{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} {-# LANGUAGE StrictData #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} -- | A histogram, if you squint, is a series of contiguous 'Range's, annotated with values. module NumHask.Space.Histogram ( Histogram (..), emptyHistogram, DealOvers (..), fill, cutI, regular, makeRects, regularQuantiles, quantileFold, freq, average, quantiles, quantile, ) where import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.TDigest as TD import qualified Data.Vector as V import NumHask.Prelude import NumHask.Space.Range import NumHask.Space.Rect import NumHask.Space.Types -- $setup -- >>> import NumHask.Prelude -- >>> import NumHask.Space -- | This Histogram is a list of contiguous boundaries (a boundary being the lower edge of one bucket and the upper edge of another), and a value (usually a count) for each bucket, represented here as a map -- -- Overs and Unders are contained in key = 0 and key = length cuts -- Intervals are defined as (l,u] data Histogram = Histogram { cuts :: V.Vector Double, -- bucket boundaries values :: Map.Map Int Double -- bucket counts } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | A histogram with no cuts nor data. emptyHistogram :: Histogram emptyHistogram = Histogram V.empty Map.empty -- | Whether or not to ignore unders and overs. If overs and unders are dealt with, IncludeOvers supplies an assumed width for the outer buckets. data DealOvers = IgnoreOvers | IncludeOvers Double -- | Fill a Histogram using pre-specified cuts -- -- >>> fill [0,50,100] [0..99] -- Histogram {cuts = [0.0,50.0,100.0], values = fromList [(1,50.0),(2,50.0)]} fill :: (Foldable f) => [Double] -> f Double -> Histogram fill cs xs = Histogram (V.fromList cs) (foldl' (\x a -> Map.insertWith (+) (cutI (V.fromList cs) a) 1 x) Map.empty xs) -- | find the index of the bucket the value is contained in. cutI :: (Ord a) => V.Vector a -> a -> Int cutI cs a = go (Range zero (V.length cs)) where go (Range l u) = let k = (u + l) `div` 2 in case compare a (cs V.! k) of EQ -> k + 1 LT -> bool (go (Range l k)) k (l == k) GT -> bool ( case compare a (cs V.! (k + one)) of EQ -> k + 2 LT -> k + 1 GT -> go (Range k u) ) (k + 1) (k >= u - one) -- | Make a histogram using n equally spaced cuts over the entire range of the data -- -- >>> regular 4 [0..100] -- Histogram {cuts = [0.0,25.0,50.0,75.0,100.0], values = fromList [(1,25.0),(2,25.0),(3,25.0),(4,25.0),(5,1.0)]} regular :: Int -> [Double] -> Histogram regular _ [] = emptyHistogram regular n xs = fill cs xs where cs = grid OuterPos (unsafeSpace1 xs :: Range Double) n -- | Transform a Histogram to Rects -- -- >>> makeRects IgnoreOvers (regular 4 [0..100]) -- [Rect 0.0 25.0 0.0 0.25,Rect 25.0 50.0 0.0 0.25,Rect 50.0 75.0 0.0 0.25,Rect 75.0 100.0 0.0 0.25] makeRects :: DealOvers -> Histogram -> [Rect Double] makeRects o (Histogram cs counts) = V.toList $ V.zipWith3 (\x z w' -> Rect x z zero w') x z w' where w = V.zipWith (/) ((\x' -> Map.findWithDefault 0 x' counts) <$> V.enumFromN f (l - f + one)) (V.zipWith (-) z x) f = case o of IgnoreOvers -> one IncludeOvers _ -> zero l = case o of IgnoreOvers -> length cs - one IncludeOvers _ -> length cs w' = (/ sum w) <$> w x = case o of IgnoreOvers -> cs IncludeOvers outw -> V.singleton (V.head cs - outw) <> cs <> V.singleton (V.last cs + outw) z = V.drop one x -- | approx regular n-quantiles -- -- >>> regularQuantiles 4 [0..100] -- [0.0,24.75,50.0,75.25,100.0] regularQuantiles :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double] regularQuantiles n xs = quantileFold qs xs where qs = ((1 / n) *) <$> [0 .. n] -- | one-pass approximate quantiles fold quantileFold :: [Double] -> [Double] -> [Double] quantileFold qs xs = done $ foldl' step begin xs where step x a = TD.insert a x begin = TD.tdigest ([] :: [Double]) :: TD.TDigest 25 done x = fromMaybe (0 / 0) . (`TD.quantile` TD.compress x) <$> qs -- | normalize a histogram -- -- > \h -> sum (values $ freq h) == one -- -- >>> freq $ fill [0,50,100] [0..99] -- Histogram {cuts = [0.0,50.0,100.0], values = fromList [(1,0.5),(2,0.5)]} freq :: Histogram -> Histogram freq (Histogram cs vs) = Histogram cs $ Map.map (* recip (sum vs)) vs -- | average -- -- >>> average [0..1000] -- 500.0 average :: (Foldable f) => f Double -> Double average xs = sum xs / fromIntegral (length xs) -- | Regularly spaced (approx) quantiles -- -- >>> quantiles 5 [1..1000] -- [1.0,200.5,400.5,600.5000000000001,800.5,1000.0] quantiles :: (Foldable f) => Int -> f Double -> [Double] quantiles n xs = ( \x -> fromMaybe 0 $ TD.quantile x (TD.tdigest xs :: TD.TDigest 25) ) <$> ((/ fromIntegral n) . fromIntegral <$> [0 .. n]) -- | single (approx) quantile -- -- >>> quantile 0.1 [1..1000] -- 100.5 quantile :: (Foldable f) => Double -> f Double -> Double quantile p xs = fromMaybe 0 $ TD.quantile p (TD.tdigest xs :: TD.TDigest 25)