# * With the api of neovim 0.3.0, a function was exposed that had a reserved haskell keyword as a parameter name. The code generation did not sanitize this. This bugfix releases resolves this. # * Each plugin (type) now defines an environment which is similar to how stateful plugins have been declared in previous versions. If you need multiple different environments for different functions, you can make them fields of a bigger environment or define multiple plugin values. The type `Neovim r st a` has become `Neovim env a` where `env` is technically equivalent to the previous `r`. I was mainly motivated by this blog post: https://www.fpcomplete.com/blog/2017/06/readert-design-pattern * Only works with ghc >= 8. I removed some backwards compatibility. If you need older ghc versions, just use the previous version (0.2.5) as the feature set hasn't really changed. * A different pretty printer library is now used and may surface at some places. * Functions do now time out after some time, 10 seconds for those that block neovim and 10 minutes for background functions. * A few types have been adjusted. * Some improvement in error reporting. # 0.2.5 * Older versions of `nvim-hs` may not function if some versions of a dependency are used. This version has proper bounds for the dependency and should cause a compile time failure if an incompatible version of the dependency is used (see #61). # 0.2.0 * Replace error code of remote functions to return `Either NeovimException a` instead of a generic messagepack `Object` * Export API functions that throw a `NeovimException` instead of returning `Either NeovimExeception a`. * Replace three element tuple for stateful function declaration (#53) * Add a stack template for easier setup * Exceptions from pure code are now caught (#48) # 0.1.0 * Adjust parser for output of `nvim --api-info` * Adjust parser of ConfigHelper plugin # 0.0.7 * Adjust handling of string sent by neovim in API generation. # 0.0.6 * Noteworthy new API functions for the user's convenience: - `errOnInvalidResult` - `(:+)` * ansi-wl-pprint is used for pretty printing of various things now. Most notably, the error type has been changed from `String` to `Doc`. This is a breaking change, but it was kind of announced in the issues list. In any case, uses of `err` can be fixed by enabling the `OverloadedStrings` extension. Other breakages have to be fixed by hand. # 0.0.5 * Documentation received some love. * A few renames of repurposed internals. # 0.0.3 * Debugging facilities for ghci have been added. Check out the `Neovim.Debug` module! These few functions are very valuable to debug your code or even the code of nvim-hs itself. * Startup code now has a special `Neovim` environment which has access to some of the internals that may or may not be useful. This change allowed the ConfigHelper plugin to be included as a normal, separable plugin. Unfortunately, this potentially breaks the plugin startup code of some existing plugins. * Neovim context is no longer a type synonym, but a newtype wrapper around the previous type synonym with an added `ResourceT` wrapper. The functions from `MonadReader` are now actually exported as those. As a consequence, some of your code may break if you lack some specific instances which were auto-derived before. Send a PR or open a ticket to resolve this. * Add handling for some kind of variadic arguments handling. A command or function will be passed `Nothing` as it's last arguments if the argument type is wrapped in `Maybe` and the invocation on the side of neovim did not pass those arguments. # 0.0.2 * Add handling for special command options This breaks code that used `command` or `command'` to export functionality. You should replace the options with a list of `CommandOptions`. An export like `$(command' foo) def { cmdSync = Async }` must be redefined to `$(command' foo) [CmdSync Async]`. # 0.0.1 * Usable prototype implementation