{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module GlobalSpec (spec) where import Control.Lens (to) import Data.Colour.SRGB (sRGB24show) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Arbitrary () import Data.Time (LocalTime (..), TimeOfDay (..), getZonedTime, zonedTimeToLocalTime) import Data.Time.Calendar (addGregorianMonthsRollOver, fromGregorian) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, runIO) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (prop) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (arbitrary), Gen, NonNegative (..), Positive (..), Small (..), choose, forAll, ioProperty, oneof, (.&&.), (===), (==>)) import Universum import Unsafe (unsafeTail) import OrgStat.Ast (Clock (..), Org (..), atDepth, mergeClocks, orgClocks) import OrgStat.Config (ConfDate (..), ConfRange (..)) import OrgStat.Helpers (convertRange) import OrgStat.Util (addLocalTime, parseColour) spec :: Spec spec = do astSpec parseColourSpec convertRangeSpec ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- AST ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance Arbitrary LocalTime where arbitrary = do d <- choose (1, 28) m <- choose (1, 12) y <- choose (2015, 2016) todHour <- choose (0, 23) todMin <- choose (0, 59) todSec <- fromIntegral <$> (choose (0, 60) :: Gen Int) return $ LocalTime (fromGregorian y m d) TimeOfDay{..} instance Arbitrary Clock where arbitrary = do [a,b] <- replicateM 2 arbitrary pure . (uncurry Clock) $ if a < b then (a,b) else (b,a) genOrgDepth :: Int -> Gen Org genOrgDepth n = do childrenN <- choose (1,2) clock <- arbitrary name <- T.take 10 <$> arbitrary children <- if n == 0 then pure [] else replicateM childrenN (genOrgDepth $ n - 1) pure $ Org name [] [clock] children instance Arbitrary Org where arbitrary = genOrgDepth 5 newtype OrgWrapper = OrgWrapper Org deriving Show -- Generates an org file with almost-fitting intervals that should be -- merged in one contOrg :: Int -> Int -> Gen Org contOrg dfrom dto = do (Positive i) <- arbitrary (checkpoints :: [LocalTime]) <- sort <$> replicateM (i+1) arbitrary pairs <- forM (checkpoints `zip` unsafeTail checkpoints) $ \(c,c') -> do delta <- choose (dfrom,dto) pure (c, negate delta `addLocalTime` c') let clocks = map (uncurry Clock) pairs pure $ Org "ShouldHaveOneSubclock" [] clocks [] astSpec :: Spec astSpec = do describe "Ast#mergeClocks" $ do prop "merges a set of clocks when needed into one" $ forAll (contOrg 0 90) $ \o -> mergeClocks o ^. orgClocks . to length === 1 prop "doesn't modify big deltas" $ forAll (contOrg 120 240) $ \o -> mergeClocks o === o describe "Ast#lenses" $ do prop "atDepth 0 is always the same" $ forAll arbitrary $ \o -> o ^.. atDepth 0 === [o] prop "atDepth i for i-tree is not empty" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive (Small i)) -> forAll (genOrgDepth i) $ \o -> i < 10 ==> (o ^.. atDepth i /= []) prop "atDepth (i+1) for i-tree is empty" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive (Small i)) -> forAll (genOrgDepth i) $ \o -> i < 10 ==> (o ^.. atDepth (i+1) === []) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Ranges ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- convertRangeSpec :: Spec convertRangeSpec = describe "Logic#convertRange" $ do curTime <- runIO $ zonedTimeToLocalTime <$> getZonedTime let subDays a i = (negate i * 60 * 60 * 24) `addLocalTime` a let subWeeks a i = (negate i * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) `addLocalTime` a let subMonths a i = a { localDay = (negate i) `addGregorianMonthsRollOver` (localDay a) } let inRange c (a,b) = c >= a && c <= b let convert = liftIO . convertRange prop "(now-1h, now) is correctly parsed" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(Positive (Small (i :: Integer))) -> let hourAgo = (negate i * 60 * 60) `addLocalTime` curTime in ioProperty (inRange curTime <$> convert (ConfFromTo (ConfLocal hourAgo) ConfNow)) prop "Today -N days is exactly in day-N range" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(NonNegative (Small i)) -> ioProperty (inRange (subDays curTime i) <$> convert (ConfBlockDay i)) .&&. ioProperty (not . inRange (subDays curTime $ i+1) <$> convert (ConfBlockDay i)) .&&. ioProperty (not . inRange (subDays curTime $ i) <$> convert (ConfBlockDay $ i+1)) prop "Today -N weeks is exactly in week-N range" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(NonNegative (Small i)) -> ioProperty (inRange (subWeeks curTime i) <$> convert (ConfBlockWeek i)) .&&. ioProperty (not . inRange (subWeeks curTime $ i+1) <$> convert (ConfBlockWeek i)) .&&. ioProperty (not . inRange (subWeeks curTime $ i) <$> convert (ConfBlockWeek $ i+1)) prop "Today -N months is excatly in month-N range" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(NonNegative (Small i)) -> ioProperty (inRange (subMonths curTime i) <$> convert (ConfBlockMonth i)) .&&. ioProperty (not . inRange (subMonths curTime $ i+1) <$> convert (ConfBlockMonth i)) .&&. ioProperty (not . inRange (subMonths curTime i) <$> convert (ConfBlockMonth $ i+1)) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Utils ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- newtype ColorWrapper = ColorWrapper Text deriving Show instance Arbitrary ColorWrapper where arbitrary = do nums <- replicateM 6 $ oneof $ map pure "0123456789abcdef" pref <- oneof $ map pure ["#", mempty] pure $ ColorWrapper $ pref <> T.pack nums parseColourSpec :: Spec parseColourSpec = describe "Util#parseColour" $ do prop "Doesn't fail on correct inputs" $ forAll arbitrary $ \(ColorWrapper s) -> let s' = T.unpack $ if "#" `T.isPrefixOf` s then s else "#" <> s in (sRGB24show <$> (parseColour @Text @Double s)) === Just s' prop "Fails on incorrect inputs" $ forAll arbitrary $ \s -> length s > 6 ==> (parseColour @Text @Double s) === Nothing