{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-} -- | Configuration file types, together with json instances. module OrgStat.Config ( ConfigException (..) , ConfDate (..) , ConfRange (..) , ConfOutputType (..) , ConfOutput (..) , ConfScope (..) , ConfReport (..) , OrgStatConfig (..) ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), Value (Object, String), withObject, withText, (.!=), (.:), (.:?)) import Data.Aeson.Types (typeMismatch) import Data.Default (def) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time (LocalTime) import Data.Time.Format (defaultTimeLocale, parseTimeM) import Universum import OrgStat.Outputs.Types (BlockParams (..), SummaryParams (..), TimelineParams, tpBackground, tpColumnHeight, tpColumnWidth, tpLegend, tpTopDay) import OrgStat.Scope (AstPath (..), ScopeModifier (..)) import OrgStat.Util (parseColour, (??~)) -- | Exception type for everything bad that happens with config, -- starting from parsing to logic errors. data ConfigException = ConfigParseException Text | ConfigLogicException Text deriving (Show, Typeable) instance Exception ConfigException data ConfDate = ConfNow | ConfLocal !LocalTime deriving (Show) data ConfRange = ConfFromTo !ConfDate !ConfDate | ConfBlockWeek !Integer | ConfBlockDay !Integer | ConfBlockMonth !Integer deriving (Show) data ConfOutputType = TimelineOutput { toParams :: !TimelineParams , toReport :: !Text } | SummaryOutput !SummaryParams | BlockOutput { boParams :: !BlockParams , boReport :: !Text } deriving (Show) data ConfScope = ConfScope { csName :: !Text -- default is "default" , csPaths :: !(NonEmpty FilePath) } deriving (Show) data ConfOutput = ConfOutput { coType :: !ConfOutputType , coName :: !Text } deriving (Show) data ConfReport = ConfReport { crName :: !Text , crScope :: !Text , crRange :: !ConfRange , crModifiers :: ![ScopeModifier] } deriving (Show) data OrgStatConfig = OrgStatConfig { confScopes :: ![ConfScope] , confReports :: ![ConfReport] , confOutputs :: ![ConfOutput] , confBaseTimelineParams :: !TimelineParams , confTodoKeywords :: ![Text] , confOutputDir :: !FilePath -- default is "./orgstat" , confColorSalt :: !Int } deriving (Show) instance FromJSON AstPath where parseJSON = withText "AstPath" $ \s -> pure $ AstPath $ filter (not . T.null) $ T.splitOn "/" s instance FromJSON ScopeModifier where parseJSON = withObject "ScopeModifier" $ \o -> do o .: "type" >>= \case (String "prune") -> ModPruneSubtree <$> o .: "path" <*> o .:? "depth" .!= 0 (String "select") -> ModSelectSubtree <$> o .: "path" (String "filterbytag") -> ModFilterTag <$> o .: "tag" other -> fail $ "Unsupported scope modifier type: " ++ show other instance FromJSON ConfDate where parseJSON (String "now") = pure $ ConfNow parseJSON (String s) = case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" (T.unpack s) of Nothing -> fail $ "Couldn't read date " <> show s <> ". Correct format is 2016-01-01 23:59" Just ut -> pure $ ConfLocal ut parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "ConfDate" invalid instance FromJSON ConfRange where parseJSON (String s) | any (`T.isPrefixOf` s) ["day", "week", "month"] = do let splitted = T.splitOn "-" $ if "-" `T.isInfixOf` s then s else s <> "-" [range, number] = splitted constructor :: (Monad m, MonadFail m) => Integer -> m ConfRange constructor i = case range of "day" -> pure $ ConfBlockDay i "week" -> pure $ ConfBlockWeek i "month" -> pure $ ConfBlockMonth i t -> fail $ "ConfRange@parseJSON can't parse " <> T.unpack t <> " should be [day|week|month]" numberParsed | number == "" = pure 0 | otherwise = case readMaybe (T.unpack number) of Nothing -> fail $ "Couldn't parse number modifier of " <> T.unpack s Just x -> pure x when (length splitted /= 2) $ fail $ "Couldn't parse range " <> T.unpack s <> ", splitted is " <> show splitted constructor =<< numberParsed parseJSON (Object v) = ConfFromTo <$> v .: "from" <*> v .: "to" parseJSON invalid = typeMismatch "ConfRange" invalid instance FromJSON TimelineParams where parseJSON = withObject "TimelineParams" $ \v -> do legend <- v .:? "legend" topDay <- v .:? "topDay" colWidth <- v .:? "colWidth" colHeight <- v .:? "colHeight" bgColorRaw <- v .:? "background" pure $ def & tpLegend ??~ legend & tpTopDay ??~ topDay & tpColumnWidth ??~ colWidth & tpColumnHeight ??~ colHeight & tpBackground ??~ (T.strip <$> bgColorRaw >>= parseColour @Text) instance FromJSON ConfOutputType where parseJSON = withObject "ConfOutputType" $ \o -> o .: "type" >>= \case (String "timeline") -> do toReport <- o .: "report" toParams <- parseJSON (Object o) pure $ TimelineOutput {..} (String "summary") -> do soTemplate <- o .: "template" pure $ SummaryOutput $ SummaryParams soTemplate (String "block") -> do boReport <- o .: "report" let boParams = BlockParams pure $ BlockOutput {..} other -> fail $ "Unsupported output type: " ++ show other instance FromJSON ConfOutput where parseJSON = withObject "ConfOutput" $ \o -> do coName <- o .: "name" coType <- parseJSON (Object o) pure $ ConfOutput{..} instance FromJSON ConfScope where parseJSON = withObject "ConfScope" $ \o -> ConfScope <$> o .:? "name" .!= "default" <*> o .: "paths" instance FromJSON ConfReport where parseJSON = withObject "ConfReport" $ \o -> ConfReport <$> o .: "name" <*> o .:? "scope" .!= "default" <*> o .: "range" <*> o .:? "modifiers" .!= [] instance FromJSON OrgStatConfig where parseJSON = withObject "OrgStatConfig" $ \o -> OrgStatConfig <$> o .: "scopes" <*> o .: "reports" <*> o .: "outputs" <*> o .:? "timelineDefault" .!= def <*> o .:? "todoKeywords" .!= [] <*> (o .:? "outputDir" <|> o .:? "output") .!= "./orgstat" <*> o .:? "colorSalt" .!= 0