{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {- | The meat of the Legion runtime implementation. -} module OM.Legion.Runtime ( -- * Starting the framework runtime. forkLegionary, Runtime, StartupMode(..), -- * Constraints MonadConstraints, -- * Runtime Interface. applyFast, applyConsistent, readState, call, cast, broadcall, broadcast, eject, getSelf, getClusterName, getStats, Stats(..), ) where import Control.Arrow (Arrow((&&&))) import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay) import Control.Exception.Safe (MonadCatch, tryAny) import Control.Monad (unless, void, when) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import Control.Monad.IO.Unlift (MonadUnliftIO) import Control.Monad.Logger.CallStack (LoggingT(runLoggingT), MonadLoggerIO(askLoggerIO), LogStr, MonadLogger, logDebug, logError, logInfo) import Control.Monad.State (MonadState(get, put), StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify') import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(lift)) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON) import Data.Binary (Binary) import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString) import Data.CRDT.EventFold (Event(Output, State), UpdateResult(urEventFold, urOutputs), EventFold, EventId, diffSize, events, infimumId, projParticipants) import Data.CRDT.EventFold.Monad (MonadUpdateEF(diffMerge, disassociate, event, fullMerge, participate), EventFoldT, runEventFoldT) import Data.Default.Class (Default) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.IORef (IORef, atomicModifyIORef', newIORef, readIORef) import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Set ((\\), Set) import Data.Time (DiffTime, diffTimeToPicoseconds, picosecondsToDiffTime) import Data.UUID (UUID) import Data.UUID.V1 (nextUUID) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.Socket (PortNumber) import OM.Fork (Actor(Msg, actorChan), Race, Responder, race) import OM.Legion.Connection (JoinResponse(JoinOk), RuntimeState(RuntimeState, rsBroadcalls, rsCalls, rsClusterState, rsConnections, rsJoins, rsNextId, rsNotify, rsSelf, rsWaiting), EventConstraints, disconnect, peerMessagePort, sendPeer) import OM.Legion.MsgChan (MessageId(M), Peer(unPeer), PeerMessage(PMCall, PMCallResponse, PMCast, PMFullMerge, PMMerge, PMOutputs), ClusterName) import OM.Legion.RChan (JoinRequest(JoinRequest), RuntimeMessage(ApplyConsistent, ApplyFast, Broadcall, Broadcast, Call, Cast, Eject, FullMerge, GetStats, HandleCallResponse, Join, Merge, Outputs, ReadState, Resend, SendCallResponse), RChan, newRChan, readRChan) import OM.Logging (withPrefix) import OM.Show (showj, showt) import OM.Socket (AddressDescription(AddressDescription), connectServer, openIngress, openServer) import OM.Time (MonadTimeSpec(getTime), addTime, diffTimeSpec) import Prelude (Applicative(pure), Either(Left, Right), Enum(succ), Eq((/=)), Functor(fmap), Maybe(Just, Nothing), Monad((>>), (>>=), return), Monoid(mempty), Ord((<=), (>=)), Semigroup((<>)), ($), (.), (<$>), (=<<), IO, Int, MonadFail, Show, String, fst, mapM_, maybe, otherwise, seq, sequence_) import System.Clock (TimeSpec) import System.Random.Shuffle (shuffleM) import qualified Data.Binary as Binary import qualified Data.CRDT.EventFold as EF import qualified Data.Map as Map import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified OM.Fork as Fork import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Stream {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant <$>" :: String) #-} {-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use underscore" :: String) #-} {- | Shorthand for all the monad constraints, mainly use so that documentation renders better. -} type MonadConstraints m = ( MonadCatch m , MonadFail m , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadTimeSpec m , MonadUnliftIO m , Race ) {- | Fork the Legion runtime system. -} forkLegionary :: ( EventConstraints e , MonadConstraints m ) => (ByteString -> IO ByteString) {- ^ Handle a user call request. -} -> (ByteString -> IO ()) {- ^ Handle a user cast message. -} -> (Peer -> EventFold ClusterName Peer e -> IO ()) {- ^ Callback when the cluster-wide eventfold changes. -} -> Int {- ^ The propagation interval, in microseconds (for use with `threadDelay`). -} -> StartupMode e {- ^ How to start the runtime, by creating new cluster or joining an existing cluster. -} -> m (Runtime e) forkLegionary handleUserCall handleUserCast notify resendInterval startupMode = do logInfo $ "Starting up with the following Mode: " <> showt startupMode rts <- makeRuntimeState notify startupMode runtimeChan <- newRChan logging <- withPrefix (logPrefix (rsSelf rts)) <$> askLoggerIO rStats <- liftIO $ newIORef mempty (`runLoggingT` logging) $ executeRuntime handleUserCall handleUserCast resendInterval rts runtimeChan rStats let clusterId :: ClusterName clusterId = EF.origin (rsClusterState rts) return Runtime { rChan = runtimeChan , rSelf = rsSelf rts , rClusterId = clusterId , rStats } where logPrefix :: Peer -> LogStr logPrefix self_ = "[" <> showt self_ <> "] " {- | A handle on the Legion runtime. -} data Runtime e = Runtime { rChan :: RChan e , rSelf :: Peer , rClusterId :: ClusterName , rStats :: IORef (Map Peer TimeSpec) } instance Actor (Runtime e) where type Msg (Runtime e) = RuntimeMessage e actorChan = actorChan . rChan {- | Some basic stats that can be used to intuit the health of the cluster. We currently only report on how long it has been since some peer has made some progress. -} newtype Stats = Stats { timeWithoutProgress :: Map Peer DiffTime {- ^ How long it has been since a 'Peer' has made progress (if it is 'divergent'). If the peer is completely up to date as far as we know, then it does not appear in the map at all. Only peers which we are expecting to make progress appear. -} } deriving stock (Generic, Show, Eq) deriving anyclass (ToJSON) instance Binary Stats where get = Stats <$> (fmap picosecondsToDiffTime <$> Binary.get) put (Stats timeWithoutProgress) = Binary.put (diffTimeToPicoseconds <$> timeWithoutProgress) {- | Update the distributed cluster state by applying an event. The event output will be returned immediately and may not reflect a totally consistent view of the cluster. The state update itself, however, is guaranteed to be applied atomically and consistently throughout the cluster. -} applyFast :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e {- ^ The runtime handle. -} -> e {- ^ The event to be applied. -} -> m (Output e) {- ^ Returns the possibly inconsistent event output. -} applyFast runtime e = Fork.call runtime (ApplyFast e) {- | Update the distributed cluster state by applying an event. Both the event output and resulting state will be totally consistent throughout the cluster. -} applyConsistent :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e {- ^ The runtime handle. -} -> e {- ^ The event to be applied. -} -> m (Output e) {- ^ Returns the strongly consistent event output. -} applyConsistent runtime e = Fork.call runtime (ApplyConsistent e) {- | Read the current powerstate value. -} readState :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> m (EventFold ClusterName Peer e) readState runtime = Fork.call runtime ReadState {- | Send a user message to some other peer, and block until a response is received. -} call :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> Peer -> ByteString -> m ByteString call runtime target msg = Fork.call runtime (Call target msg) {- | Send the result of a call back to the peer that originated it. -} sendCallResponse :: (MonadIO m) => RChan e -> Peer -> MessageId -> ByteString -> m () sendCallResponse runtimeChan target mid msg = Fork.cast runtimeChan (SendCallResponse target mid msg) {- | Send a user message to some other peer, without waiting on a response. -} cast :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> Peer -> ByteString -> m () cast runtime target message = Fork.cast runtime (Cast target message) {- | Send a user message to all peers, and block until a response is received from all of them. -} broadcall :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> DiffTime {- ^ The timeout. -} -> ByteString -> m (Map Peer (Maybe ByteString)) broadcall runtime timeout msg = Fork.call runtime (Broadcall timeout msg) {- | Send a user message to all peers, without wating on a response. -} broadcast :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> ByteString -> m () broadcast runtime msg = Fork.cast runtime (Broadcast msg) {- | Eject a peer from the cluster. -} eject :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> Peer -> m () eject runtime peer = Fork.call runtime (Eject peer) {- | Get the identifier for the local peer. -} getSelf :: Runtime e -> Peer getSelf = rSelf {- | Execute the Legion runtime, with the given user definitions, and framework settings. This function never returns (except maybe with an exception if something goes horribly wrong). -} executeRuntime :: ( Binary (Output e) , Binary (State e) , Binary e , Default (State e) , Eq (Output e) , Eq e , Event Peer e , MonadCatch m , MonadFail m , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadTimeSpec m , MonadUnliftIO m , Race , Show (Output e) , Show (State e) , Show e , ToJSON (Output e) , ToJSON (State e) , ToJSON e ) => (ByteString -> IO ByteString) {- ^ Handle a user call request. -} -> (ByteString -> IO ()) {- ^ Handle a user cast message. -} -> Int {- ^ The propagation interval, in microseconds (for use with `threadDelay`). -} -> RuntimeState e -> RChan e {- ^ A source of requests, together with a way to respond to the requets. -} -> IORef (Map Peer TimeSpec) -> m () executeRuntime handleUserCall handleUserCast resendInterval rts runtimeChan peerStats = do {- Start the various messages sources. -} race "om-legion peer listener" runPeerListener race "om-legion join listener" runJoinListener race "om-legion periodic resend" runPeriodicResent race "om-legion message handler" $ (`evalStateT` rts) ( let -- handleMessages :: StateT (RuntimeState e3) m Void handleMessages = do msg <- readRChan runtimeChan RuntimeState {rsClusterState = cluster1} <- get logDebug $ "Handling: " <> showt msg handleRuntimeMessage msg RuntimeState {rsClusterState = cluster2} <- get when (cluster1 /= cluster2) $ logDebug $ "New Cluster State: " <> showj cluster2 -- propagate handleBroadcallTimeouts handleOutstandingJoins handleMessages in do liftIO $ rsNotify rts (rsClusterState rts) handleMessages ) where runPeerListener :: (MonadLoggerIO m, MonadFail m) => m () runPeerListener = let addy :: AddressDescription addy = AddressDescription ( unPeer (rsSelf rts) <> ":" <> showt peerMessagePort ) in openIngress addy `Stream.for` (\ (msgSource, msg) -> do liftIO $ do now <- getTime atomicModifyIORef' peerStats (\peerTimes -> (Map.insert msgSource now peerTimes, ())) lift $ logDebug $ "Handling: " <> showt (msgSource :: Peer, msg) case msg of PMFullMerge ps -> Stream.yield (FullMerge ps) PMOutputs outputs -> Stream.yield (Outputs outputs) PMMerge ps -> Stream.yield (Merge ps) PMCall source mid callMsg -> (liftIO . tryAny) (handleUserCall callMsg) >>= \case Left err -> lift . logError $ "User call handling failed with: " <> showt err Right v -> sendCallResponse runtimeChan source mid v PMCast castMsg -> liftIO (handleUserCast castMsg) PMCallResponse source mid responseMsg -> Stream.yield (HandleCallResponse source mid responseMsg) ) & Stream.mapM_ (Fork.cast runtimeChan) runJoinListener :: ( MonadCatch m , MonadFail m , MonadLogger m , MonadUnliftIO m , Race ) => m () runJoinListener = let addy :: AddressDescription addy = AddressDescription ( unPeer (rsSelf rts) <> ":" <> showt joinMessagePort ) in openServer addy Nothing & Stream.mapM_ (\(req, respond_) -> Fork.call runtimeChan (Join req) >>= respond_ ) runPeriodicResent :: (MonadIO m) => m () runPeriodicResent = let periodicResend :: (MonadIO m) => m () periodicResend = do liftIO $ threadDelay resendInterval Fork.call runtimeChan Resend periodicResend in periodicResend {- | Handle any outstanding joins. -} handleOutstandingJoins :: (MonadLoggerIO m) => StateT (RuntimeState e) m () handleOutstandingJoins = do state@RuntimeState {rsJoins, rsClusterState} <- get let (consistent, pending) = Map.partitionWithKey (\k _ -> k <= infimumId rsClusterState) rsJoins put state {rsJoins = pending} sequence_ [ do logInfo $ "Completing join (" <> showt sid <> ")." respond responder (JoinOk rsClusterState) | (sid, responder) <- Map.toList consistent ] {- | Handle any broadcall timeouts. -} handleBroadcallTimeouts :: ( MonadIO m , MonadTimeSpec m ) => StateT (RuntimeState e) m () handleBroadcallTimeouts = do broadcalls <- gets rsBroadcalls now <- getTime sequence_ [ do respond responder responses modify' (\rs -> rs { rsBroadcalls = Map.delete messageId (rsBroadcalls rs) }) | (messageId, (responses, responder, expiry)) <- Map.toList broadcalls , now >= expiry ] {- | Execute the incoming messages. -} handleRuntimeMessage :: ( Binary (Output e) , Binary (State e) , Binary e , Default (State e) , Eq (Output e) , Eq e , Event Peer e , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadTimeSpec m , Show (Output e) , Show (State e) , Show e , ToJSON (Output e) , ToJSON (State e) , ToJSON e ) => RuntimeMessage e -> StateT (RuntimeState e) m () handleRuntimeMessage (Outputs outputs) = {-# SCC "Outputs" #-} respondToWaiting outputs handleRuntimeMessage (GetStats responder) = {-# SCC "GetStats" #-} respond responder =<< gets rsClusterState handleRuntimeMessage (ApplyFast e responder) = {-# SCC "ApplyFast" #-} updateCluster $ fst <$> event e >>= respond responder handleRuntimeMessage (ApplyConsistent e responder) = {-# SCC "ApplyConsistent" #-} ( do updateCluster $ do (_v, sid) <- event e lift (waitOn sid responder) rs <- get logDebug $ "Waiting: " <> showt (rsWaiting rs) ) handleRuntimeMessage (Eject peer responder) = {-# SCC "Eject" #-} do updateClusterAs peer $ void $ disassociate peer propagate {- ↓ This is an awful hack. The problem is that 'propagate' uses 'sendPeer', but 'sendPeer' itself is asynchronous (though it should be very fast). The correct solution is a bit tricky. We can either figure out some way to block all the way down through the internals of the connection management, or else maybe extend the "join port" server endpoint to accept eject notifications as well as join requests. -} liftIO $ threadDelay 500_000 respond responder () handleRuntimeMessage (Merge other) = {-# SCC "Merge" #-} updateCluster $ diffMerge other >>= \case Left err -> logError $ "Bad cluster merge: " <> showt err Right () -> return () handleRuntimeMessage (FullMerge other) = {-# SCC "FullMerge" #-} updateCluster $ fullMerge other >>= \case Left err -> logError $ "Bad cluster merge: " <> showt err Right () -> return () handleRuntimeMessage (Join (JoinRequest peer) responder) = {-# SCC "Join" #-} do logInfo $ "Handling join from peer: " <> showt peer updateCluster (do void $ disassociate peer void $ participate peer ) RuntimeState {rsClusterState} <- get logInfo $ "Join immediately with: " <> showt rsClusterState respond responder (JoinOk rsClusterState) handleRuntimeMessage (ReadState responder) = {-# SCC "ReadState" #-} respond responder . rsClusterState =<< get handleRuntimeMessage (Call target msg responder) = {-# SCC "Call" #-} do mid <- newMessageId source <- gets rsSelf setCallResponder mid sendPeer (PMCall source mid msg) target where setCallResponder :: (Monad m) => MessageId -> StateT (RuntimeState e) m () setCallResponder mid = do state@RuntimeState {rsCalls} <- get put state { rsCalls = Map.insert mid responder rsCalls } handleRuntimeMessage (Cast target msg) = {-# SCC "Cast" #-} sendPeer (PMCast msg) target handleRuntimeMessage (Broadcall timeout msg responder) = {-# SCC "Broadcall" #-} do expiry <- addTime timeout <$> getTime mid <- newMessageId source <- gets rsSelf setBroadcallResponder expiry mid mapM_ (sendPeer (PMCall source mid msg)) =<< getPeers where setBroadcallResponder :: (Monad m) => TimeSpec -> MessageId -> StateT (RuntimeState e) m () setBroadcallResponder expiry mid = do peers <- getPeers state@RuntimeState {rsBroadcalls} <- get put state { rsBroadcalls = Map.insert mid ( Map.fromList [(peer, Nothing) | peer <- Set.toList peers], responder, expiry ) rsBroadcalls } handleRuntimeMessage (Broadcast msg) = {-# SCC "Broadcast" #-} mapM_ (sendPeer (PMCast msg)) =<< getPeers handleRuntimeMessage (SendCallResponse target mid msg) = {-# SCC "SendCallResponse" #-} do source <- gets rsSelf sendPeer (PMCallResponse source mid msg) target handleRuntimeMessage (HandleCallResponse source mid msg) = {-# SCC "HandleCallResponse" #-} do state@RuntimeState {rsCalls, rsBroadcalls} <- get case Map.lookup mid rsCalls of Nothing -> case Map.lookup mid rsBroadcalls of Nothing -> return () Just (responses, responder, expiry) -> let responses2 = Map.insert source (Just msg) responses response = Map.fromList [ (peer, r) | (peer, Just r) <- Map.toList responses2 ] peers = Map.keysSet responses2 in if Set.null (peers \\ Map.keysSet response) then do respond responder (Just <$> response) put state { rsBroadcalls = Map.delete mid rsBroadcalls } else put state { rsBroadcalls = Map.insert mid (responses2, responder, expiry) rsBroadcalls } Just responder -> do respond responder msg put state {rsCalls = Map.delete mid rsCalls} handleRuntimeMessage (Resend responder) = {-# SCC "Resend" #-} propagate >>= respond responder {- | Get the projected peers. -} getPeers :: (Monad m) => StateT (RuntimeState e) m (Set Peer) getPeers = gets (projParticipants . rsClusterState) {- | Get a new messageId. -} newMessageId :: (Monad m) => StateT (RuntimeState e) m MessageId newMessageId = do state@RuntimeState {rsNextId} <- get put state {rsNextId = nextMessageId rsNextId} return rsNextId {- | Like 'runEventFoldT', plus automatically take care of doing necessary IO implied by the cluster update. -} updateCluster :: ( EventConstraints e , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => EventFoldT ClusterName Peer e m a -> m a updateCluster action = do RuntimeState {rsSelf} <- get updateClusterAs rsSelf action {- | Like 'updateCluster', but perform the operation on behalf of a specified peer. This is required for e.g. the peer eject case, when the ejected peer may not be able to perform acknowledgements on its own behalf. -} updateClusterAs :: forall e m a. ( EventConstraints e , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => Peer -> EventFoldT ClusterName Peer e m a -> m a updateClusterAs asPeer action = do (oldCluster, notify) <- gets (rsClusterState &&& rsNotify) (v, ur) <- runEventFoldT asPeer oldCluster action do {- Update the cluster -} let newCluster :: EventFold ClusterName Peer e newCluster = urEventFold ur when (oldCluster /= newCluster) $ liftIO (notify newCluster) modify' ( let doModify state = newCluster `seq` state { rsClusterState = newCluster } in doModify ) do {- Dispatch outputs. -} self <- gets rsSelf let outputs :: Map (EventId Peer) (Output e) outputs = urOutputs ur byRemotePeer :: Map Peer (Map (EventId Peer) (Output e)) byRemotePeer = Map.unionsWith (<>) [ Map.singleton peer (Map.singleton eid o) | (eid, o) <- Map.toList outputs , Just peer <- [EF.source eid] ] respondToWaiting outputs sequence_ [ do logDebug $ "Sending remote outputs: " <> showt byRemotePeer sendPeer (PMOutputs outputsForPeer) peer | (peer, outputsForPeer) <- Map.toList byRemotePeer , peer /= self ] pure v {- | Wait on a consistent response for the given state id. -} waitOn :: (Monad m) => EventId Peer -> Responder (Output e) -> StateT (RuntimeState e) m () waitOn sid responder = modify' (\state@RuntimeState {rsWaiting} -> state { rsWaiting = Map.insert sid responder rsWaiting }) {- | Propagates cluster information if necessary. -} propagate :: ( EventConstraints e , MonadLoggerIO m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m ) => m () propagate = do (self, cluster) <- gets (rsSelf &&& rsClusterState) let targets = Set.delete self $ EF.allParticipants cluster liftIO (shuffleM (Set.toList targets)) >>= \case [] -> return () target:_ -> case events target cluster of Nothing -> do logInfo $ "Sending full merge because the target's join event " <> "has not reaached the infimum" sendPeer (PMFullMerge cluster) target Just diff | diffSize diff <= 0 -> sendPeer (PMMerge diff) target | otherwise -> sendPeer (PMFullMerge cluster) target disconnectObsolete where {- | Shut down connections to peers that are no longer participating in the cluster. -} disconnectObsolete :: ( MonadState (RuntimeState e) m , MonadLogger m ) => m () disconnectObsolete = do (cluster, conns) <- gets (rsClusterState &&& rsConnections) let obsolete = Map.keysSet conns \\ EF.allParticipants cluster unless (Set.null obsolete) $ logInfo $ "Disconnecting obsolete: " <> showt obsolete mapM_ disconnect obsolete {- | Respond to event applications that are waiting on a consistent result, if such a result is available. -} respondToWaiting :: forall m e. ( MonadLoggerIO m , MonadState (RuntimeState e) m , Show (Output e) ) => Map (EventId Peer) (Output e) -> m () respondToWaiting available = do rs <- get logDebug $ "Responding to: " <> showt (available, Map.keysSet (rsWaiting rs)) mapM_ respondToOne (Map.toList available) where respondToOne :: (EventId Peer, Output e) -> m () respondToOne (sid, output) = do state@RuntimeState {rsWaiting} <- get case Map.lookup sid rsWaiting of Nothing -> return () Just responder -> do respond responder output put state {rsWaiting = Map.delete sid rsWaiting} {- | This defines the various ways a node can be spun up. -} data StartupMode e {- | Indicates that we should bootstrap a new cluster at startup. -} = NewCluster Peer {- ^ The peer being launched. -} ClusterName {- ^ The name of the cluster being launched. -} {- | Indicates that the node should try to join an existing cluster. -} | JoinCluster Peer {- ^ The peer being launched. -} ClusterName {- ^ The name of the cluster we are trying to join. -} Peer {- ^ The existing peer we are attempting to join with. -} {- | Resume operation given the previously saved state. -} | Recover Peer {- ^ The Peer being recovered. -} (EventFold ClusterName Peer e) {- ^ The last acknowledged state we had before we crashed. -} deriving stock instance ( Show e , Show (Output e) , Show (State e) ) => Show (StartupMode e) {- | Initialize the runtime state. -} makeRuntimeState :: (EventConstraints e, MonadLoggerIO m) => (Peer -> EventFold ClusterName Peer e -> IO ()) {- ^ Callback when the cluster-wide powerstate changes. -} -> StartupMode e -> m (RuntimeState e) makeRuntimeState notify (NewCluster self clusterId) = do logInfo "Starting a new cluster." {- Build a brand new node state, for the first node in a cluster. -} makeRuntimeState notify (Recover self (EF.new clusterId self)) makeRuntimeState notify (JoinCluster self _clusterName targetPeer) = do {- Join a cluster an existing cluster. -} logInfo $ "Trying to join an existing cluster on " <> showt addr JoinOk cluster <- requestJoin . JoinRequest $ self logInfo $ "Join response with cluster: " <> showt cluster makeRuntimeState notify (Recover self cluster) where requestJoin :: (EventConstraints e, MonadLoggerIO m) => JoinRequest -> m (JoinResponse e) requestJoin joinMsg = ($ joinMsg) =<< connectServer addr Nothing addr :: AddressDescription addr = AddressDescription ( unPeer targetPeer <> ":" <> showt joinMessagePort ) makeRuntimeState notify (Recover self clusterState) = do rsNextId <- newSequence return RuntimeState { rsSelf = self , rsClusterState = clusterState , rsConnections = mempty , rsWaiting = mempty , rsCalls = mempty , rsBroadcalls = mempty , rsNextId , rsNotify = notify self , rsJoins = mempty } {- | Initialize a new sequence of messageIds. It would be perfectly fine to ensure unique message ids by generating a unique UUID for each one, but generating UUIDs is not free, and we are probably going to be generating a lot of these. -} newSequence :: (MonadIO m) => m MessageId newSequence = do sid <- getUUID pure (M sid 0) where {- | A utility function that makes a UUID, no matter what. -} getUUID :: (MonadIO m) => m UUID getUUID = liftIO nextUUID >>= maybe (wait >> getUUID) return where wait = liftIO (threadDelay oneMillisecond) oneMillisecond = 1000 {- | Generate the next message id in the sequence. We would normally use `succ` for this kind of thing, but making `MessageId` an instance of `Enum` really isn't appropriate. -} nextMessageId :: MessageId -> MessageId nextMessageId (M sequenceId ord) = M sequenceId (succ ord) {- | Obtain the 'ClusterName'. -} getClusterName :: Runtime e -> ClusterName getClusterName = rClusterId {- | The join message port -} joinMessagePort :: PortNumber joinMessagePort = 5289 {- | Like 'Fork.respond', but returns '()'. -} respond :: (MonadIO m) => Responder a -> a -> m () respond responder = void . Fork.respond responder {- | Retrieve some basic stats that can be used to intuit the health of the cluster. -} getStats :: (MonadIO m) => Runtime e -> m Stats getStats runtime = do now <- liftIO getTime stats <- liftIO $ readIORef (rStats runtime) pure Stats { timeWithoutProgress = diffTimeSpec now <$> stats }