{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Reading Ericsson's ETC1\/ETC2\/EAC Texture Container Format
module Graphics.TextureContainer.PKM where
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.Packer
import Data.Word
import Graphics.TextureContainer.KTX

-- | PKM structure.
data Pkm = Pkm
	{ pkmName :: FilePath
	, pkmContent :: B.ByteString
	, pkmVersion :: Word16
	, pkmType :: Word16
	, pkmWidth :: Word16
	, pkmHeight :: Word16
	, pkmActiveW :: Word16
	, pkmActiveH :: Word16
	, pkmImage :: B.ByteString
	} deriving Show

-- | 'Unpacking' instance.
unpackPkm :: FilePath -> B.ByteString -> Unpacking Pkm
unpackPkm name orig = do
	-- 'PKM '
	0x204d4b50 <- getWord32
	let w = getWord16BE
	pkm <- Pkm name orig <$> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w <*> w
	-- XXX calc size from pkmVersion, pkmType
	let size = pkmActiveW (pkm "") * pkmActiveH (pkm "") `div` 2
	pkm <$> getBytes (fromIntegral size)

-- | Turn 'Pkm' into 'Ktx'. See "Graphics.OpenGLES.Texture".
pkmToKtx :: Pkm -> Ktx
pkmToKtx Pkm{..} = Ktx
	{ ktxName = pkmName
	, ktxContent = pkmContent
	, ktxGlType = 0
	, ktxGlTypeSize = 1
	, ktxGlFormat = 0
	, ktxGlInternalFormat = fromPkmType pkmVersion pkmType
	, ktxGlBaseInternalFormat = 0
	, ktxPixelWidth = fromIntegral pkmWidth
	, ktxPixelHeight = fromIntegral pkmHeight
	, ktxPixelDepth = 0
	, ktxNumElems = 0
	, ktxNumFaces = 1
	, ktxNumMipLevels = 1
	, ktxMap = []
	, ktxImage = [[pkmImage]]
		-- 12592 == '1''0', 12848 == '2''0'
		fromPkmType 12592 0 = 36196 -- ?
		fromPkmType 12592 1 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12592 2 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12592 3 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 0 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 1 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 2 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 3 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 4 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 5 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 6 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 7 = undefined
		fromPkmType 12848 8 = undefined

-- | Build 'Pkm' from given path.
pkmFromFile :: FilePath -> IO Pkm
pkmFromFile path = B.readFile path >>= return . readPkm path

-- | Build 'Pkm' from arbitrary data source.
readPkm :: FilePath -- ^ The resource name to be shown in error message.
	-> B.ByteString -> Pkm
readPkm path bs = runUnpacking (unpackPkm path bs) bs


// 16bytes big-endian
unsigned int32     magic;     // 'PKM '
unsigned short16   version;   // '10' or '20'
unsigned short16   type;      // See below
unsigned short16   width;     // 
unsigned short16   height;    // 
unsigned short16   active_w;  // 
unsigned short16   active_h;  // 

version 1.0
  type: 0=ETC1-RGB, 1=ETC1-RGBA, 2=ETC1-RGB-MIP, 3=ETC1-RGBA-MIP
version 2.0
