Copyright (C) 2007 John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>

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it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

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but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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{- |
   Module      : Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath
   Copyright   : Copyright (C) 2007 John MacFarlane
   License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above 

   Maintainer  : John MacFarlane <jgm@berkeley.edu>
   Stability   : alpha
   Portability : portable

Conversion of TeX math to a list of 'Pandoc' inline elements.
module Text.Pandoc.Readers.TeXMath ( 
                                   ) where

import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Text.Pandoc.UTF8
import Text.Pandoc.Definition
import Text.Pandoc.Shared

-- | Converts a string of raw TeX math to a list of 'Pandoc' inlines. 
readTeXMath :: String -> [Inline]
readTeXMath inp = case parse teXMath ("formula: " ++ inp) inp of
   Left err  -> [Str inp]  -- if unparseable, just include original
   Right res -> res

teXMath = manyTill mathPart eof >>= return . concat

mathPart = whitespace <|> superscript <|> subscript <|> symbol <|> 
           argument <|> digits <|> letters <|> misc

whitespace = many1 space >> return []

symbol = try $ do
  char '\\'
  res <- many1 letter
  case lookup res teXsymbols of
    Just m  -> return [Str m]
    Nothing -> return [Str $ "\\" ++ res]

argument = try $ do
  char '{'
  res <- many mathPart
  char '}'
  return $ if null res 
              then [Str " "]
              else [Str "{"] ++ concat res ++ [Str "}"]

digits = do
  res <- many1 digit
  return [Str res]

letters = do
  res <- many1 letter
  return [Emph [Str res]]

misc = do
  res <- noneOf "}"
  return [Str [res]] 

scriptArg = try $ do
  (try (do{char '{'; r <- many mathPart; char '}'; return $ concat r}))
   <|> symbol
   <|> (do{c <- (letter <|> digit); return [Str [c]]})
superscript = try $ do
  char '^'
  arg <- scriptArg
  return [Superscript arg]

subscript = try $ do
  char '_'
  arg <- scriptArg
  return [Subscript arg]
withThinSpace str = "\x2009" ++ str ++ "\x2009"

teXsymbols = 
 ,("beta", "\x3B2")
 ,("chi", "\x3C7")
 ,("delta", "\x3B4")
 ,("Delta", "\x394")
 ,("epsilon", "\x3B5")
 ,("varepsilon", "\x25B")
 ,("eta", "\x3B7")
 ,("gamma", "\x3B3")
 ,("Gamma", "\x393")
 ,("iota", "\x3B9")
 ,("kappa", "\x3BA")
 ,("lambda", "\x3BB")
 ,("Lambda", "\x39B")
 ,("mu", "\x3BC")
 ,("nu", "\x3BD")
 ,("omega", "\x3C9")
 ,("Omega", "\x3A9")
 ,("phi", "\x3C6")
 ,("varphi", "\x3D5")
 ,("Phi", "\x3A6")
 ,("pi", "\x3C0")
 ,("Pi", "\x3A0")
 ,("psi", "\x3C8")
 ,("Psi", "\x3A8")
 ,("rho", "\x3C1")
 ,("sigma", "\x3C3")
 ,("Sigma", "\x3A3")
 ,("tau", "\x3C4")
 ,("theta", "\x3B8")
 ,("vartheta", "\x3D1")
 ,("Theta", "\x398")
 ,("upsilon", "\x3C5")
 ,("xi", "\x3BE")
 ,("Xi", "\x39E")
 ,("zeta", "\x3B6")
 ,("ne", "\x2260")
 ,("lt", withThinSpace "<")
 ,("le", withThinSpace "\x2264")
 ,("leq", withThinSpace "\x2264")
 ,("ge", withThinSpace "\x2265")
 ,("geq", withThinSpace "\x2265")
 ,("prec", withThinSpace "\x227A")
 ,("succ", withThinSpace "\x227B")
 ,("preceq", withThinSpace "\x2AAF")
 ,("succeq", withThinSpace "\x2AB0")
 ,("in", withThinSpace "\x2208")
 ,("notin", withThinSpace "\x2209")
 ,("subset", withThinSpace "\x2282")
 ,("supset", withThinSpace "\x2283")
 ,("subseteq", withThinSpace "\x2286")
 ,("supseteq", withThinSpace "\x2287")
 ,("equiv", withThinSpace "\x2261")
 ,("cong", withThinSpace "\x2245")
 ,("approx", withThinSpace "\x2248")
 ,("propto", withThinSpace "\x221D")
 ,("cdot", withThinSpace "\x22C5")
 ,("star", withThinSpace "\x22C6")
 ,("backslash", "\\")
 ,("times", withThinSpace "\x00D7")
 ,("divide", withThinSpace "\x00F7")
 ,("circ", withThinSpace "\x2218")
 ,("oplus", withThinSpace "\x2295")
 ,("otimes", withThinSpace "\x2297")
 ,("odot", withThinSpace "\x2299")
 ,("sum", "\x2211")
 ,("prod", "\x220F")
 ,("wedge", withThinSpace "\x2227")
 ,("bigwedge", withThinSpace "\x22C0")
 ,("vee", withThinSpace "\x2228")
 ,("bigvee", withThinSpace "\x22C1")
 ,("cap", withThinSpace "\x2229")
 ,("bigcap", withThinSpace "\x22C2")
 ,("cup", withThinSpace "\x222A")
 ,("bigcup", withThinSpace "\x22C3")
 ,("neg", "\x00AC")
 ,("implies", withThinSpace "\x21D2")
 ,("iff", withThinSpace "\x21D4")
 ,("forall", "\x2200")
 ,("exists", "\x2203")
 ,("bot", "\x22A5")
 ,("top", "\x22A4")
 ,("vdash", "\x22A2")
 ,("models", withThinSpace "\x22A8")
 ,("uparrow", "\x2191")
 ,("downarrow", "\x2193")
 ,("rightarrow", withThinSpace "\x2192")
 ,("to", withThinSpace "\x2192")
 ,("rightarrowtail", "\x21A3")
 ,("twoheadrightarrow", withThinSpace "\x21A0")
 ,("twoheadrightarrowtail", withThinSpace "\x2916")
 ,("mapsto", withThinSpace "\x21A6")
 ,("leftarrow", withThinSpace "\x2190")
 ,("leftrightarrow", withThinSpace "\x2194")
 ,("Rightarrow", withThinSpace "\x21D2")
 ,("Leftarrow", withThinSpace "\x21D0")
 ,("Leftrightarrow", withThinSpace "\x21D4")
 ,("partial", "\x2202")
 ,("nabla", "\x2207")
 ,("pm", "\x00B1")
 ,("emptyset", "\x2205")
 ,("infty", "\x221E")
 ,("aleph", "\x2135")
 ,("ldots", "...")
 ,("therefore", "\x2234")
 ,("angle", "\x2220")
 ,("quad", "\x00A0\x00A0")
 ,("cdots", "\x22EF")
 ,("vdots", "\x22EE")
 ,("ddots", "\x22F1")
 ,("diamond", "\x22C4")
 ,("Box", "\x25A1")
 ,("lfloor", "\x230A")
 ,("rfloor", "\x230B")
 ,("lceiling", "\x2308")
 ,("rceiling", "\x2309")
 ,("langle", "\x2329")
 ,("rangle", "\x232A")
 ,("{", "{")
 ,("}", "}")
 ,("[", "[")
 ,("]", "]")
 ,("|", "|")
 ,("||", "||")