Panda - simple blogging engine ============================== Sample file db structure ------------------------- db |---- blog | |---- 08-09-01 first post | |---- 09-09-02 learn javascript.html | |---- tag | |---- programming | |---- funny | |---- static |---- About Why ---- * Blog entries are stored locally * Write posts in Markdown, HTML, reStructuredText or even LaTeX format ( no Math equations yet ) * Remote server is a mirror of local repository * No server side API for publishing / editing, just use Darcs, Git or any SCM * No need to find external hosting of your videos, images or sound. Put them in public folder ( still managed by SCM if you wish ) * Easy to use, just create a file and the engine takes care of the rest * Extensible through embedding any HTML snippets * Use `custom.css` for theming Quick Demo ----------- It powers [my blog]( ;) Note: the demo might run on an experimental branch, so differences from the cabal version could occur. Status ------- Panda is in its early stage. I got tired of importing / exporting blogs when switching blogging platforms, I needed a way to not be bounded to any service API. The main benefit is that if I ever wanted to stop using Panda, all my blogs and resources are in manageable states. Install -------- ### install [lighttpd]( ) ### install panda cabal install panda ### bootstrap # panda is a kibro project kibro new myblog cd myblog # get a template to start rm -r db; rm -r public git clone git:// db sh db/scripts/ ### run kibro start It should be running on `` now. Since Panda is based on Kibro, it helps to read how [Kibro]( works. Goodies -------- Install `Ruby` / `Rake`, then `rake -T` to see a list of helper commands. Config ------- Edit `db/config/site.txt` blog_title = My shiny blog host_name = author_email = Restart required. (hint: `rake r`) Future ------ The template db is just a starting point for you to experiment on. However, I would encourage you to keep your own db in your own SCM, that way, you will never lose your data and never have to care about application logic again. There are many things could be done. Whatever there will be, the key idea is simplest data / folder structure, absolutely no parsing, no xml, no code is data like and stuff :) Hacking -------- Another way to get Panda running with source is: # clone the source git clone git:// myblog cd myblog # get a template to start git clone git:// db # manually adjust path information for lighttpd # edit first 6 lines of app/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf to match your path # manual staging ln -s db/public public # run kibro start I'm heavily using the [MPS]( ) package which introduces things like reject, join, belongs_to, match, gsub and so on.