* Added `runUpdateReturning` * Ordering operators and `max` and `min` aggregators are now restricted to a typeclass * Added `stringAgg` and `arrayAgg` aggregations. * Added `PGOrd` typeclass for typesafe ordering operations. * Support sorting NULLs first or last with `ascNullsFirst` and `descNullsFirst` * Added JSON types * Added `runInsertMany` Thanks to Travis Staton, Jakub Ryška and Christopher Lewis for helping with these changes. ## * Use time >= 1.4 and time-locale-compat ## * Bump time to >= 1.5 ## 0.3.1 * SQL code generator escapes column names, so table column names can be the same as SQL keywords. * Add `like` operator * Add the types `PGCitext`, `PGArray`, `PGBytea` ## 0.3 * Replace `Default QueryRunner` with a new class `DefaultQueryRunnerColumn`, migrate with `s/Default QueryRunner/DefaultQueryRunnerColumn` and `s/def/queryRunnerColumnDefault/` * Remove `ShowConstant`, use the monomorphic functions defined in the new module `Opaleye.PGTypes` instead. You will need to replace `Column Bool` with `Column PGBool` etc. in query signatures * Re-export more modules from `Opaleye` * Add `boolAnd`, `boolOr,` `max`, and `min` aggregators * Add `lower` and `upper` * Add operator fixities * Add `maybeToNullable` * Add column instances for `Bool`, `UUID`, `Text`, and `UTCTime` * Expose fieldQueryRunnerColumn from Opaleye.RunQuery * Add `unsafeCast` * Re-export `Unpackspec` from `Opaleye.Manipulation`