray x = EuclideanPair (cos x, sin x) instance (ExpField a, Eq a) => Basis (EuclideanPair a) where type Mag (EuclideanPair a) = a type Base (EuclideanPair a) = EuclideanPair a magnitude (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = sqrt (x * x + y * y) basis p = let m = magnitude p in bool (p |/ m) zero (m == zero) instance (Epsilon a) => Epsilon (EuclideanPair a) where epsilon = pure epsilon instance (JoinSemiLattice a) => JoinSemiLattice (EuclideanPair a) where (\/) (EuclideanPair (x, y)) (EuclideanPair (x', y')) = EuclideanPair (x \/ x', y \/ y') instance (MeetSemiLattice a) => MeetSemiLattice (EuclideanPair a) where (/\) (EuclideanPair (x, y)) (EuclideanPair (x', y')) = EuclideanPair (x /\ x', y /\ y') instance (BoundedJoinSemiLattice a) => BoundedJoinSemiLattice (EuclideanPair a) where bottom = pure bottom instance (BoundedMeetSemiLattice a) => BoundedMeetSemiLattice (EuclideanPair a) where top = pure top instance (Multiplicative a) => MultiplicativeAction (EuclideanPair a) where type Scalar (EuclideanPair a) = a (|*) (EuclideanPair (x, y)) s = EuclideanPair (s * x, s * y) instance (Divisive a) => DivisiveAction (EuclideanPair a) where (|/) e s = fmap (/ s) e instance (Ord a, TrigField a, ExpField a) => ExpField (EuclideanPair a) where exp (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (exp x * cos y, exp x * sin y) log (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (log (sqrt (x * x + y * y)), atan2' y x) where atan2' y x | x P.> zero = atan (y / x) | x P.== zero P.&& y P.> zero = pi / (one + one) | x P.< one P.&& y P.> one = pi + atan (y / x) | (x P.<= zero P.&& y P.< zero) || (x P.< zero) = negate (atan2' (negate y) x) | y P.== zero = pi -- must be after the previous test on zero y | x P.== zero P.&& y P.== zero = y -- must be after the other double zero tests | P.otherwise = x + y -- x or y is a NaN, return a NaN (via +) instance (QuotientField a, Subtractive a) => QuotientField (EuclideanPair a) where type Whole (EuclideanPair a) = EuclideanPair (Whole a) properFraction (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = (EuclideanPair (xwhole, ywhole), EuclideanPair (xfrac, yfrac)) where (xwhole, xfrac) = properFraction x (ywhole, yfrac) = properFraction y round (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (round x, round y) ceiling (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (ceiling x, ceiling y) floor (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (floor x, floor y) truncate (EuclideanPair (x, y)) = EuclideanPair (truncate x, truncate y)