-- Copyright © 2012 Frank S. Thomas <frank@timepit.eu>
-- All rights reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
-- can be found in the LICENSE file.

-- | Ohloh API Reference: <http://meta.ohloh.net/referenceenlistment/>
module Web.Ohloh.Enlistment (
) where

import Data.Lens.Common
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle

import Web.Ohloh.Common
import Web.Ohloh.Lens.IdL
import Web.Ohloh.Repository

-- | 'Enlistment' joins a 'Web.Ohloh.Project.Project' to a source control
--   'Web.Ohloh.Repository.Repository'.
data Enlistment = Enlistment {
  enId :: String,
  enProjectId :: String,
  enRepositoryId :: String,
  enRepository :: Repository
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

instance XmlPickler Enlistment where
  xpickle = xpEnlistment

instance ReadXmlString Enlistment
instance ShowXmlString Enlistment

xpEnlistment :: PU Enlistment
xpEnlistment =
  xpElem "enlistment" $
    xpWrap (uncurry4 Enlistment,
            \(Enlistment i  pi  ri  r) ->
                        (i, pi, ri, r)) $
    xp4Tuple (xpElem "id" xpText0)
             (xpElem "project_id" xpText0)
             (xpElem "repository_id" xpText0)

instance IdL Enlistment where
  idL = lens enId $ \id en -> en { enId = id }