# [Octane][] [![Version badge][]][version] [![Windows build badge][]][windows build] [![Build badge][]][build] Octane is the premier [Rocket League][] replay parser. [Rocket League Replays][] parses tens of thousands of replays with it. Octane parses most replays in less than 5 seconds. It outputs easy-to-read JSON. Octane has a command-line interface. To get it, download and unpack [the latest release][] for your platform. You can run the executable one of three ways: 1. Pipe a replay file into it. It will output a compact JSON object to standard out. ``` sh $ octane < a.replay > replay.json ``` 2. Pass it a path to a replay file. Both file paths and URLs work. It will output a compact JSON object to standard out. ``` sh $ octane a.replay > replay.json $ octane https://media.rocketleaguereplays.com/uploads/replay_files/9A06783F4FEA7AFF3D8298A3E5A412F5.replay > replay.json ``` 3. Pass it several paths to replay files. Both file paths and URLs work. It will output a compact JSON array of objects to standard out. ``` sh $ octane first.replay second.replay > replays.json ``` Rocket League saves your replays in a folder that depends on your operating system. - Windows: `%UserProfile%\Documents\My Games\Rocket League\TAGame\Demos` - macOS: `$HOME/Library/Application Support/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` - Linux: `$HOME/.local/share/Rocket League/TAGame/Demos` Octane is written in Haskell. If you're looking for a library written in another language, check out the [Rocket League Replays wiki][]. It has links to many other Rocket League replay parsers. [Octane]: https://github.com/tfausak/octane [Version badge]: https://www.stackage.org/package/octane/badge/nightly?label=version [version]: https://www.stackage.org/nightly/package/octane [Windows build badge]: https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/tfausak/octane?branch=main&svg=true [windows build]: https://ci.appveyor.com/project/TaylorFausak/octane [Build badge]: https://travis-ci.org/tfausak/octane.svg?branch=main [build]: https://travis-ci.org/tfausak/octane [Rocket League]: http://www.rocketleaguegame.com [Rocket League Replays]: https://www.rocketleaguereplays.com/replays/ [the latest release]: https://github.com/tfausak/octane/releases/latest [Rocket League Replays wiki]: https://github.com/rocket-league-replays/rocket-league-replays/wiki/Rocket-League-Replay-Parsers