``` ____ ____ ____ / __ \/ __ \/ __ \ / /_/ / /_/ / / / / \____/ .___/_/ /_/ /_/ ``` The `opn` command lets you open files and URLs with associated programs. It's intended to "just work" and to be trivial to configure. Its configuration resides in `~/.opnconfig`; here's an example: ``` [browser] browser: chromium [associations] mupdf: .pdf emacs: .lhs .hs .py .c chromium: .png .jpg .html .txt mpv: .avi .mpg .mp4 djview: .djvu ``` With this configuration, PDFs would open in `mupdf`; Haskell, Python and C source files in `emacs`, etc. If asked to open a file with no matching extension, or a file without an extension, `opn` tries to be a bit smart. If, for example, one runs ``` opn foo.h ``` then the header file `foo.h` would be opened in `emacs`. The reason is that such files have mime type `text/x-c`, and, as files with the extension `'.c'` shares this mime type, `opn` "guesses" that `'.h'` files also should be opened with `emacs`. Both `[browser]` and `[associations]` sections must be present and nonempty in `~/.opnconfig`. The `[browser]` section should in fact always have exactly one key, namely `browser`. So a (close to) minimal configuration looks something like this: ``` [browser] browser: chromium [associations] chromium: html ``` The `browser` is used for URLs and as a fallback, so with this configuration all files and URLs would open in `chromium`. Talking of `chromium`: on Linux `chromium` opens downloads using `xdg-open`. This works pretty well if you are using a full desktop environment like GNOME, KDE or Xfce, but less so if you are running a light window manager such as i3 or xmonad. We can, however, exploit a behavior of `xdg-open` to effectively replace it with `opn`. As a fallback, when no supported desktop session is running, `xdg-open` uses `$BROWSER`. Thus putting ``` export BROWSER=opn ``` in your `.bashrc`, or something similar for your favorite shell, will "trick" `chromium` and `xdg-open` into using `opn`. This is my own main use for `opn`. For further info see the man page: .