-- | Perform aggregations on query results.
module Opaleye.Aggregate (module Opaleye.Aggregate, Aggregator) where

import qualified Opaleye.Internal.Aggregate as A
import           Opaleye.Internal.Aggregate (Aggregator)
import           Opaleye.QueryArr (Query)
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.QueryArr as Q
import qualified Opaleye.Column as C
import qualified Opaleye.PGTypes as T
import qualified Opaleye.Internal.HaskellDB.PrimQuery as HPQ

-- This page of Postgres documentation tell us what aggregate
-- functions are available
--   http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.3/static/functions-aggregate.html

Given a 'Query' producing rows of type @a@ and an 'Aggregator' accepting rows of
type @a@, apply the aggregator to the results of the query.

aggregate :: Aggregator a b -> Query a -> Query b
aggregate agg q = Q.simpleQueryArr (A.aggregateU agg . Q.runSimpleQueryArr q)

-- | Group the aggregation by equality on the input to 'groupBy'.
groupBy :: Aggregator (C.Column a) (C.Column a)
groupBy = A.makeAggr' Nothing

-- | Sum all rows in a group.
sum :: Aggregator (C.Column a) (C.Column a)
sum = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrSum

-- | Count the number of non-null rows in a group.
count :: Aggregator (C.Column a) (C.Column T.PGInt8)
count = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrCount

-- | Average of a group
avg :: Aggregator (C.Column T.PGFloat8) (C.Column T.PGFloat8)
avg = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrAvg

-- | Maximum of a group
max :: Aggregator (C.Column a) (C.Column a)
max = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrMax

-- | Maximum of a group
min :: Aggregator (C.Column a) (C.Column a)
min = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrMin

boolOr :: Aggregator (C.Column T.PGBool) (C.Column T.PGBool)
boolOr = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrBoolOr

boolAnd :: Aggregator (C.Column T.PGBool) (C.Column T.PGBool)
boolAnd = A.makeAggr HPQ.AggrBoolAnd