# XML-DA base types GetStatus: product: localeId: Maybe Text clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text GetStatusResponse: product: result: Maybe ReplyBase status: Maybe ServerStatus ReplyBase: product: rcvTime: UTCTime replyTime: UTCTime clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text revisedLocaleId: Maybe Text serverState: ServerState ServerState: enum: - running - failed - noConfig - suspended - test - commFault ServerStatus: product: statusInfo: Maybe Text vendorInfo: Maybe Text supportedLocaleIds: Vector Text supportedInterfaceVersions: Vector Text startTime: UTCTime productVersion: Maybe Text Read: product: options: Maybe RequestOptions itemList: Maybe ReadRequestItemList RequestOptions: product: returnErrorText: Bool returnDiagnosticInfo: Bool returnItemTime: Bool returnItemPath: Bool returnItemName: Bool requestDeadline: Maybe UTCTime clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text localeId: Maybe Text ReadRequestItemList: product: items: Vector ReadRequestItem itemPath: Maybe Text reqType: Maybe QName maxAge: Maybe Int32 ReadRequestItem: product: itemPath: Maybe Text reqType: Maybe QName itemName: Maybe Text clientItemHandle: Maybe Text maxAge: Maybe Int32 ReadResponse: product: readResult: Maybe ReplyBase rItemList: Maybe ReplyItemList errors: Vector OpcError ReplyItemList: product: items: Vector ItemValue reserved: Maybe Text ItemValue: product: diagnosticInfo: Maybe Text value: Maybe Value quality: Maybe OpcQuality valueTypeQualifier: Maybe QName itemPath: Maybe Text itemName: Maybe Text clientItemHandle: Maybe Text timestamp: Maybe UTCTime resultId: Maybe QName OpcQuality: product: qualityField: QualityBits limitField: LimitBits vendorField: Word8 QualityBits: enum: - bad - badConfigurationError - badNotConnected - badDeviceFailure - badSensorFailure - badLastKnownValue - badCommFailure - badOutOfService - badWaitingForInitialData - uncertain - uncertainLastUsableValue - uncertainSensorNotAccurate - uncertainEUExceeded - uncertainSubNormal - good - goodLocalOverride LimitBits: enum: - none - low - high - constant OpcError: product: text: Maybe Text id: QName Write: product: options: Maybe RequestOptions itemList: Maybe WriteRequestItemList returnValuesOnReply: Bool WriteRequestItemList: product: items: Vector ItemValue itemPath: Maybe Text WriteResponse: product: writeResult: Maybe ReplyBase rItemList: Maybe ReplyItemList errors: Vector OpcError Subscribe: product: options: Maybe RequestOptions itemList: Maybe SubscribeRequestItemList returnValuesOnReply: Bool subscriptionPingRate: Maybe Int32 SubscribeRequestItemList: product: items: Vector SubscribeRequestItem itemPath: Maybe Text reqType: Maybe QName deadband: Maybe Float requestedSamplingRate: Maybe Int32 enableBuffering: Maybe Bool SubscribeRequestItem: product: itemPath: Maybe Text reqType: Maybe QName itemName: Maybe Text clientItemHandle: Maybe Text deadband: Maybe Float requestedSamplingRate: Maybe Int32 enableBuffering: Maybe Bool SubscribeReplyItemList: product: items: Vector SubscribeItemValue revisedSamplingRate: Maybe Int32 SubscribeItemValue: product: # We're avoiding a Maybe here, since the spec says that it has minOccurs set to 0 # only to satisfy the needs of some codegen tools. # See Section 3.5.2 of the spec. itemValue: ItemValue revisedSamplingRate: Maybe Int SubscribeResponse: product: subscribeResult: Maybe ReplyBase rItemList: Maybe SubscribeReplyItemList errors: Vector OpcError serverSubHandle: Maybe Text SubscriptionPolledRefresh: product: options: Maybe RequestOptions serverSubHandles: Vector Text holdTime: Maybe UTCTime waitTime: Int32 returnAllItems: Bool SubscribePolledRefreshReplyItemList: product: items: Vector ItemValue subscriptionHandle: Maybe Text SubscriptionPolledRefreshResponse: product: subscriptionPolledRefreshResult: Maybe ReplyBase invalidServerSubHandles: Vector Text rItemList: Vector SubscribePolledRefreshReplyItemList errors: Vector OpcError dataBufferOverflow: Bool SubscriptionCancel: product: serverSubHandle: Maybe Text clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text SubscriptionCancelResponse: product: clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text Browse: product: propertyNames: Vector QName localeId: Maybe Text clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text itemPath: Maybe Text itemName: Maybe Text continuationPoint: Maybe Text maxElementsReturned: Int32 browseFilter: BrowseFilter elementNameFilter: Maybe Text vendorFilter: Maybe Text returnAllProperties: Bool returnAllPropertyValues: Bool returnErrorText: Bool BrowseFilter: enum: - all - branch - item BrowseElement: product: properties: Vector ItemProperty name: Maybe Text itemPath: Maybe Text itemName: Maybe Text isItem: Bool hasChildren: Bool ItemProperty: product: value: Maybe Value name: QName description: Maybe Text itemPath: Maybe Text itemName: Maybe Text resultId: Maybe QName BrowseResponse: product: browseResult: Maybe ReplyBase elements: Vector BrowseElement errors: Vector OpcError continuationPoint: Maybe Text moreElements: Bool GetProperties: product: itemIds: Vector ItemIdentifier propertyNames: Vector QName localeId: Maybe Text clientRequestHandle: Maybe Text itemPath: Maybe Text returnAllProperties: Bool returnPropertyValues: Bool returnErrorText: Bool ItemIdentifier: product: itemPath: Maybe Text itemName: Maybe Text PropertyReplyList: product: properties: Vector ItemProperty itemPath: Maybe Text itemName: Maybe Text resultId: Maybe QName GetPropertiesResponse: product: getPropertiesResult: Maybe ReplyBase propertyLists: Vector PropertyReplyList errors: Vector OpcError # Standard OPC result code as per the definition in the 3.1.9 section of the spec. ResultCode: enum: ## Success # The value written was accepted but the output was clamped. # S_CLAMP - clamp # Not every detected change has been returned since the server's buffer reached its limit and had to purge out the oldest data. # S_DATAQUEUEOVERFLOW - dataQueueOverflow # The server does not support the requested rate but will use the closest available rate. # S_UNSUPPORTEDRATE - unsupportedRate ## Failure # The server denies access (read and/or write) to the specified item. This error is typically caused by Web Service security (e.g. globally disabled write capabilities). # E_ACCESS_DENIED - accessDenied # The server is currenly processing another polled refresh for one or more of the subscriptions. # E_BUSY - busy # Unspecified error. # E_FAIL - fail # The continuation point is not valid. # E_INVALIDCONTINUATIONPOINT - invalidContinuationPoint # The filter string is not valid. # E_INVALIDFILTER - invalidFilter # The hold time is too long (determined by server). # E_INVALIDHOLDTIME - invalidHoldTime # The item name does not conform the server’s syntax. # E_INVALIDITEMNAME - invalidItemName # The item path does not conform the server’s syntax. # E_INVALIDITEMPATH - invalidItemPath # The property id is not valid for the item. # E_INVALIDPID - invalidPid # An invalid set of subscription handles was passed to the request. # E_NOSUBSCRIPTION - noSubscription # The server does not support writing to the quality and/or timestamp. # E_NOTSUPPORTED - notSupported # Ran out of memory. # E_OUTOFMEMORY - outOfMemory # The value was out of range. # E_RANGE - range # The value is read only and may not be written to. # E_READONLY - readOnly # The operation could not complete due to an abnormal server state. # E_SERVERSTATE - serverState # The operation took too long to complete (determined by server). # E_TIMEDOUT - timedOut # The item name is no longer available in the server address space. # E_UNKNOWNITEMNAME - unknownItemName # The item path is no longer available in the server address space. # E_UNKNOWNITEMPATH - unknownItemPath # The value is write-only and may not be read from or returned as part of a write response. # E_WRITEONLY - writeOnly QName: sum: namespaced: - Text - Text unnamespaced: Text Value: sum: string: Text boolean: Bool float: Float double: Double decimal: Scientific long: Int64 int: Int32 short: Int16 byte: Int8 unsignedLong: Word64 unsignedInt: Word32 unsignedShort: Word16 unsignedByte: Word8 base64Binary: ByteString dateTime: UTCTime time: Time date: Date duration: Duration qName: QName arrayOfByte: Uv.Vector Int8 arrayOfShort: Uv.Vector Int16 arrayOfUnsignedShort: Uv.Vector Word16 arrayOfInt: Uv.Vector Int32 arrayOfUnsignedInt: Uv.Vector Word32 arrayOfLong: Uv.Vector Int64 arrayOfUnsignedLong: Uv.Vector Word64 arrayOfFloat: Uv.Vector Float arrayOfDecimal: Vector Scientific arrayOfDouble: Uv.Vector Double arrayOfBoolean: Uv.Vector Bool arrayOfString: Vector Text arrayOfDateTime: Vector UTCTime arrayOfAnyType: Vector (Maybe Value) opcQuality: OpcQuality nonStandard: product: type: QName xml: "[Xml.Node]" SoapFault: product: code: SoapFaultCode reason: Text SoapFaultCode: sum: std: StdSoapFaultCode custom: QName # https://www.w3.org/TR/soap12-part1/#faultcodes StdSoapFaultCode: enum: # The faulting node found an invalid element information item instead of the expected Envelope element information item. The namespace, local name or both did not match the Envelope element information item required by this recommendation (see 2.8 SOAP Versioning Model and 5.4.7 VersionMismatch Faults) - versionMismatch # An immediate child element information item of the SOAP Header element information item targeted at the faulting node that was not understood by the faulting node contained a SOAP mustUnderstand attribute information item with a value of "true" (see 5.2.3 SOAP mustUnderstand Attribute and 5.4.8 SOAP mustUnderstand Faults) - mustUnderstand # A SOAP header block or SOAP body child element information item targeted at the faulting SOAP node is scoped (see 5.1.1 SOAP encodingStyle Attribute) with a data encoding that the faulting node does not support. - dataEncodingUnknown # The message was incorrectly formed or did not contain the appropriate information in order to succeed. For example, the message could lack the proper authentication or payment information. It is generally an indication that the message is not to be resent without change (see also 5.4 SOAP Fault for a description of the SOAP fault detail sub-element). - sender # The message could not be processed for reasons attributable to the processing of the message rather than to the contents of the message itself. For example, processing could include communicating with an upstream SOAP node, which did not respond. The message could succeed if resent at a later point in time (see also 5.4 SOAP Fault for a description of the SOAP fault detail sub-element). - receiver