{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B8 import OpenTelemetry.Common import OpenTelemetry.EventlogStreaming_Internal import System.Environment import Data.Char (isDigit) import Data.Function import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H import Data.IORef import Data.IntMap.Strict (IntMap) import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IntMap import Data.List (sortOn) import Data.Word import Graphics.Vega.VegaLite hiding (name) import Text.Printf type HashTable k v = H.BasicHashTable k v data PerOperationStats = PerOperationStats { count :: !Int, min_ns :: !Word64, max_ns :: !Word64, total_ns :: !Word64 } data MetricStats = MetricStats { max_threads :: !Int, -- | Per-capability total_alloc_bytes :: !(IntMap Int), max_live_bytes :: !Int } main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs case args of [path] -> do (opCounts :: H.CuckooHashTable T.Text PerOperationStats) <- H.new metricStats <- newIORef (MetricStats 0 IntMap.empty 0) let span_exporter = Exporter ( \sps -> do forM_ sps $ \sp -> do let duration = spanFinishedAt sp - spanStartedAt sp H.mutate opCounts (spanOperation sp) ( \m -> ( Just $ maybe (PerOperationStats 1 duration duration duration) ( \PerOperationStats {..} -> PerOperationStats (count + 1) (min min_ns duration) (max max_ns duration) (total_ns + duration) ) m, () ) ) pure ExportSuccess ) (pure ()) metric_exporter <- aggregated $ Exporter ( \metrics -> do forM_ metrics $ \(AggregatedMetric (CaptureInstrument _ name) (MetricDatapoint _ value)) -> modifyIORef metricStats $ \s -> case splitCapability (B8.unpack name) of (_, "threads") -> s { max_threads = max value (max_threads s) } (Just cap, "heap_alloc_bytes") -> s { total_alloc_bytes = IntMap.insert cap value (total_alloc_bytes s) } (_, "heap_live_bytes") -> s { max_live_bytes = max value (max_live_bytes s) } _ -> s pure ExportSuccess ) (pure ()) exportEventlog span_exporter metric_exporter path leaderboard <- sortOn (total_ns . snd) <$> H.toList opCounts printf "Count\tTot ms\tMin ms\tMax ms\tOperation\n" printf "-----\t------\t------\t------\t---------\n" mapM_ ( \(op, PerOperationStats {..}) -> printf "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n" count (total_ns `div` 1000000) (min_ns `div` 1000000) (max_ns `div` 1000000) (T.unpack op) ) leaderboard putStrLn "---" MetricStats {max_threads, total_alloc_bytes, max_live_bytes} <- readIORef metricStats printf "Max threads: %v\n" max_threads putStrLn "Total allocations:" _ <- IntMap.traverseWithKey (\cap bytes -> printf " * Capability %v: %vMB\n" cap (bytes `div` 1000000)) total_alloc_bytes printf "Max live: %vMB\n" (max_live_bytes `div` 1000000) putStrLn "---" let vega_visualization = toVegaLite [ title "Total duration of operation" [], vega_dat, mark Bar [], vega_enc ] vega_enc = [] & position Y [PName "op", PmType Nominal, PAxis [AxTitle "operation"]] & position X [PName "dur", PmType Quantitative, PAxis [AxTitle "duration in nanoseconds"]] & encoding vega_dat = [] & dataColumn "op" (Strings (map fst leaderboard)) & dataColumn "dur" (Numbers (map (fromIntegral . total_ns . snd) leaderboard)) & dataFromColumns [] toHtmlFile "eventlog-summary.html" vega_visualization putStrLn "Generated report: eventlog-summary.html" _ -> do putStrLn "Usage:" putStrLn "" putStrLn " eventlog-summary " -- | Parse capability number out of event/metric name. If it fails, returns -- (Nothing, the original string) splitCapability :: String -> (Maybe Int, String) splitCapability fullName@('c' : 'a' : 'p' : '_' : rest) = case span isDigit rest of (numStr, '_' : name) -> (Just (read numStr), name) _ -> (Nothing, fullName) splitCapability name = (Nothing, name)