-- Copyright © 2012 Frank S. Thomas <frank@timepit.eu>
-- All rights reserved.
-- Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that
-- can be found in the LICENSE file.

-- | Ohloh API Reference: <http://meta.ohloh.net/referencefactoid/>
module Web.Ohloh.Factoid (
) where

import Data.Lens.Common
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Pickle

import Web.Ohloh.Common
import Web.Ohloh.Lens.IdL

data FactoidType =
  FactoidActivityDecreasing    |
  FactoidActivityStable        |
  FactoidActivityIncreasing    |
  FactoidAgeYoung              |
  FactoidAgeOld                |
  FactoidAgeVeryOld            |
  FactoidCommentsVeryLow       |
  FactoidCommentsLow           |
  FactoidCommentsAverage       |
  FactoidCommentsHigh          |
  FactoidCommentsVeryHigh      |
  FactoidDistributionOnePerson |
  FactoidTeamSizeZero          |
  FactoidTeamSizeOne           |
  FactoidTeamSizeSmall         |
  FactoidTeamSizeAverage       |
  FactoidTeamSizeLarge         |
  FactoidTeamSizeVeryLarge     |
  deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

-- | 'Factoid' is a short, high-level bullet point delivering a simple
--   observation about a 'Web.Ohloh.Project.Project'.
data Factoid = Factoid {
  factId :: String,
  factAnalysisId :: String,
  factType :: FactoidType,
  factDescription :: String,
  factSeverity :: Int,
  factLicenseId :: Maybe String
} deriving (Eq, Read, Show)

instance XmlPickler Factoid where
  xpickle = xpFactoid

instance ReadXmlString Factoid
instance ShowXmlString Factoid

xpFactoid :: PU Factoid
xpFactoid =
  xpElem "factoid" $
    xpWrap (uncurry6 Factoid,
            \(Factoid i  ai  t  d  s  li) ->
                     (i, ai, t, d, s, li)) $
    xp6Tuple (xpElem "id" xpText0)
             (xpElem "analysis_id" xpText0)
             (xpElem "type" xpPrim)
             (xpElem "description" xpText0)
             (xpElem "severity" xpInt)
             (xpOption (xpElem "license_id" xpText0))

instance IdL Factoid where
  idL = lens factId $ \id fact -> fact { factId = id }