{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | This module is designed to provide a @TemplateHaskell@ alternative to -- "Options.Generic". module Options.TH ( deriveParseRecord, module Options.Generic, ) where import Data.Foldable (asum) import Control.Applicative import Data.List (foldl') import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NonEmpty import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Traversable import Language.Haskell.TH import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax import Options.Applicative qualified as Options import Options.Generic -- | This function derives 'ParseRecord' for you without incurring a 'Generic' -- dependency. -- -- The main barrier here to fully supporting the library is that the API for -- 'ParseRecord' does not expose the function that provides modifiers by -- default. So we can provide an instance of 'ParseRecord', but we can't provide -- a replacement of 'parseRecordWithModifiers', because that function is defined -- as a top-level that delegates directly to the generic. -- -- @ -- parseRecordWithModifiers -- :: (Generic a, GenericParseRecord (Rep a)) -- => Modifiers -- -> Parser -- parseRecordWithModifiers modifiers = -- fmap GHC.Generics.to (genericParseRecord modifiers) -- @ -- -- This means that we need to shift the options to the compile-time site, -- instead of the runtime site. -- -- Likewise, we cannot provide an instance of 'Unwrappable', because it's not -- a class - it's a type alias for 'Generic' stuff. So we need to create -- a separate top-level function that does the unwrap. -- -- @since deriveParseRecord :: Modifiers -> Name -> Q [Dec] deriveParseRecord modifiers tyName = do tyInfo <- reify tyName datatype <- getDatatypeForInfo tyName tyInfo liftA2 (<>) (datatypeToInstanceDec modifiers datatype) (datatypeToUnwrapRecordDec tyName datatype) datatypeToUnwrapRecordDec :: Name -> Datatype -> Q [Dec] datatypeToUnwrapRecordDec typeName datatype = do if datatypeIsWrapped datatype then do let fnName = mkName ("unwrapRecord" <> nameBase typeName) fnType = [t|$(conT typeName) Wrapped -> $(conT typeName) Unwrapped|] fnExpr = mkUnwrapRecordExpr datatype fnSig = SigD fnName <$> fnType (:) <$> fnSig <*> [d| $(varP fnName) = $(fnExpr) |] else do pure [] mkUnwrapRecordExpr :: Datatype -> Q Exp mkUnwrapRecordExpr datatype = do let mkMatch con = case con of NormalC name bangTyps -> do (pat, namesAndTypes) <- do namesAndTypes <- for bangTyps \(_bang, typ) -> do n <- newName "x" pure (n, typ) pure ( mkConP name (map (\(varName, _fieldType) -> VarP varName) namesAndTypes) , namesAndTypes ) body <- do let constr = ConE name fields <- traverse unwrapFields namesAndTypes pure $ NormalB $ foldl' AppE constr fields let decs = [] pure $ Match pat body decs RecC name varBangTypes -> do (pat, varNames) <- do varNames <- for varBangTypes \(_fieldName, _bang, typ) -> do n <- newName "x" pure (n, typ) pure ( mkConP name (map (\(varName, _fieldType) -> VarP varName) varNames) , varNames ) body <- do let constr = ConE name fields <- traverse unwrapFields varNames pure $ NormalB $ foldl' AppE constr fields let decs = [] pure $ Match pat body decs _ -> fail $ unlines [ "Unexpected constructor in mkUnwrapRecordExpr: " , " " <> show con ] matches <- traverse mkMatch (datatypeConstructors datatype) pure $ LamCaseE (NonEmpty.toList matches) -- | Test the type of the field. If it is unwrappable, unwrap it until it isn't. unwrapFields :: (Name, Type) -> Q Exp unwrapFields (varName, varTyp) = case varTyp of AppT ( AppT (ConT ((== ''(Options.Generic.:::)) -> True)) (VarT _) ) rest -> do tryUnwrapping varName rest _ -> varE varName -- | The goal of this function is to test to see if the constructor is -- unwrappable: that is, one of , , or <#>. -- -- If it is unwrappable, then we call the relevant function. Note that we have -- to try multiple times, since you can put a wrapper in any order. tryUnwrapping :: Name -> Type -> Q Exp tryUnwrapping varName = go [] where go fns varTyp = do case varTyp of ( AppT (ConT ((== ''(Options.Generic.)) -> True)) rest ) `AppT` _helpText -> do go (VarE 'unHelpful : fns) rest AppT ( AppT (ConT ((== ''(Options.Generic.)) -> True)) rest ) _defVal -> do go (VarE 'unDefValue : fns) rest AppT ( AppT (ConT ((== ''(Options.Generic.<#>)) -> True)) rest ) _shortLabel -> go (VarE 'unShortName : fns) rest _ -> do foldr (\fn acc -> pure fn `appE` acc) (varE varName) fns getDatatypeForInfo :: Name -> Info -> Q Datatype getDatatypeForInfo tyName tyInfo = case tyInfo of TyConI dec -> case dec of DataD _xct name bndrs _mkind constructors _derivs -> do case constructors of [] -> fail $ unlines [ "A `ParseRecord` instance can't be generated for the following type:" , " " <> show tyName , "... because it has no constructors." ] (c : cs) -> do pure Datatype { datatypeName = name , datatypeConstructors = c :| cs , datatypeIsWrapped = not (null bndrs) } NewtypeD _cxt name bndrs _mkind constructor _derivs -> do pure Datatype { datatypeName = name , datatypeConstructors = pure constructor , datatypeIsWrapped = not (null bndrs) } _ -> fail $ unlines [ "Internal error: Options.TH.getDatatypeForInfo." , "" , "This is not your fault. Open a bug report and include the following error for the context in the report: " <> show dec , "The GHC API provided a `TyConI` wrapping a declaration that was not a `data` or `newtype` declaration, which should never happen." ] _ -> do fail $ mconcat [ "Expected a type constructor in 'deriveParseRecord', got: " , "\n\t" , show tyInfo ] data Datatype = Datatype { datatypeName :: Name , datatypeIsWrapped :: Bool , datatypeConstructors :: NonEmpty Con } datatypeToInstanceDec :: Modifiers -> Datatype -> Q [Dec] datatypeToInstanceDec mods Datatype {..} = do let saturatedType = if datatypeIsWrapped then ConT datatypeName `AppT` ConT ''Wrapped else ConT datatypeName parseRecordExpr <- case datatypeConstructors of singleConstructor :| [] -> do makeSingleCommand mods singleConstructor subcommands -> do [|asum|] `appE` listE (NonEmpty.toList (fmap (makeSubcommand mods) subcommands)) [d| instance ParseRecord $(pure saturatedType) where parseRecord = Options.helper <*> $(pure parseRecordExpr) |] -- | This function should be called on a single constructor. No subcommand -- should be created. makeSingleCommand :: Modifiers -> Con -> Q Exp makeSingleCommand Modifiers {..} con = do case con of NormalC conName bangTypes -> do -- In this case, we want to create a parser that parses the arguments as -- positional arguments. baseCase <- [e|pure $(conE conName)|] let apps expr (_bang, _type) = do let label = Nothing @Text shortName = Nothing @Char infixE (Just expr) (varE '(<*>)) (Just [e|parseFields Nothing $(lift label) $(lift shortName) Nothing|]) foldl' apps (pure baseCase) bangTypes RecC conName varBangTypes -> do -- In this case, we want to create a parser that will use the field names. baseCase <- [e|pure $(conE conName)|] let apps expr (fieldName, _bang, _type) = do let fieldNameString = nameBase fieldName label = Just . T.pack . fieldNameModifier $ fieldNameString shortName = shortNameModifier fieldNameString infixE (Just expr) (varE '(<*>)) (Just [e|parseFields Nothing $(lift label) $(lift shortName) Nothing|]) foldl' apps (pure baseCase) varBangTypes _ -> fail $ unlines [ "Expected either a normal or record constructor, got: " , "\t" <> show con , "Other constructors are not supported yet." ] getConName :: Con -> Q Name getConName = \case NormalC n _ -> pure n RecC n _ -> pure n other -> fail $ unlines [ "Expected a normal or record constructor, got unsupported constructor: " , "\t" <> show other ] -- | This function should be called with a datatype consisting of multiple -- constructors. The constructor will be converted into a subcommand name. makeSubcommand :: Modifiers -> Con -> Q Exp makeSubcommand modifiers@Modifiers {..} con = do conName <- getConName con singleCommandParserExpr <- makeSingleCommand modifiers con let conNameString = nameBase conName name = constructorNameModifier conNameString subparserFieldsExpr <- [e| Options.command $(lift name) ( Options.info (Options.helper <*> $(pure singleCommandParserExpr)) mempty ) <> Options.metavar $(lift name) |] [e|Options.subparser $(pure subparserFieldsExpr)|] #if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,18,0) mkConP :: Name -> [Pat] -> Pat mkConP name pats = ConP name [] pats #else mkConP :: Name -> [Pat] -> Pat mkConP name pats = ConP name pats #endif