-- |
-- Module    : Foreign.NVVM
-- Copyright : [2016..2023] Trevor L. McDonell
-- License   : BSD
-- This module defines an interface to the /libNVVM/ library provided by NVIDIA as
-- part of the CUDA toolkit. It compiles NVVM IR, a compiler intermediate
-- representation based on LLVM IR, into PTX code suitable for execution on
-- NVIDIA GPUs. NVVM IR is a subset of LLVM IR, with a set of rules,
-- restrictions, conventions, and intrinsic functions.
-- NVIDIA's own 'nvcc' compiler uses NVVM IR and /libNVVM/ internally as part of
-- the CUDA C compilation process. In contrast to the (open-source) NVPTX target
-- included with the standard LLVM toolchain (which also compiles NVVM IR into
-- PTX code), /libNVVM/ includes a set of proprietary optimisation passes, which
-- /may/ result in faster GPU code. More information on NVVM IR can be found
-- here:
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/nvvm-ir-spec/index.html>
-- The following is a short tutorial on using this library. The steps can be
-- copied into a file, or run directly in @ghci@, in which case @ghci@ should be
-- launched with the option @-fno-ghci-sandbox@. This is because CUDA maintains
-- CPU-local state, so operations must be run from a bound thread.
-- Note that the focus of this library is the generation of executable PTX code
-- from NVVM IR, so we will additionally need to use the 'cuda' package to
-- control and execute the compiled program. In this tutorial we will go over
-- those steps quickly, but see the 'cuda' package for more information and
-- a similar tutorial:
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/cuda>
-- [/Initialise the CUDA environment/]
-- Before any operation can be performed, we must initialise the CUDA Driver
-- API.
-- >>> import Foreign.CUDA.Driver as CUDA
-- >>> CUDA.initialise []
-- Select a GPU and create an execution context for that device. Each available
-- device is given a unique numeric identifier (beginning at zero). For this
-- example we just select the first device (the default).
-- >>> dev0 <- CUDA.device 0
-- >>> prp0 <- CUDA.props dev0
-- >>> ctx0 <- CUDA.create dev0 []
-- Remember that once the context is no longer needed, it should be
-- 'Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Context.Base.destroy'ed in order to free up any
-- resources that were allocated into it.
-- [/Compiling kernels with NVVM/]
-- For this example we will step through executing the equivalent of the
-- following Haskell function, which element-wise adds the elements of two
-- arrays:
-- >>> vecAdd xs ys = zipWith (+) xs ys
-- The following NVVM IR implements this for the GPU. Note that this example is
-- written using NVVM IR version 1.2 syntax (corresponding to CUDA toolkit 7.5),
-- which is based on LLVM IR version 3.4. The human readable representation of
-- LLVM IR (and by extension NVVM IR) is notorious for changing between
-- releases, whereas the bitcode representation is somewhat more stable. You may
-- wish to keep this in mind for your own programs.
-- > target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v16:16:16-v32:32:32-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-n16:32:64"
-- > target triple = "nvptx64-nvidia-cuda"
-- >
-- > define void @vecAdd(float* %A, float* %B, float* %C) {
-- > entry:
-- >   ; What is my ID?
-- >   %id = tail call i32 @llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.tid.x() readnone nounwind
-- >
-- >   ; Compute pointers into A, B, and C
-- >   %ptrA = getelementptr float* %A, i32 %id
-- >   %ptrB = getelementptr float* %B, i32 %id
-- >   %ptrC = getelementptr float* %C, i32 %id
-- >
-- >   ; Read A, B
-- >   %valA = load float* %ptrA, align 4
-- >   %valB = load float* %ptrB, align 4
-- >
-- >   ; Compute C = A + B
-- >   %valC = fadd float %valA, %valB
-- >
-- >   ; Store back to C
-- >   store float %valC, float* %ptrC, align 4
-- >
-- >   ret void
-- > }
-- >
-- > ; Intrinsic to read threadIdx.x
-- > declare i32 @llvm.nvvm.read.ptx.sreg.tid.x() readnone nounwind
-- >
-- > !nvvm.annotations = !{!0}
-- > !0 = metadata !{void (float*, float*, float*)* @vecAdd, metadata !"kernel", i64 1}
-- For reference, in CUDA this kernel would have been written as:
-- > extern "C" __global__ void vecAdd(float *xs, float* ys, float *zs)
-- > {
-- >     int ix = threadIdx.x;
-- >
-- >     zs[ix] = xs[ix] + ys[ix];
-- > }
-- The NVVM IR can be stored directly in the program as a @[Byte]String@, but
-- here I will assume that it is saved to a file @vector_add.ll@:
-- >>> import Data.ByteString as B
-- >>> ll <- B.readFile "vector_add.ll"
-- Now we can use NVVM to compile this into PTX code:
-- >>> import Foreign.NVVM as NVVM
-- >>> ptx <- NVVM.compileModule "vecAdd" ll [ NVVM.Target (CUDA.computeCapability prp0) ]
-- Notice that we asked NVVM to specialise the generated PTX code for our
-- current device. By default the code will be compiled for compute capability
-- 2.0 (the earliest supported target).
-- The generated PTX code can then be loaded into the current CUDA execution
-- context, from which we can extract a reference to the GPU kernel that we will
-- later execute.
-- >>> mdl    <- CUDA.loadData (NVVM.compileResult ptx)
-- >>> vecAdd <- CUDA.getFun mdl "vecAdd"
-- After we are finished with the module, it is a good idea to
-- 'Foreign.CUDA.Driver.Module.Base.unload' it in order to free any resources it
-- used.
-- [/Executing the kernel/]
-- Executing the 'vecAdd' kernel now proceeds exactly like executing any other
-- kernel function using the CUDA Driver API. The following is a quick overview;
-- see the tutorial in the 'cuda' package for more information.
-- First, generate some data and copy it to the device. We also allocate an
-- (uninitialised) array on the device to store the results.
-- >>> let xs = [1..256]   :: [Float]
-- >>> let ys = [2,4..512] :: [Float]
-- >>> xs_dev <- CUDA.newListArray xs
-- >>> ys_dev <- CUDA.newListArray ys
-- >>> zs_dev <- CUDA.mallocArray 256 :: IO (CUDA.DevicePtr Float)
-- For this simple kernel we execute it using a single (one dimensional) thread
-- block, with one thread computing each element of the output.
-- >>> CUDA.launchKernel vecAdd (1,1,1) (256,1,1) 0 Nothing [CUDA.VArg xs_dev, CUDA.VArg ys_dev, CUDA.VArg zs_dev]
-- Finally, we can copy the results back to the host, and deallocate the arrays
-- from the GPU.
-- >>> zs <- CUDA.peekListArray 256 zs_dev
-- >>> CUDA.free xs_dev
-- >>> CUDA.free ys_dev
-- >>> CUDA.free zs_dev
-- [/Next steps/]
-- The library also provides functions for compiling several NVVM IR sources
-- into a single module. In particular this is useful when linking against
-- @libdevice@, a standard library of functions in NVVM IR which implement, for
-- example, math primitives and bitwise operations. More information on
-- @libdevice@ can be found here:
-- <http://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/libdevice-users-guide/index.html>

module Foreign.NVVM (

  module Foreign.NVVM.Compile,
  module Foreign.NVVM.Error,
  module Foreign.NVVM.Info,

) where

import Foreign.NVVM.Compile
import Foreign.NVVM.Error
import Foreign.NVVM.Info