-- | Module that simulates an ELM327 device. module System.Hardware.ELM327.Simulator ( -- * Initializing the simulator Simulator(..) , defaultSimulator -- * Interacting with the simulator , connect , handle -- * Attributes of the simulator , ConnectedProtocol(..) , Echo(..) , obdBus , chosenProtocol , connectedProtocol , echo , pin2Voltage , versionID ) where import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Control.Concurrent.STM (TMVar, atomically, newTMVarIO, takeTMVar, putTMVar) import Control.Concurrent.STM.TMChan (TMChan, newTMChanIO, closeTMChan, readTMChan, writeTMChan) import Control.Lens (Lens', lens, (^.), (^?), (.~), re) import Control.Monad (void) import Control.Monad.State (StateT, runState, runStateT, get, put) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString) import Data.Char (isHexDigit, toUpper) import Text.Printf (printf) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import Numeric.Units.Dimensional.Prelude (ElectricPotential, volt, (*~), (/~)) import System.IO.Streams (makeInputStream, makeOutputStream) import System.Hardware.ELM327.Commands (AT(..), Command(..), command, Protocol(..), protocol, obdMode, obdPID) import System.Hardware.ELM327.Connection (Con(..)) import System.Hardware.ELM327.Simulator.OBDBus (OBDBus) import System.Hardware.ELM327.Utils.Hex (bytesToHex) import qualified System.Hardware.ELM327.Simulator.OBDBus as OBDBus -- | An actual simulator, with underlying bus, that holds all state. data Simulator bus = Simulator { _obdBus :: bus , _chosenProtocol :: Protocol , _connectedProtocol :: ConnectedProtocol , _echo :: Echo , _pin2Voltage :: ElectricPotential Double , _versionID :: String } deriving (Show) -- | The default simulator, initialized with a given protocol defaultSimulator :: OBDBus bus => bus -> Simulator bus defaultSimulator b = Simulator { _obdBus = b , _chosenProtocol = AutomaticProtocol , _connectedProtocol = NotConnected , _echo = EchoOff , _pin2Voltage = 12.3 *~ volt , _versionID = "ELM327 v2.1" } -- | Private data declaration that represents a connection to the simulator. data SimCon bus = SimCon { _conInputBuffer :: TMChan ByteString , _conOutputBuffer :: TMChan ByteString , _unhandledInput :: TMVar ByteString } -- | Initialize a 'SimulatorCon' simCon :: IO (SimCon bus) simCon = do ib <- newTMChanIO ob <- newTMChanIO ui <- newTMVarIO "" return SimCon { _conInputBuffer = ib , _conOutputBuffer = ob , _unhandledInput = ui } -- | Connect to the simulator. connect :: OBDBus bus => Simulator bus -> IO Con connect s = do c <- simCon is <- makeInputStream (produce c) os <- makeOutputStream (consume c) _ <- forkIO . void $ runStateT (runSimulator c) s return $ Con is os (atomically $ closeTMChan (_conInputBuffer c)) where produce = atomically . readTMChan . _conOutputBuffer consume _ Nothing = return () consume c (Just x) = atomically $ writeTMChan (_conInputBuffer c) x runSimulator :: OBDBus bus => SimCon bus -> StateT (Simulator bus) IO () runSimulator c = do next <- liftIO $ recv c case next of Nothing -> liftIO . atomically $ closeTMChan (_conOutputBuffer c) Just cmd -> do response <- handle (Char8.unpack cmd) liftIO . atomically $ writeTMChan (_conOutputBuffer c) (Char8.pack response) runSimulator c recv c = atomically $ recv' c =<< takeTMVar (_unhandledInput c) recv' c bs = do let (pref, suf) = Char8.break (== '\r') bs if Char8.null suf then do next <- readTMChan (_conInputBuffer c) case next of Nothing -> return Nothing Just x -> recv' c (Char8.append bs x) else do putTMVar (_unhandledInput c) (Char8.tail suf) return $ Just pref -- | Private data declaration that represents a parsed command (used in 'handle') data ParsedCommand = InvalidCommand | KnownCommand Command | UnknownOBD String -- | Parse a command from a serial line parsedCommand :: String -> ParsedCommand parsedCommand = parsedCommand' . map toUpper . filter (/= ' ') where parsedCommand' c@('A':'T':_) = maybe InvalidCommand KnownCommand (c ^? command) parsedCommand' c | all isHexDigit c = maybe (UnknownOBD c) KnownCommand (c ^? command) | otherwise = InvalidCommand -- | Make the simulator handle a command. handle :: (Monad m, OBDBus bus) => String -> StateT (Simulator bus) m String handle cmd = handle' $ parsedCommand cmd where handle' :: (Monad m, OBDBus bus) => ParsedCommand -> StateT (Simulator bus) m String handle' InvalidCommand = return "?" handle' (UnknownOBD _) = reply . either id (++ "NO DATA") <$> connectToBus handle' (KnownCommand x) = handle'' x handle'' (OBD x) = do connectStatus <- connectToBus case connectStatus of Left errMsg -> return $ reply errMsg Right conMsg -> do bus <- (^. obdBus) <$> get let (resp, bus') = runState (OBDBus.request x) bus (obdBus .~ bus') <$> get >>= put case resp of Nothing -> return . reply $ conMsg ++ "NO DATA" Just v -> return . reply . (conMsg ++) . bytesToHex " " $ [obdMode x + 0x40, obdPID x] ++ v handle'' (AT ATDescribeProtocolNumber) = reply <$> describeProtocolNumber handle'' (AT ATEchoOff) = reply <$> echoOff handle'' (AT ATReadVoltage) = reply <$> readVoltage handle'' (AT ATResetAll) = reply <$> resetAll handle'' (AT (ATSelectProtocol p)) = reply <$> selectProtocol p handle'' (AT ATVersionID) = reply . (^. versionID) <$> get reply = (++ "\r>") -- | The protocol the ELM327 simulator is setup to use. data ConnectedProtocol = NotConnected | ManuallyChosen Protocol | AutomaticallyChosen Protocol deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The echo settings of the ELM327. data Echo = EchoOn | EchoOff deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The actual underlying simulated bus of the simulator. obdBus :: OBDBus bus => Lens' (Simulator bus) bus obdBus = lens _obdBus $ \s x -> s { _obdBus = x } -- | The protocol the simulator should try to connect with. chosenProtocol :: Lens' (Simulator bus) Protocol chosenProtocol = lens _chosenProtocol $ \s x -> s { _chosenProtocol = x } -- | The protocol the ELM327 simulator is connected with. connectedProtocol :: Lens' (Simulator bus) ConnectedProtocol connectedProtocol = lens _connectedProtocol $ \s x -> s { _connectedProtocol = x } -- | The echo settings of the ELM327. echo :: Lens' (Simulator bus) Echo echo = lens _echo $ \s x -> s { _echo = x } -- | The voltage on pin 2 (most likely the battery voltage) pin2Voltage :: Lens' (Simulator bus) (ElectricPotential Double) pin2Voltage = lens _pin2Voltage $ \s x -> s { _pin2Voltage = x } -- | The version ID of the ELM327. versionID :: Lens' (Simulator bus) String versionID = lens _versionID $ \s x -> s { _versionID = x } -- | If the command is just a setting change, the ELM327 will reply with OK. replyOK :: Monad m => StateT (Simulator bus) m String replyOK = return "OK" -- | Connect to the underlying bus -- -- If the connection fails, the result will be 'Left errorMessage', otherwise -- the result will be 'Right statusMessage'. connectToBus :: (Monad m, OBDBus bus) => StateT (Simulator bus) m (Either String String) connectToBus = do cp <- (^. connectedProtocol) <$> get bus <- OBDBus.protocol . (^. obdBus) <$> get chosen <- (^. chosenProtocol) <$> get case (cp, chosen) of (NotConnected, AutomaticProtocol) -> do (connectedProtocol .~ AutomaticallyChosen bus) <$> get >>= put return $ Right "SEARCHING..." (NotConnected, _) -> if bus /= chosen then return $ Left "UNABLE TO CONNECT" else do (connectedProtocol .~ ManuallyChosen bus) <$> get >>= put return $ Right "" (_, _) -> return $ Right "" -- | Describe the protocol number describeProtocolNumber :: Monad m => StateT (Simulator bus) m String describeProtocolNumber = do cp <- (^. connectedProtocol) <$> get case cp of NotConnected -> return $ "A" ++ AutomaticProtocol ^. re protocol ManuallyChosen p -> return $ p ^. re protocol AutomaticallyChosen p -> return $ "A" ++ p ^. re protocol -- | Turn echo off echoOff :: Monad m => StateT (Simulator bus) m String echoOff = (echo .~ EchoOff) <$> get >>= put >> replyOK -- | Read the battery voltage readVoltage :: Monad m => StateT (Simulator bus) m String readVoltage = printf "%.1f" . (/~ volt) . (^. pin2Voltage) <$> get -- | Fully reset the device resetAll :: (Monad m, OBDBus bus) => StateT (Simulator bus) m String resetAll = defaultSimulator . (^. obdBus) <$> get >>= put >> return "" -- | Select a protocol selectProtocol :: Monad m => Protocol -> StateT (Simulator bus) m String selectProtocol p = (chosenProtocol .~ p) <$> get >>= put >> replyOK