{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | A formatter for Haskell source code. This module exposes the official -- stable API, other modules may be not as reliable. module Ormolu ( -- * Top-level formatting functions ormolu, ormoluFile, ormoluStdin, -- * Configuration Config (..), ColorMode (..), RegionIndices (..), SourceType (..), defaultConfig, detectSourceType, refineConfig, DynOption (..), -- * Cabal info CabalUtils.CabalSearchResult (..), CabalUtils.CabalInfo (..), CabalUtils.getCabalInfoForSourceFile, -- * Fixity overrides and module re-exports FixityOverrides, defaultFixityOverrides, ModuleReexports, defaultModuleReexports, getDotOrmoluForSourceFile, -- * Working with exceptions OrmoluException (..), withPrettyOrmoluExceptions, ) where import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO (..)) import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Set qualified as Set import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.IO.Utf8 qualified as T.Utf8 import Debug.Trace import GHC.Driver.Errors.Types import GHC.Types.Error import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import GHC.Utils.Error import Ormolu.Config import Ormolu.Diff.ParseResult import Ormolu.Diff.Text import Ormolu.Exception import Ormolu.Fixity import Ormolu.Parser import Ormolu.Parser.CommentStream (CommentStream (..)) import Ormolu.Parser.Result import Ormolu.Printer import Ormolu.Utils (showOutputable) import Ormolu.Utils.Cabal qualified as CabalUtils import Ormolu.Utils.Fixity (getDotOrmoluForSourceFile) import System.FilePath -- | Format a 'Text'. -- -- The function -- -- * Needs 'IO' because some functions from GHC that are necessary to -- setup parsing context require 'IO'. There should be no visible -- side-effects though. -- * Takes file name just to use it in parse error messages. -- * Throws 'OrmoluException'. -- -- __NOTE__: The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate value in -- the 'cfgSourceType' field. Autodetection of source type won't happen -- here, see 'detectSourceType'. ormolu :: (MonadIO m) => -- | Ormolu configuration Config RegionIndices -> -- | Location of source file FilePath -> -- | Input to format Text -> m Text ormolu cfgWithIndices path originalInput = do let totalLines = length (T.lines originalInput) cfg = regionIndicesToDeltas totalLines <$> cfgWithIndices fixityMap = packageFixityMap (overapproximatedDependencies cfg) -- memoized on the set of dependencies when (cfgDebug cfg) $ do traceM $ unwords ["*** CONFIG ***", show cfg] (warnings, result0) <- parseModule' cfg fixityMap OrmoluParsingFailed path originalInput when (cfgDebug cfg) $ do forM_ warnings $ \driverMsg -> do let driverMsgSDoc = formatBulleted $ diagnosticMessage defaultOpts driverMsg traceM $ unwords ["*** WARNING ***", showOutputable driverMsgSDoc] forM_ result0 $ \case ParsedSnippet r -> do let CommentStream comments = prCommentStream r forM_ comments $ \(L loc comment) -> traceM $ unwords ["*** COMMENT ***", showOutputable loc, show comment] _ -> pure () -- We're forcing 'formattedText' here because otherwise errors (such as -- messages about not-yet-supported functionality) will be thrown later -- when we try to parse the rendered code back, inside of GHC monad -- wrapper which will lead to error messages presenting the exceptions as -- GHC bugs. let !formattedText = printSnippets (cfgDebug cfg) result0 when (not (cfgUnsafe cfg) || cfgCheckIdempotence cfg) $ do -- Parse the result of pretty-printing again and make sure that AST -- is the same as AST of original snippet module span positions. (_, result1) <- parseModule' cfg fixityMap OrmoluOutputParsingFailed path formattedText unless (cfgUnsafe cfg) . liftIO $ do let diff = case diffText originalInput formattedText path of Nothing -> error "AST differs, yet no changes have been introduced" Just x -> x when (length result0 /= length result1) $ throwIO (OrmoluASTDiffers diff []) forM_ (result0 `zip` result1) $ \case (ParsedSnippet s, ParsedSnippet s') -> case diffParseResult s s' of Same -> return () Different ss -> throwIO (OrmoluASTDiffers (selectSpans ss diff) ss) (RawSnippet {}, RawSnippet {}) -> pure () _ -> throwIO (OrmoluASTDiffers diff []) -- Try re-formatting the formatted result to check if we get exactly -- the same output. when (cfgCheckIdempotence cfg) . liftIO $ let reformattedText = printSnippets (cfgDebug cfg) result1 in case diffText formattedText reformattedText path of Nothing -> return () Just diff -> throwIO (OrmoluNonIdempotentOutput diff) return formattedText -- | Load a file and format it. The file stays intact and the rendered -- version is returned as 'Text'. -- -- __NOTE__: The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate value in -- the 'cfgSourceType' field. Autodetection of source type won't happen -- here, see 'detectSourceType'. ormoluFile :: (MonadIO m) => -- | Ormolu configuration Config RegionIndices -> -- | Location of source file FilePath -> -- | Resulting rendition m Text ormoluFile cfg path = liftIO (T.Utf8.readFile path) >>= ormolu cfg path -- | Read input from stdin and format it. -- -- __NOTE__: The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate value in -- the 'cfgSourceType' field. Autodetection of source type won't happen -- here, see 'detectSourceType'. ormoluStdin :: (MonadIO m) => -- | Ormolu configuration Config RegionIndices -> -- | Resulting rendition m Text ormoluStdin cfg = liftIO T.Utf8.getContents >>= ormolu cfg "" -- | Refine a 'Config' by incorporating given 'SourceType', 'CabalInfo', and -- fixity overrides 'FixityMap'. You can use 'detectSourceType' to deduce -- 'SourceType' based on the file extension, -- 'CabalUtils.getCabalInfoForSourceFile' to obtain 'CabalInfo' and -- 'getFixityOverridesForSourceFile' for 'FixityMap'. -- -- @since refineConfig :: -- | Source type to use SourceType -> -- | Cabal info for the file, if available Maybe CabalUtils.CabalInfo -> -- | Fixity overrides, if available Maybe FixityOverrides -> -- | Module re-exports, if available Maybe ModuleReexports -> -- | 'Config' to refine Config region -> -- | Refined 'Config' Config region refineConfig sourceType mcabalInfo mfixityOverrides mreexports rawConfig = rawConfig { cfgDynOptions = cfgDynOptions rawConfig ++ dynOptsFromCabal, cfgFixityOverrides = FixityOverrides $ Map.unions [ unFixityOverrides fixityOverrides, unFixityOverrides (cfgFixityOverrides rawConfig), unFixityOverrides defaultFixityOverrides ], cfgModuleReexports = ModuleReexports $ Map.unionsWith (<>) [ unModuleReexports reexports, unModuleReexports (cfgModuleReexports rawConfig), unModuleReexports defaultModuleReexports ], cfgDependencies = Set.union (cfgDependencies rawConfig) depsFromCabal, cfgSourceType = sourceType } where fixityOverrides = fromMaybe defaultFixityOverrides mfixityOverrides reexports = fromMaybe defaultModuleReexports mreexports (dynOptsFromCabal, depsFromCabal) = case mcabalInfo of Nothing -> -- If no cabal info is provided, assume base as a dependency by -- default. ([], defaultDependencies) Just CabalUtils.CabalInfo {..} -> -- It makes sense to take into account the operator info for the -- package itself if we know it, as if it were its own dependency. (ciDynOpts, Set.insert ciPackageName ciDependencies) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Helpers -- | A wrapper around 'parseModule'. parseModule' :: (MonadIO m) => -- | Ormolu configuration Config RegionDeltas -> -- | Fixity Map for operators PackageFixityMap -> -- | How to obtain 'OrmoluException' to throw when parsing fails (SrcSpan -> String -> OrmoluException) -> -- | File name to use in errors FilePath -> -- | Actual input for the parser Text -> m (DriverMessages, [SourceSnippet]) parseModule' cfg fixityMap mkException path str = do (warnings, r) <- parseModule cfg fixityMap path str case r of Left (spn, err) -> liftIO $ throwIO (mkException spn err) Right x -> return (warnings, x) -- | Detect 'SourceType' based on the file extension. detectSourceType :: FilePath -> SourceType detectSourceType mpath = if takeExtension mpath == ".hsig" then SignatureSource else ModuleSource