{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-} module Data.OpenWitness ( OpenWitness, RealWorld,IOWitness,newIOWitness, OW,newOpenWitnessOW,runOW,owToIO, -- unsafeIOWitnessFromInteger, -- unsafeIOWitnessFromString, iowitness ) where { import Prelude; import Data.Kind; import Data.List; import System.Random; import Language.Haskell.TH; import Unsafe.Coerce; import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO); import Control.Concurrent.MVar; import Control.Monad.Fix; import Control.Monad.Trans.State; import Data.Functor.Identity; import Data.Traversable; import Data.Hashable; import Data.Witness; import Data.Type.Heterogeneous; unsafeSameType :: HetEq a b; unsafeSameType = unsafeCoerce ReflH; -- | A witness type that can witness to any type. -- But values cannot be constructed; they can only be generated in 'IO' and certain other monads. ; newtype OpenWitness :: * -> forall (k :: *). k -> * where { MkOpenWitness :: Integer -> OpenWitness s a; } deriving Eq; instance TestHetEquality (OpenWitness s) where { testHetEquality (MkOpenWitness ua) (MkOpenWitness ub) = if ua == ub then Just unsafeSameType else Nothing; }; instance TestEquality (OpenWitness s) where { testEquality wa wb = fmap homoHetEq $ testHetEquality wa wb; }; -- | The @s@ type for running 'OW' in 'IO'. ; data RealWorld; -- | An 'OpenWitness' for 'IO'. ; type IOWitness = OpenWitness RealWorld; ioWitnessSource :: MVar Integer; {-# NOINLINE ioWitnessSource #-}; ioWitnessSource = unsafePerformIO (newMVar 0); -- | Generate a new 'IOWitness' in 'IO'. ; newIOWitness :: forall a. IO (IOWitness a); newIOWitness = do { val <- takeMVar ioWitnessSource; putMVar ioWitnessSource (val + 1); return (MkOpenWitness val); }; type OWState = Integer; -- | A runnable monad in which 'OpenWitness' values can be generated. -- The @s@ parameter plays the same role as it does in 'ST', preventing 'OpenWitness' values from one run being used in another. ; newtype OW s a = MkOW (State OWState a) deriving (Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadFix); -- | Run an 'OW' computation. ; runOW :: forall a. (forall s. OW s a) -> a; runOW uw = (\(MkOW st) -> evalState st 0) uw; -- | Generate a new 'OpenWitness' in 'OW'. ; newOpenWitnessOW :: forall s a. OW s (OpenWitness s a); newOpenWitnessOW = MkOW (StateT (\val -> Identity (MkOpenWitness val,val+1))); -- | Run an 'OW' computation in 'IO'. ; owToIO :: OW RealWorld a -> IO a; owToIO (MkOW st) = modifyMVar ioWitnessSource (\start -> let { (a,count) = runState st start; } in return (count,a)); -- | An unsafe hack to generate 'IOWitness' values. -- This is safe if you use a different integer each time, and if @a@ is a single type. ; unsafeIOWitnessFromInteger :: Integer -> IOWitness a; unsafeIOWitnessFromInteger = MkOpenWitness; -- | An unsafe hack to generate 'IOWitness' values. -- This is safe if you use a different string each time (and 'hashString' doesn't collide), and if @a@ is a single type. ; unsafeIOWitnessFromString :: String -> IOWitness a; unsafeIOWitnessFromString = unsafeIOWitnessFromInteger . fromIntegral . hash; -- | Template Haskell function to declare 'IOWitness' values. ; iowitness :: TypeQ -> Q Exp; iowitness qt = do { t <- qt; _ <- forM (freevarsType t) (\v -> reportError ("Type variable "++(show v)++" free in iowitness type")); l <- location; rnd :: Integer <- runIO randomIO; key <- return ((showLoc l) ++ "/" ++ (show rnd)); keyExpr <- return (LitE (StringL key)); untypedWitExpr <- [| unsafeIOWitnessFromString $(return keyExpr) |]; [| $(return untypedWitExpr) :: IOWitness $(return t) |]; } where { showLoc :: Loc -> String; showLoc l = (loc_filename l) ++ "=" ++ (loc_package l) ++ ":" ++ (loc_module l) ++ (show (loc_start l)) ++ (show (loc_end l)); unionList :: (Eq a) => [[a]] -> [a]; unionList [] = []; unionList (l:ls) = union l (unionList ls); bindingvarTVB :: TyVarBndr -> Name; bindingvarTVB (PlainTV n) = n; bindingvarTVB (KindedTV n _) = n; freevarsType :: Language.Haskell.TH.Type -> [Name]; freevarsType (ForallT tvbs ps t) = (union (freevarsType t) (unionList (fmap freevarsType ps))) \\ (fmap bindingvarTVB tvbs); freevarsType (VarT name) = [name]; freevarsType (AppT t1 t2) = union (freevarsType t1) (freevarsType t2); freevarsType (SigT t _) = freevarsType t; freevarsType _ = []; }; }