{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-} {-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-} -- | This module helps handle operator chains composed of different -- operators that may have different precedence and fixities. module Ormolu.Printer.Operators ( OpTree (..), pattern BinaryOpBranches, OpInfo (..), opTreeLoc, reassociateOpTree, isHardSplitterOp, ) where import Data.Choice (Choice) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..)) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import GHC.Parser.Annotation import GHC.Types.Name.Reader import GHC.Types.SrcLoc import Ormolu.Fixity import Ormolu.Utils -- | Intermediate representation of operator trees, where a branching is not -- just a binary branching (with a left node, right node, and operator like -- in the GHC's AST), but rather a n-ary branching, with n + 1 nodes and n -- operators (n >= 1). -- -- This representation allows us to put all the operators with the same -- precedence level as direct siblings in this tree, to better represent the -- idea of a chain of operators. data OpTree ty op = -- | A node which is not an operator application OpNode ty | -- | A subtree of operator application(s); the invariant is: @length -- exprs == length ops + 1@. @OpBranches [x, y, z] [op1, op2]@ -- represents the expression @x op1 y op2 z@. OpBranches (NonEmpty (OpTree ty op)) [op] deriving (Eq, Show) pattern BinaryOpBranches :: OpTree ty op -> op -> OpTree ty op -> OpTree ty op pattern BinaryOpBranches x op y = OpBranches (x :| [y]) [op] -- | Wrapper for an operator, carrying information about its name and -- fixity. data OpInfo op = OpInfo { -- | The actual operator opiOp :: op, -- | Its name, if available. We use 'Maybe RdrName' here instead of -- 'RdrName' because the name-fetching function received by -- 'reassociateOpTree' returns a 'Maybe' opiName :: Maybe RdrName, -- | Information about the fixity direction and precedence level of the -- operator opiFixityApproximation :: FixityApproximation } deriving (Eq) -- | Compare the precedence level of two operators. 'OpInfo' is required -- (and not just 'FixityInfo') because operator names are used in the case -- of equality. compareOp :: OpInfo op -> OpInfo op -> Maybe Ordering compareOp (OpInfo _ mName1 FixityApproximation {faMinPrecedence = min1, faMaxPrecedence = max1}) (OpInfo _ mName2 FixityApproximation {faMinPrecedence = min2, faMaxPrecedence = max2}) = if -- Only declare two precedence levels as equal when -- * either both precedence levels are precise -- (fiMinPrecedence == fiMaxPrecedence) and match -- * or when the precedence levels are imprecise but when the -- operator names match | min1 == min2 && max1 == max2 && (min1 == max1 || sameSymbol) -> Just EQ | max1 < min2 -> Just LT | max2 < min1 -> Just GT | otherwise -> Nothing where sameSymbol = case (mName1, mName2) of (Just n1, Just n2) -> n1 == n2 _ -> False -- | Return combined 'SrcSpan's of all elements in this 'OpTree'. opTreeLoc :: (HasLoc l) => OpTree (GenLocated l a) b -> SrcSpan opTreeLoc (OpNode n) = getHasLoc n opTreeLoc (OpBranches exprs _) = combineSrcSpans' . fmap opTreeLoc $ exprs -- | Re-associate an 'OpTree' taking into account precedence of operators. -- Users are expected to first construct an initial 'OpTree', then -- re-associate it using this function before printing. reassociateOpTree :: -- | Whether to print debug info regarding fixity inference Choice "debug" -> -- | How to get name of an operator (op -> Maybe RdrName) -> -- | Fixity Map ModuleFixityMap -> -- | Original 'OpTree' OpTree ty op -> -- | Re-associated 'OpTree', with added context and info around operators OpTree ty (OpInfo op) reassociateOpTree debug getOpName modFixityMap = reassociateFlatOpTree . makeFlatOpTree . addFixityInfo debug modFixityMap getOpName -- | Wrap every operator of the tree with 'OpInfo' to carry the information -- about its fixity (extracted from the specified fixity map). addFixityInfo :: -- | Whether to print debug info regarding fixity inference Choice "debug" -> -- | Fixity map for operators ModuleFixityMap -> -- | How to get the name of an operator (op -> Maybe RdrName) -> -- | 'OpTree' OpTree ty op -> -- | 'OpTree', with fixity info wrapped around each operator OpTree ty (OpInfo op) addFixityInfo _ _ _ (OpNode n) = OpNode n addFixityInfo debug modFixityMap getOpName (OpBranches exprs ops) = OpBranches (addFixityInfo debug modFixityMap getOpName <$> exprs) (toOpInfo <$> ops) where toOpInfo o = OpInfo o mrdrName fixityApproximation where mrdrName = getOpName o fixityApproximation = case mrdrName of Nothing -> defaultFixityApproximation Just rdrName -> inferFixity debug rdrName modFixityMap -- | Given a 'OpTree' of any shape, produce a flat 'OpTree', where every -- node and operator is directly connected to the root. makeFlatOpTree :: OpTree ty op -> OpTree ty op makeFlatOpTree (OpNode n) = OpNode n makeFlatOpTree (OpBranches exprs ops) = OpBranches rExprs rOps where makeFlatOpTree' expr = case makeFlatOpTree expr of OpNode n -> (NE.singleton (OpNode n), []) OpBranches noptExprs noptOps -> (noptExprs, noptOps) flattenedSubTrees = makeFlatOpTree' <$> exprs rExprs = fst =<< flattenedSubTrees rOps = concat $ interleave (snd <$> NE.toList flattenedSubTrees) (pure <$> ops) interleave (x : xs) (y : ys) = x : y : interleave xs ys interleave [] ys = ys interleave xs [] = xs -- | Starting from a flat 'OpTree' (i.e. a n-ary tree of depth 1, -- without regard for operator fixities), build an 'OpTree' with proper -- sub-trees (according to the fixity info carried by the nodes). -- -- We have two complementary ways to build the proper sub-trees: -- -- * if we can find a set of operators "minOps" at the current level where -- forall (op1, op2) \in minOps x minOps, op1 `equal` op2 -- forall (op1, op2) \in minOps x (opsOfCurrentLevel \ minOps), -- op1 `lessThan` op2 -- then we can build a subtree with the exprs and ops located "between" -- each element of minOps. -- For example, if minOps = {op0, op2, op5}, -- and if [...] means "extract a subtree", then -- currentLevel = -- [ex0 op0 ex1 op1 ex2 op2 ex3 op3 ex4 op4 ex5 op5 ex6 op6 ex7] -- will become -- [ex0 op0 [ex1 op1 ex2] op2 [ex3 op3 ex4 op4 ex5] op5 [ex6 op6 ex7]] -- * if we can find a set of operators "maxOps" at the current level where -- forall (op1, op2) \in maxOps x maxOps, op1 `equal` op2 -- forall (op1, op2) \in maxOps x (opsOfCurrentLevel \ maxOps), -- op1 `greaterThan` op2 -- then we can build a subtree with every contiguous range of elements -- from maxOps (and the exprs on their sides) -- For example, if maxOps = {op0, op1, op4}, -- and if [...] means "extract a subtree", then -- currentLevel = -- [ex0 op0 ex1 op1 ex2 op2 ex3 op3 ex4 op4 ex5 op5 ex6 op6 ex7] -- will become -- [[ex0 op0 ex1 op1 ex2] op2 ex3 op3 [ex4 op4 ex5] op5 ex6 op6 ex7] -- -- We will also recursively apply the same logic on every sub-tree built -- during the process. The two principles are not overlapping and thus are -- required, because we are comparing precedence level ranges. In the case -- where we can't find a non-empty set {min,max}Ops with one logic or the -- other, we finally try to split the tree on “hard splitters” if there is -- any. reassociateFlatOpTree :: -- | Flat 'OpTree', with fixity info wrapped around each operator OpTree ty (OpInfo op) -> -- | Re-associated 'OpTree', with fixity info wrapped around each operator OpTree ty (OpInfo op) reassociateFlatOpTree tree@(OpNode _) = tree reassociateFlatOpTree tree@(OpBranches noptExprs noptOps) = case indexOfMinMaxPrecOps noptOps of (Just minIndices, _) -> splitTree noptExprs noptOps minIndices (_, Just maxIndices) -> groupTree noptExprs noptOps maxIndices _ -> case indicesOfHardSplitter of [] -> tree indices -> splitTree noptExprs noptOps indices where indicesOfHardSplitter = fmap fst $ filter (isHardSplitterOp . opiFixityApproximation . snd) $ zip [0 ..] noptOps indexOfMinMaxPrecOps [] = (Nothing, Nothing) indexOfMinMaxPrecOps (oo : oos) = go oos 1 oo (Just [0]) oo (Just [0]) where go :: -- Remaining operators to look up [OpInfo op] -> -- Index of the next operator Int -> -- representative of the current minOps set, if there is one, -- or representative of the lowest precedence level encountered -- so far otherwise OpInfo op -> -- indices of the elements of the candidate minOps set, -- if there is any Maybe [Int] -> -- representative of the current maxOps set, if there is one, or -- representative of the highest precedence level encountered -- so far otherwise OpInfo op -> -- indices of the elements of the candidate maxOps set, -- if there is any Maybe [Int] -> -- (indices of minOps elements, indices of maxOps elements) (Maybe [Int], Maybe [Int]) go [] _ _ minRes _ maxRes = (reverse <$> minRes, reverse <$> maxRes) go (o : os) i minOpi minRes maxOpi maxRes = let (minOpi', minRes') = case compareOp o minOpi of Just EQ -> (minOpi, (:) i <$> minRes) Just LT -> (o, Just [i]) Just GT -> (minOpi, minRes) Nothing -> (combine minOpi o, Nothing) (maxOpi', maxRes') = case compareOp o maxOpi of Just EQ -> (maxOpi, (:) i <$> maxRes) Just LT -> (maxOpi, maxRes) Just GT -> (o, Just [i]) Nothing -> (combine maxOpi o, Nothing) -- Merge two potential {min/max}Ops representatives for -- which the comparison gave 'OpUnknown' into a representative -- of the {lowest/highest} precedence level encountered so far combine (OpInfo x _ fix1) (OpInfo _ _ fix2) = OpInfo x Nothing (fix1 <> fix2) in go os (i + 1) minOpi' minRes' maxOpi' maxRes' -- If indices = [0, 2, 5], transform -- [ex0 op0 ex1 op1 ex2 op2 ex3 op3 ex4 op4 ex5 op5 ex6 op6 ex7] -- into -- [ex0 op0 [ex1 op1 ex2] op2 [ex3 op3 ex4 op4 ex5] op5 [ex6 op6 ex7]] splitTree nExprs nOps indices = go (NE.toList nExprs) nOps indices 0 [] [] [] [] where go :: -- Remaining exprs to look up [OpTree ty (OpInfo op)] -> -- Remaining ops to look up [OpInfo op] -> -- Remaining list of indices of operators on which to split -- (sorted) [Int] -> -- Index of the next expr/op Int -> -- Bag for exprs for the subtree we are building [OpTree ty (OpInfo op)] -> -- Bag for ops for the subtree we are building [OpInfo op] -> -- Bag for exprs of the result tree [OpTree ty (OpInfo op)] -> -- Bag for ops of the result tree [OpInfo op] -> -- Result tree OpTree ty (OpInfo op) go [] _ _ _ subExprs subOps resExprs resOps = -- No expr left to process. -- because we are in a "splitting" logic, there is at least one -- expr in the subExprs bag, so we build a subtree (if necessary) -- with sub-bags, add the node/subtree to the result bag, and then -- emit the result tree let resExpr = buildFromSub (NE.fromList subExprs) subOps in OpBranches (NE.reverse (resExpr :| resExprs)) (reverse resOps) go (x : xs) (o : os) (idx : idxs) i subExprs subOps resExprs resOps | i == idx = -- The op we are looking at is one on which we need to split. -- So we build a subtree from the sub-bags and the current -- expr, append it to the result exprs, and continue with -- cleared sub-bags let resExpr = buildFromSub (x :| subExprs) subOps in go xs os idxs (i + 1) [] [] (resExpr : resExprs) (o : resOps) go (x : xs) ops idxs i subExprs subOps resExprs resOps = -- Either there is no op left, or the op we are looking at is not -- one on which we need to split. So we just add both the current -- expr and current op (if there is any) to the sub-bags let (ops', subOps') = moveOneIfPossible ops subOps in go xs ops' idxs (i + 1) (x : subExprs) subOps' resExprs resOps -- If indices = [0, 1, 4], transform -- [ex0 op0 ex1 op1 ex2 op2 ex3 op3 ex4 op4 ex5 op5 ex6 op6 ex7] -- into -- [[ex0 op0 ex1 op1 ex2] op2 ex3 op3 [ex4 op4 ex5] op5 ex6 op6 ex7] groupTree nExprs nOps indices = go (NE.toList nExprs) nOps indices 0 [] [] [] [] where go :: -- remaining exprs to look up [OpTree ty (OpInfo op)] -> -- remaining ops to look up [OpInfo op] -> -- remaining list of indices of operators on which to group -- (sorted) [Int] -> -- index of the next expr/op Int -> -- bag for exprs for the subtree we are building [OpTree ty (OpInfo op)] -> -- bag for ops for the subtree we are building [OpInfo op] -> -- bag for exprs of the result tree [OpTree ty (OpInfo op)] -> -- bag for ops of the result tree [OpInfo op] -> -- result tree OpTree ty (OpInfo op) go [] _ _ _ subExprs subOps resExprs resOps = -- no expr left to process -- because we are in a "grouping" logic, the subExprs bag might be -- empty. If it is not, we build a subtree (if necessary) with -- sub-bags and add the resulting node/subtree to the result bag. -- In any case, we then emit the result tree let resExprs' = case NE.nonEmpty subExprs of Nothing -> NE.fromList resExprs Just subExprs' -> buildFromSub subExprs' subOps :| resExprs in OpBranches (NE.reverse resExprs') (reverse resOps) go (x : xs) (o : os) (idx : idxs) i subExprs subOps resExprs resOps | i == idx = -- The op we are looking at is one on which we need to group. -- So we just add the current expr and op to the sub-bags. go xs os idxs (i + 1) (x : subExprs) (o : subOps) resExprs resOps go (x : xs) ops idxs i subExprs@(_ : _) subOps resExprs resOps = -- Either there is no op left, or the op we are looking at is not -- one on which we need to split, but in any case the sub-bags are -- not empty. So we finalize the started group using sub-bags and -- the current expr, to form a subtree which is then added to the -- result bag. let (ops', resOps') = moveOneIfPossible ops resOps resExpr = buildFromSub (x :| subExprs) subOps in go xs ops' idxs (i + 1) [] [] (resExpr : resExprs) resOps' go (x : xs) ops idxs i [] subOps resExprs resOps = -- Either there is no op left, or the op we are looking at is not -- one on which we need to split, but the sub-bags are empty. So -- we just add both the current expr and current op (if there is -- any) to the result bags let (ops', resOps') = moveOneIfPossible ops resOps in go xs ops' idxs (i + 1) [] subOps (x : resExprs) resOps' moveOneIfPossible [] bs = ([], bs) moveOneIfPossible (a : as) bs = (as, a : bs) buildFromSub subExprs subOps = reassociateFlatOpTree $ case subExprs of -- Do not build a subtree when the potential subtree would have -- 1 expr(s) and 0 op(s) x :| [] -> x _ -> OpBranches (NE.reverse subExprs) (reverse subOps) -- | Indicate if an operator has @'InfixR' 0@ fixity. We special-case this -- class of operators because they often have, like ('$'), a specific -- “separator” use-case, and we sometimes format them differently than other -- operators. isHardSplitterOp :: FixityApproximation -> Bool isHardSplitterOp = (== FixityApproximation (Just InfixR) 0 0)