{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies #-}

module Control.OperationalTransformation
  ( OTOperation (..)
  , OTComposableOperation (..)
  , OTCursor (..)
  , OTSystem (..)
  ) where

import Control.Monad (foldM)

class OTOperation op where
  -- | Transforms two concurrent operations /a/ and /b/, producing /a'/ and /b'/ 
  -- such that @b' ∘ a == a' ∘ b@.
  transform :: op -> op -> Either String (op, op)

class (OTOperation op) => OTComposableOperation op where
  -- | Composes two operations /a/ and /b/, producing /c/, such that /c/ has the
  -- same effect when applied to a document as applying /a/ and /b/ one after
  -- another.
  compose :: op -> op -> Either String op

class (OTOperation op) => OTSystem doc op where
  -- | Apply an operation to a document, producing a new document.
  apply :: op -> doc -> Either String doc

instance (OTOperation op) => OTOperation [op] where
  transform = transformList2
      transformList1 o [] = return (o, [])
      transformList1 o (p:ps) = do
        (o', p') <- transform o p
        (o'', ps') <- transformList1 o' ps
        return (o'', p':ps')

      transformList2 [] ps = return ([], ps)
      transformList2 (o:os) ps = do
        (o', ps') <- transformList1 o ps
        (os', ps'') <- transformList2 os ps'
        return (o':os', ps'')

-- | Cursor position
class OTCursor cursor op where
  updateCursor :: op -> cursor -> cursor

instance (OTOperation op) => OTComposableOperation [op] where
  compose a b = return $ a ++ b

instance (OTSystem doc op) => OTSystem doc [op] where
  apply = flip $ foldM $ flip apply

instance OTCursor () op where
  updateCursor _ _ = ()

instance OTCursor cursor op => OTCursor [cursor] op where
  updateCursor op = map (updateCursor op)

instance (OTCursor a op, OTCursor b op) => OTCursor (a, b) op where
  updateCursor op (a, b) = (updateCursor op a, updateCursor op b)

instance (OTCursor a op, OTCursor b op, OTCursor c op) => OTCursor (a, b, c) op where
  updateCursor op (a, b, c) = (updateCursor op a, updateCursor op b, updateCursor op c)

instance (OTCursor a op, OTCursor b op, OTCursor c op, OTCursor d op) => OTCursor (a, b, c, d) op where
  updateCursor op (a, b, c, d) = (updateCursor op a, updateCursor op b, updateCursor op c, updateCursor op d)

instance (OTCursor a op, OTCursor b op, OTCursor c op, OTCursor d op, OTCursor e op) => OTCursor (a, b, c, d, e) op where
  updateCursor op (a, b, c, d, e) = (updateCursor op a, updateCursor op b, updateCursor op c, updateCursor op d, updateCursor op e)

instance (OTOperation a, OTOperation b) => OTOperation (a, b) where
  transform (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = do
    (a1', b1') <- transform a1 b1
    (a2', b2') <- transform a2 b2
    return ((a1', a2'), (b1', b2'))

instance (OTComposableOperation a, OTComposableOperation b) => OTComposableOperation (a, b) where
  compose (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = do
    c1 <- compose a1 b1
    c2 <- compose a2 b2
    return (c1, c2)

instance (OTSystem doca a, OTSystem docb b) => OTSystem (doca, docb) (a, b) where
  apply (a, b) (doca, docb) = do
    doca' <- apply a doca
    docb' <- apply b docb
    return (doca', docb')

instance (OTOperation a, OTOperation b, OTOperation c) => OTOperation (a, b, c) where
  transform (a1, a2, a3) (b1, b2, b3) = do
    (a1', b1') <- transform a1 b1
    (a2', b2') <- transform a2 b2
    (a3', b3') <- transform a3 b3
    return ((a1', a2', a3'), (b1', b2', b3'))

instance (OTComposableOperation a, OTComposableOperation b, OTComposableOperation c) => OTComposableOperation (a, b, c) where
  compose (a1, a2, a3) (b1, b2, b3) = do
    c1 <- compose a1 b1
    c2 <- compose a2 b2
    c3 <- compose a3 b3
    return (c1, c2, c3)

instance (OTSystem doca a, OTSystem docb b, OTSystem docc c) => OTSystem (doca, docb, docc) (a, b, c) where
  apply (a, b, c) (doca, docb, docc) = do
    doca' <- apply a doca
    docb' <- apply b docb
    docc' <- apply c docc
    return (doca', docb', docc')

instance (OTOperation a, OTOperation b, OTOperation c, OTOperation d) => OTOperation (a, b, c, d) where
  transform (a1, a2, a3, a4) (b1, b2, b3, b4) = do
    (a1', b1') <- transform a1 b1
    (a2', b2') <- transform a2 b2
    (a3', b3') <- transform a3 b3
    (a4', b4') <- transform a4 b4
    return ((a1', a2', a3', a4'), (b1', b2', b3', b4'))

instance (OTComposableOperation a, OTComposableOperation b, OTComposableOperation c, OTComposableOperation d) => OTComposableOperation (a, b, c, d) where
  compose (a1, a2, a3, a4) (b1, b2, b3, b4) = do
    c1 <- compose a1 b1
    c2 <- compose a2 b2
    c3 <- compose a3 b3
    c4 <- compose a4 b4
    return (c1, c2, c3, c4)

instance (OTSystem doca a, OTSystem docb b, OTSystem docc c, OTSystem docd d) => OTSystem (doca, docb, docc, docd) (a, b, c, d) where
  apply (a, b, c, d) (doca, docb, docc, docd) = do
    doca' <- apply a doca
    docb' <- apply b docb
    docc' <- apply c docc
    docd' <- apply d docd
    return (doca', docb', docc', docd')

instance (OTOperation a, OTOperation b, OTOperation c, OTOperation d, OTOperation e) => OTOperation (a, b, c, d, e) where
  transform (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) = do
    (a1', b1') <- transform a1 b1
    (a2', b2') <- transform a2 b2
    (a3', b3') <- transform a3 b3
    (a4', b4') <- transform a4 b4
    (a5', b5') <- transform a5 b5
    return ((a1', a2', a3', a4', a5'), (b1', b2', b3', b4', b5'))

instance (OTComposableOperation a, OTComposableOperation b, OTComposableOperation c, OTComposableOperation d, OTComposableOperation e) => OTComposableOperation (a, b, c, d, e) where
  compose (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5) = do
    c1 <- compose a1 b1
    c2 <- compose a2 b2
    c3 <- compose a3 b3
    c4 <- compose a4 b4
    c5 <- compose a5 b5
    return (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5)

instance (OTSystem doca a, OTSystem docb b, OTSystem docc c, OTSystem docd d, OTSystem doce e) => OTSystem (doca, docb, docc, docd, doce) (a, b, c, d, e) where
  apply (a, b, c, d, e) (doca, docb, docc, docd, doce) = do
    doca' <- apply a doca
    docb' <- apply b docb
    docc' <- apply c docc
    docd' <- apply d docd
    doce' <- apply e doce
    return (doca', docb', docc', docd', doce')