module Main ( main ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class import qualified Orc.Serial.Binary.Base as Base import Orc.Schema.Types (CompressionKind (..), types) import qualified Orc.Logical as Logical import qualified Orc.Striped as Striped import Options.Applicative import Data.Version (showVersion) import Paths_orc_haskell (version) import qualified Streaming.Prelude as Streaming parser :: Parser Command parser = hsubparser $ mconcat [ command "json" (info json (progDesc "Print and ORC file as JSON rows")) , command "reencode" (info rewrite (progDesc "Re-write an Orc file with this encoder")) , command "roundtrip" (info roundTrip (progDesc "Same as reencode, but going via logical representation")) , command "type" (info typeInfo (progDesc "Print type or Orc file")) ] data Command = Json FilePath | Rewrite FilePath FilePath (Maybe CompressionKind) | RoundTrip FilePath FilePath (Maybe CompressionKind) Int | Type FilePath deriving (Eq, Show) json :: Parser Command json = Json <$> strArgument (metavar "INPUT" <> help "Orc file to print as JSON") versioner :: Parser (a -> a) versioner = infoOption (showVersion version) (long "version" <> help "Show version" <> hidden) rewrite :: Parser Command rewrite = Rewrite <$> strArgument (metavar "INPUT" <> help "Orc file to read from") <*> strArgument (metavar "OUTPUT" <> help "Orc file to write to") <*> optional (option compressionReadM (long "compression" <> help "Compression format to use")) roundTrip :: Parser Command roundTrip = RoundTrip <$> strArgument (metavar "INPUT" <> help "Orc file to read from") <*> strArgument (metavar "OUTPUT" <> help "Orc file to write to") <*> optional (option compressionReadM (long "compression" <> help "Compression format to use")) <*> option auto (long "chunk-size" <> Options.Applicative.value 10000 <> help "Number of rows in each stripe" <> showDefault) typeInfo :: Parser Command typeInfo = Type <$> strArgument (metavar "INPUT" <> help "Orc file to print as JSON") compressionReadM :: ReadM CompressionKind compressionReadM = eitherReader $ \x -> case x of "snappy" -> Right SNAPPY "zlib" -> Right ZLIB "zstd" -> Right ZSTD "none" -> Right NONE _ -> Left ("Unsupported compression kind: " <> x) main :: IO () main = do cmnd <- customExecParser (prefs showHelpOnEmpty) (info (parser <**> helper <**> versioner) idm) case cmnd of Json orcIn -> Logical.printOrcFile orcIn Rewrite orcIn orcOut cmprssn -> Base.raisingOrcErrors $ Striped.withOrcFileLifted orcIn $ \typ -> Striped.putOrcFileLifted (Just typ) cmprssn orcOut . snd RoundTrip orcIn orcOut cmprssn chunks -> Logical.withOrcFile orcIn $ \typ -> Logical.putOrcFile typ cmprssn chunks orcOut Type orcIn -> Base.raisingOrcErrors $ Base.withOrcFileLifted orcIn $ \(_, _, f) -> liftIO $ print (types f)