module Opentype.Fileformat.Unicode.PostNames
  (CodePoint, codepointName, hasDescriptiveName, nameToCodepoint,
   postscriptIndex, postscriptName, postscriptNames)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import Text.Printf
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Opentype.Fileformat
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import Data.Word
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)

type CodePoint = Int

-- | Standard name for this codepoint.  Will be a descriptive name if
-- one is available, otherwise uni<hex-codepoint>.
codepointName :: CodePoint -> String
codepointName cp =
  case M.lookup cp codeMap of
    Just n -> n
      | cp > 0xffff -> printf "u%06x" cp
      | otherwise -> printf "uni%04x" cp

hasDescriptiveName :: CodePoint -> Bool
hasDescriptiveName cp = M.member cp codeMap

nameToCodepoint :: String -> Maybe CodePoint
nameToCodepoint name
  | prefix == "uni" &&
    nDigits == 4 =
    Just $ foldl (\t d -> t*16 + fromIntegral (digitToInt d))
    0 hexNum
  | prefix == "u" &&
    nDigits >= 4 &&
    nDigits <= 6 =
    Just $ foldl (\t d -> t*16 + fromIntegral (digitToInt d))
    0 hexNum
  | otherwise = HM.lookup prefix nameMap
    (prefix, r) = span isAlpha name
    hexNum = takeWhile isHexDigit r
    nDigits = length hexNum

nameMap :: HM.HashMap String CodePoint
nameMap = HM.fromList $ map swap aglfn

codeMap :: M.Map CodePoint String
codeMap = M.fromList aglfn

-- | index of the string in the list of standard postscript names, if any.
postscriptIndex :: String -> Maybe Int
postscriptIndex n = HM.lookup n postscriptIndexMap

-- | standard postscript name at index, if any.
postscriptName :: Int -> Maybe String
postscriptName i
  | i < 0 || i >= V.length postscriptNames = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just $ postscriptNames V.! i

postscriptIndexMap :: HM.HashMap String Int
postscriptIndexMap =
  HM.fromList $
  zip (V.toList postscriptNames) [1..]
aglfn :: [(CodePoint, String)]
aglfn = [(0x0041,"A"),

-- | vector of standard postscript names.
postscriptNames :: V.Vector String
postscriptNames =