module OptimaForHasql.Param where import OptimaForHasql.Prelude import Optima import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text {-| Amount of connections in the pool. -} poolSize :: Param Int poolSize = value "Amount of connections in the pool" (showable 1) unformatted implicitlyParsed {-| Amount of seconds for which the unused connections are kept open. -} poolTimeout :: Param NominalDiffTime poolTimeout = value "Amount of seconds for which the unused connections are kept open" (showable 10) unformatted implicitlyParsed {-| Server host. -} host :: Param ByteString host = fmap Text.encodeUtf8 $ value "Server host" (explicitlyRepresented id "") unformatted implicitlyParsed {-| Server port. -} port :: Param Word16 port = value "Server port" (showable 5432) unformatted implicitlyParsed {-| Username. -} user :: Param ByteString user = fmap Text.encodeUtf8 $ value "Username" (explicitlyRepresented id "postgres") unformatted implicitlyParsed {-| Password. -} password :: Param ByteString password = fmap Text.encodeUtf8 $ value "Password" (explicitlyRepresented id "") unformatted implicitlyParsed {-| Database name. -} database :: Param ByteString database = fmap Text.encodeUtf8 $ value "Database name" (explicitlyRepresented id "postgres") unformatted implicitlyParsed