{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-binds -fno-warn-unused-imports #-} module OryKratos.Types.Identity ( Identity (..), IdentityCredentials (..), IdentityCredentialsOidc (..), IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider (..), IdentityCredentialsPassword (..), IdentityCredentialsType (..), IdentitySchema (..), IdentityState (..), ) where import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), Value, genericParseJSON, genericToEncoding, genericToJSON) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import Data.Aeson.Types (Options (..), defaultOptions) import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.Data (Data) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.List (stripPrefix) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Set (Set) import Data.Swagger (ToSchema, declareNamedSchema) import qualified Data.Swagger as Swagger import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time import Data.UUID (UUID) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import OryKratos.Types.Helper (customOptions, removeFieldLabelPrefix) import OryKratos.Types.Types ( RecoveryAddress, VerifiableIdentityAddress, ) -- | An identity can be a real human, a service, an IoT device - everything that can be described as an \"actor\" in a system. data Identity = Identity { -- | CreatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop. created_at :: Maybe UTCTime, -- | Credentials represents all credentials that can be used for authenticating this identity. credentials :: Maybe (Map.Map String IdentityCredentials), id :: UUID, -- | NullJSONRawMessage represents a json.RawMessage that works well with JSON, SQL, and Swagger and is NULLable- metadata_admin :: Maybe Value, -- | NullJSONRawMessage represents a json.RawMessage that works well with JSON, SQL, and Swagger and is NULLable- metadata_public :: Maybe Value, -- | RecoveryAddresses contains all the addresses that can be used to recover an identity. recovery_addresses :: Maybe [RecoveryAddress], -- | SchemaID is the ID of the JSON Schema to be used for validating the identity's traits. schema_id :: Text, -- | SchemaURL is the URL of the endpoint where the identity's traits schema can be fetched from. format: url schema_url :: Text, state :: Maybe IdentityState, state_changed_at :: Maybe UTCTime, -- | Traits represent an identity's traits. The identity is able to create, modify, and delete traits in a self-service manner. The input will always be validated against the JSON Schema defined in `schema_url`. traits :: Value, -- | UpdatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop. updated_at :: Maybe UTCTime, -- | VerifiableAddresses contains all the addresses that can be verified by the user. verifiable_addresses :: Maybe [VerifiableIdentityAddress] } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON Identity instance ToJSON Identity where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | Credentials represents a specific credential type data IdentityCredentials = IdentityCredentials { config :: Maybe Value, -- | CreatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop. created_at :: Maybe UTCTime, -- | Identifiers represents a list of unique identifiers this credential type matches. identifiers :: Maybe [Text], _type :: Maybe IdentityCredentialsType, -- | UpdatedAt is a helper struct field for gobuffalo.pop. updated_at :: Maybe UTCTime, -- | Version refers to the version of the credential. Useful when changing the config schema. version :: Maybe Integer } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentityCredentials where parseJSON = genericParseJSON customOptions instance ToJSON IdentityCredentials where toJSON = genericToJSON customOptions toEncoding = genericToEncoding customOptions data IdentityCredentialsOidc = IdentityCredentialsOidc { providers :: Maybe [IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider] } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentityCredentialsOidc instance ToJSON IdentityCredentialsOidc where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions data IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider = IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider { initial_access_token :: Maybe Text, initial_id_token :: Maybe Text, initial_refresh_token :: Maybe Text, provider :: Maybe Text, subject :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider instance ToJSON IdentityCredentialsOidcProvider where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions data IdentityCredentialsPassword = IdentityCredentialsPassword { -- | HashedPassword is a hash-representation of the password. hashed_password :: Maybe Text } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentityCredentialsPassword instance ToJSON IdentityCredentialsPassword where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | and so on. data IdentityCredentialsType = Password | TOTP | OIDC | WebAuthn | LookupSecret deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentityCredentialsType where parseJSON (Aeson.String s) = case T.unpack s of "password" -> return Password "totp" -> return TOTP "oidc" -> return OIDC "webauthn" -> return WebAuthn "lookup_secret" -> return LookupSecret _ -> error "Invalid IdentityCredentialsType" parseJSON _ = error "Invalid IdentityCredentialsType" instance ToJSON IdentityCredentialsType where toJSON (Password) = Aeson.String "password" toJSON (TOTP) = Aeson.String "totp" toJSON (OIDC) = Aeson.String "oidc" toJSON (WebAuthn) = Aeson.String "webauthn" toJSON (LookupSecret) = Aeson.String "lookup_secret" data IdentitySchema = IdentitySchema { -- | The ID of the Identity JSON Schema id :: Maybe Text, -- | The actual Identity JSON Schema schema :: Maybe Value } deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentitySchema instance ToJSON IdentitySchema where toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions -- | The state can either be `active` or `inactive`. data IdentityState = IdentityStateActive | IdentityStateInactive deriving stock (Show, Eq, Generic, Data) instance FromJSON IdentityState where parseJSON (Aeson.String s) = case T.unpack s of "active" -> return IdentityStateActive "inactive" -> return IdentityStateInactive _ -> error "Invalid IdentityState" parseJSON _ = error "Invalid IdentityState" instance ToJSON IdentityState where toJSON (IdentityStateActive) = Aeson.String "active" toJSON (IdentityStateInactive) = Aeson.String "inactive"