{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst Copyright : Copyright (C) 2023 John MacFarlane License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : John MacFarlane Stability : alpha Portability : portable Reads and evaluates a Typst document as a Pandoc AST. -} module Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst ( readTypst ) where import Text.Pandoc.Class import Text.Pandoc.Sources import Text.Pandoc.Options import Text.Pandoc.Definition import Typst ( parseTypst, evaluateTypst ) import Text.Pandoc.Error (PandocError(..)) import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow, blocksToInlines) import Control.Monad.Except (throwError) import Control.Monad (MonadPlus (mplus), void, guard, foldM) import qualified Data.Foldable as F import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe) import Data.Sequence (Seq) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import qualified Data.Set as Set import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.Pandoc.Builder as B import Text.Pandoc.Walk import Text.Parsec import Text.TeXMath (writeTeX) import Text.TeXMath.Shared (getSpaceChars) import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst.Math (pMathMany) import Text.Pandoc.Readers.Typst.Parsing (pTok, ignored, getField, P, PState(..), defaultPState) import Typst.Methods (formatNumber, applyPureFunction) import Typst.Types import qualified Data.Vector as V -- import Debug.Trace -- | Read Typst from an input string and return a Pandoc document. readTypst :: (PandocMonad m, ToSources a) => ReaderOptions -> a -> m Pandoc readTypst _opts inp = do let sources = toSources inp let inputName = case sources of Sources ((pos, _):_) -> sourceName pos _ -> "" case parseTypst inputName (sourcesToText sources) of Left e -> throwError $ PandocParseError $ T.pack $ show e Right parsed -> do let ops = Operations { loadBytes = readFileStrict, currentUTCTime = getCurrentTime, lookupEnvVar = fmap (fmap T.unpack) . lookupEnv . T.pack, checkExistence = fileExists } res <- evaluateTypst ops inputName parsed case res of Left e -> throwError $ PandocParseError $ tshow e Right content -> do let labs = findLabels [content] runParserT pPandoc defaultPState{ sLabels = labs } inputName [content] >>= either (throwError . PandocParseError . T.pack . show) pure pBlockElt :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Blocks pBlockElt = try $ do res <- pTok (\t -> isBlock t || not (isInline t)) -- check for following label mbident <- option Nothing $ Just <$> pLab case res of Elt name@(Identifier tname) pos fields -> do case M.lookup name blockHandlers of Nothing -> do ignored ("unknown block element " <> tname <> " at " <> tshow pos) pure mempty Just handler -> handler mbident fields _ -> pure mempty pInline :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Inlines pInline = try $ do res <- pTok (\t -> isInline t || not (isBlock t)) case res of Txt t -> pure $ B.text t Lab name -> pure $ B.spanWith (name, [], []) mempty Elt (Identifier tname) _ _ | "math." `T.isPrefixOf` tname , tname /= "math.equation" -> B.math . writeTeX <$> pMathMany (Seq.singleton res) Elt name@(Identifier tname) pos fields -> do labs <- sLabels <$> getState labelTarget <- (do result <- getField "target" fields case result of VLabel t | t `elem` labs -> pure True _ -> pure False) <|> pure False if tname == "ref" && not labelTarget then do -- @foo is a citation unless it links to a lab in the doc: let targetToKey (Identifier "target") = Identifier "key" targetToKey k = k case M.lookup "cite" inlineHandlers of Nothing -> do ignored ("unknown inline element " <> tname <> " at " <> tshow pos) pure mempty Just handler -> handler Nothing (M.mapKeys targetToKey fields) else do case M.lookup name inlineHandlers of Nothing -> do ignored ("unknown inline element " <> tname <> " at " <> tshow pos) pure mempty Just handler -> handler Nothing fields pPandoc :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Pandoc pPandoc = do Elt "document" _ fields <- pTok isDocument bs <- getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks pure $ B.doc bs -- The following alternative code would add metadata from the -- fields on the document element. It is commented out because -- the typst metadata doesn't print anything by default, in contrast -- to pandoc with its usual templates. Hence, with this code, -- converting a typst document might yield a double title, author, etc. -- -- title <- (getField "title" fields >>= pWithContents pInlines) <|> -- pure mempty -- authors <- (getField "author" fields >>= -- mapM (pWithContents pInlines) . V.toList) <|> -- ((:[]) <$> (getField "author" fields >>= -- (\x -> guard (not (null x)) *> -- pWithContents pInlines x))) <|> -- pure [] -- date <- (getField "date" fields >>= pWithContents pInlines) <|> -- pure mempty -- keywords <- (getField "keywords" fields >>= -- mapM (pWithContents pInlines) . V.toList) -- <|> pure [] -- pure $ -- (if title == mempty -- then id -- else B.setMeta "title" title) . -- (if null authors -- then id -- else B.setMeta "author" authors) . -- (if null date -- then id -- else B.setMeta "date" date) . -- (if null keywords -- then id -- else B.setMeta "keywords" keywords) $ B.doc bs pBlocks :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Blocks pBlocks = mconcat <$> many pBlock pBlock :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Blocks pBlock = pPara <|> pBlockElt pSpace :: PandocMonad m => P m Content pSpace = pTok ( \case Txt t | T.all (== ' ') t -> True _ -> False ) pLab :: PandocMonad m => P m Text pLab = try $ do optional pSpace Lab t <- pTok ( \case Lab _ -> True _ -> False ) pure t isDocument :: Content -> Bool isDocument (Elt "document" _ _) = True isDocument _ = False isBlock :: Content -> Bool isBlock (Elt "raw" _ fields) = M.lookup "block" fields == Just (VBoolean True) isBlock (Elt name _ _) = name `Set.member` blockKeys isBlock Lab{} = True isBlock _ = False isInline :: Content -> Bool isInline (Elt "raw" _ fields) = M.lookup "block" fields /= Just (VBoolean True) isInline (Elt name _ _) = name `Set.member` inlineKeys isInline Lab{} = True isInline Txt{} = True blockKeys :: Set.Set Identifier blockKeys = Set.fromList $ M.keys (blockHandlers :: M.Map Identifier (Maybe Text -> M.Map Identifier Val -> P PandocPure B.Blocks)) inlineKeys :: Set.Set Identifier inlineKeys = Set.fromList $ M.keys (inlineHandlers :: M.Map Identifier (Maybe Text -> M.Map Identifier Val -> P PandocPure B.Inlines)) blockHandlers :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Identifier (Maybe Text -> M.Map Identifier Val -> P m B.Blocks) blockHandlers = M.fromList [("text", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields -- sometimes text elements include para breaks notFollowedBy $ void $ pWithContents pInlines body pWithContents pBlocks body) ,("box", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.divWith ("", ["box"], []) <$> pWithContents pBlocks body) ,("heading", \mbident fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields lev <- getField "level" fields <|> pure 1 B.headerWith (fromMaybe "" mbident,[],[]) lev <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("quote", \_ fields -> do getField "block" fields >>= guard body <- getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks attribution' <- getField "attribution" fields attribution <- if attribution' == mempty then pure mempty else (\x -> B.para ("\x2014\xa0" <> x)) <$> (pWithContents pInlines attribution') pure $ B.blockQuote $ body <> attribution) ,("list", \_ fields -> do children <- V.toList <$> getField "children" fields B.bulletList <$> mapM (pWithContents pBlocks) children) ,("list.item", \_ fields -> getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks) ,("enum", \_ fields -> do children <- V.toList <$> getField "children" fields mbstart <- getField "start" fields start <- case mbstart of Nothing -> pure 1 Just x | x >= 0 -> pure x | otherwise -> fail "number must be positive" (numbering :: Text) <- getField "numbering" fields `mplus` pure "" let (sty, delim) = case numbering of "1." -> (B.Decimal, B.Period) "1)" -> (B.Decimal, B.OneParen) "(1)" -> (B.Decimal, B.TwoParens) "a." -> (B.LowerAlpha, B.Period) "a)" -> (B.LowerAlpha, B.OneParen) "(a)" -> (B.LowerAlpha, B.TwoParens) "A." -> (B.UpperAlpha, B.Period) "A)" -> (B.UpperAlpha, B.OneParen) "(A)" -> (B.UpperAlpha, B.TwoParens) "i." -> (B.LowerRoman, B.Period) "i)" -> (B.LowerRoman, B.OneParen) "(i)" -> (B.LowerRoman, B.TwoParens) "I." -> (B.UpperRoman, B.Period) "I)" -> (B.UpperRoman, B.OneParen) "(I)" -> (B.UpperRoman, B.TwoParens) _ -> (B.DefaultStyle, B.DefaultDelim) let listAttr = (start, sty, delim) B.orderedListWith listAttr <$> mapM (pWithContents pBlocks) children) ,("enum.item", \_ fields -> getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks) ,("terms", \_ fields -> do children <- V.toList <$> getField "children" fields B.definitionList <$> mapM ( \case VTermItem t d -> do t' <- pWithContents pInlines t d' <- pWithContents pBlocks d pure (t', [d']) _ -> pure (mempty, []) ) children) ,("terms.item", \_ fields -> getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks) ,("raw", \mbident fields -> do txt <- T.filter (/= '\r') <$> getField "text" fields mblang <- getField "lang" fields let attr = (fromMaybe "" mbident, maybe [] (\l -> [l]) mblang, []) pure $ B.codeBlockWith attr txt) ,("parbreak", \_ _ -> pure mempty) ,("block", \mbident fields -> maybe id (\ident -> B.divWith (ident, [], [])) mbident <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("place", \_ fields -> do ignored "parameters of place" getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks) ,("columns", \_ fields -> do (cnt :: Integer) <- getField "count" fields B.divWith ("", ["columns-flow"], [("count", T.pack (show cnt))]) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("rect", \_ fields -> B.divWith ("", ["rect"], []) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("circle", \_ fields -> B.divWith ("", ["circle"], []) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("ellipse", \_ fields -> B.divWith ("", ["ellipse"], []) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("polygon", \_ fields -> B.divWith ("", ["polygon"], []) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("square", \_ fields -> B.divWith ("", ["square"], []) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("align", \_ fields -> do alignment <- getField "alignment" fields B.divWith ("", [], [("align", repr alignment)]) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("stack", \_ fields -> do (dir :: Direction) <- getField "dir" fields `mplus` pure Ltr rawchildren <- getField "children" fields children <- mapM ( \case val@(VFraction {}) -> pure $ B.divWith ("", [], [("space", repr val)]) mempty val -> fromVal val >>= pWithContents pBlocks ) (V.toList rawchildren) pure $ B.divWith ("", [], [("stack", repr (VDirection dir))]) $ mconcat $ map (B.divWith ("", [], [])) children) ,("grid", \mbident fields -> parseTable mbident fields) ,("table", \mbident fields -> parseTable mbident fields) ,("figure", \mbident fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks (mbCaption :: Maybe (Seq Content)) <- getField "caption" fields (caption :: B.Blocks) <- maybe mempty (pWithContents pBlocks) mbCaption pure $ case B.toList body of [B.Table attr _ colspecs thead tbodies tfoot] -> B.singleton (B.Table attr (B.Caption Nothing (B.toList caption)) colspecs thead tbodies tfoot) _ -> B.figureWith (fromMaybe "" mbident, [], []) (B.Caption Nothing (B.toList caption)) body) ,("line", \_ fields -> case ( M.lookup "start" fields >> M.lookup "end" fields >> M.lookup "angle" fields ) of Nothing -> pure B.horizontalRule _ -> pure mempty) ,("numbering", \_ fields -> do numStyle <- getField "numbering" fields (nums :: V.Vector Integer) <- getField "numbers" fields let toText v = fromMaybe "" $ fromVal v let toNum n = case numStyle of VString t -> formatNumber t (fromIntegral n) VFunction _ _ f -> case applyPureFunction f [VInteger n] of Success x -> toText x Failure _ -> "?" _ -> "?" pure $ B.plain . B.text . mconcat . map toNum $ V.toList nums) ,("footnote.entry", \_ fields -> getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks) ,("pad", \_ fields -> -- ignore paddingy getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks) ] inlineHandlers :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Identifier (Maybe Text -> M.Map Identifier Val -> P m B.Inlines) inlineHandlers = M.fromList [("ref", \_ fields -> do VLabel target <- getField "target" fields supplement' <- getField "supplement" fields supplement <- case supplement' of VAuto -> -- TODO for now, until we can locate the element pure $ B.text ("[" <> target <> "]") VContent cs -> pWithContents pInlines cs VFunction _ _ _f -> -- TODO for now, until we can locate the element pure $ B.text ("[" <> target <> "]") _ -> pure mempty pure $ B.linkWith ("", ["ref"], []) ("#" <> target) "" supplement) ,("linebreak", \_ _ -> pure B.linebreak) ,("text", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields (mbweight :: Maybe Text) <- getField "weight" fields case mbweight of Just "bold" -> B.strong <$> pWithContents pInlines body _ -> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("raw", \_ fields -> B.code . T.filter (/= '\r') <$> getField "text" fields) ,("footnote", \_ fields -> B.note <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pBlocks)) ,("cite", \_ fields -> do VLabel key <- getField "key" fields (form :: Text) <- getField "form" fields <|> pure "normal" let citation = B.Citation { B.citationId = key, B.citationPrefix = mempty, B.citationSuffix = mempty, B.citationMode = case form of "year" -> B.SuppressAuthor _ -> B.NormalCitation, B.citationNoteNum = 0, B.citationHash = 0 } pure $ B.cite [citation] (B.text $ "[" <> key <> "]")) ,("lower", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "text" fields walk (modString T.toLower) <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("upper", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "text" fields walk (modString T.toUpper) <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("emph", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.emph <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("strong", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.strong <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("sub", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.subscript <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("super", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.superscript <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("strike", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.strikeout <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("smallcaps", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.smallcaps <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("underline", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.underline <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("quote", \_ fields -> do (getField "block" fields <|> pure False) >>= guard . not body <- getInlineBody fields >>= pWithContents pInlines pure $ B.doubleQuoted $ B.trimInlines body) ,("link", \_ fields -> do dest <- getField "dest" fields src <- case dest of VString t -> pure t VLabel t -> pure $ "#" <> t VDict _ -> do ignored "link to location, linking to #" pure "#" _ -> fail $ "Expected string or label for dest" body <- getField "body" fields description <- if null body then pure $ B.text $ if "mailto:" `T.isPrefixOf` src then T.drop 7 src else if "tel:" `T.isPrefixOf` src then T.drop 4 src else src else pWithContents pInlines body <|> pWithContents (B.fromList . blocksToInlines . B.toList <$> pBlocks) body pure $ B.link src "" description) ,("image", \_ fields -> do path <- getField "path" fields alt <- (B.text <$> getField "alt" fields) `mplus` pure mempty (mbwidth :: Maybe Text) <- fmap (renderLength False) <$> getField "width" fields (mbheight :: Maybe Text) <- fmap (renderLength False) <$> getField "height" fields let attr = ( "", [], maybe [] (\x -> [("width", x)]) mbwidth ++ maybe [] (\x -> [("height", x)]) mbheight ) pure $ B.imageWith attr path "" alt) ,("box", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields B.spanWith ("", ["box"], []) <$> pWithContents pInlines body) ,("h", \_ fields -> do amount <- getField "amount" fields `mplus` pure (LExact 1 LEm) let em = case amount of LExact x LEm -> toRational x _ -> case amount <> LExact 0 LPt of -- force to Pt LExact x LPt -> toRational x / 12 _ -> 1 / 3 -- guess! pure $ B.text $ getSpaceChars em) ,("place", \_ fields -> do ignored "parameters of place" getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pInlines) ,("align", \_ fields -> do alignment <- getField "alignment" fields B.spanWith ("", [], [("align", repr alignment)]) <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pInlines)) ,("sys.version", \_ _ -> pure $ B.text "typst-hs") ,("math.equation", \_ fields -> do body <- getField "body" fields display <- getField "block" fields (if display then B.displayMath else B.math) . writeTeX <$> pMathMany body) ,("pad", \_ fields -> -- ignore paddingy getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pInlines) ,("block", \mbident fields -> maybe id (\ident -> B.spanWith (ident, [], [])) mbident <$> (getField "body" fields >>= pWithContents pInlines)) ] getInlineBody :: PandocMonad m => M.Map Identifier Val -> P m (Seq Content) getInlineBody fields = parbreaksToLinebreaks <$> getField "body" fields parbreaksToLinebreaks :: Seq Content -> Seq Content parbreaksToLinebreaks = fmap go . Seq.dropWhileL isParbreak . Seq.dropWhileR isParbreak where go (Elt "parbreak" pos _) = Elt "linebreak" pos mempty go x = x isParbreak (Elt "parbreak" _ _) = True isParbreak _ = False pPara :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Blocks pPara = do ils <- B.trimInlines . collapseAdjacentCites . mconcat <$> many1 pInline optional pParBreak pure $ if ils == mempty then mempty else B.para ils pParBreak :: PandocMonad m => P m () pParBreak = void $ pTok ( \case Elt "parbreak" _ _ -> True _ -> False ) pWithContents :: PandocMonad m => P m a -> Seq Content -> P m a pWithContents pa cs = try $ do inp <- getInput setInput $ F.toList cs res <- pa eof setInput inp pure res pInlines :: PandocMonad m => P m B.Inlines pInlines = mappend <$> (collapseAdjacentCites . mconcat <$> many pInline) <*> ((B.softbreak <$ pParBreak) <|> pure mempty) collapseAdjacentCites :: B.Inlines -> B.Inlines collapseAdjacentCites = B.fromList . foldr go [] . B.toList where go (Cite cs1 ils1) (Cite cs2 ils2 : xs) = Cite (cs1 ++ cs2) (ils1 <> ils2) : xs go (Cite cs1 ils1) (Space : Cite cs2 ils2 : xs) = Cite (cs1 ++ cs2) (ils1 <> ils2) : xs go x xs = x:xs modString :: (Text -> Text) -> B.Inline -> B.Inline modString f (B.Str t) = B.Str (f t) modString _ x = x findLabels :: Seq.Seq Content -> [Text] findLabels = foldr go [] where go (Txt{}) = id go (Lab t) = (t :) go (Elt{ eltFields = fs }) = \ts -> foldr go' ts fs go' (VContent cs) = (findLabels cs ++) go' _ = id parseTable :: PandocMonad m => Maybe Text -> M.Map Identifier Val -> P m B.Blocks parseTable mbident fields = do children <- V.toList <$> getField "children" fields (columns :: Val) <- getField "columns" fields let toWidth (VFraction f) = Just (floor $ 1000 * f) toWidth _ = Nothing let normalizeWidths xs = let givenwidths = catMaybes xs (totgivenwidth :: Int) = sum givenwidths avgwidth = totgivenwidth `div` length givenwidths totwidth = avgwidth * length xs in if null givenwidths then replicate (length xs) B.ColWidthDefault else map ( \case Just x -> B.ColWidth (fromIntegral x / fromIntegral totwidth) Nothing -> B.ColWidth (fromIntegral avgwidth / fromIntegral totwidth) ) xs widths <- case columns of VInteger x -> pure $ replicate (fromIntegral x) B.ColWidthDefault VArray x -> pure $ normalizeWidths $ map toWidth (V.toList x) VNone -> pure [B.ColWidthDefault] _ -> fail $ "Could not determine number of columns: " <> show columns let numcols = length widths align <- getField "align" fields let toAlign (VAlignment (Just horiz) _) = case horiz of HorizStart -> B.AlignLeft HorizLeft -> B.AlignLeft HorizEnd -> B.AlignRight HorizRight -> B.AlignRight HorizCenter -> B.AlignCenter toAlign _ = B.AlignDefault aligns <- case align of VAlignment {} -> pure $ replicate numcols (toAlign align) VArray v -> pure $ map toAlign (V.toList v) VFunction _ _ f -> do mapM ( \colnum -> case applyPureFunction f [VInteger colnum, VInteger 0] of Success x -> pure $ toAlign x Failure e -> fail e ) [0 .. (fromIntegral numcols - 1)] _ -> pure $ replicate numcols B.AlignDefault let colspecs = zip (aligns ++ repeat B.AlignDefault) widths let addCell' cell Nothing = addCell' cell (Just ([], [])) addCell' cell@(B.Cell _ _ (B.RowSpan rowspan) (B.ColSpan colspan) _) (Just (freecols, revrows)) = let freecols' = case (rowspan + 1) - length freecols of n | n < 0 -> freecols | otherwise -> freecols ++ replicate n numcols in case freecols' of [] -> -- should not happen error "empty freecols'" x:xs | colspan <= x -- there is room on current row -> let (as, bs) = splitAt rowspan (x:xs) in Just (map (\z -> z - colspan) as ++ bs, case revrows of [] -> [[cell]] r:rs -> (cell:r):rs) | otherwise -> let (as, bs) = splitAt rowspan xs in Just (map (\z -> z - colspan) as ++ bs, [cell]:revrows) let addCell tableSection cell (TableData tdata) = TableData (M.alter (addCell' cell) tableSection tdata) let toCell tableSection tableData contents = do case contents of [Elt (Identifier "grid.cell") _pos fs] -> do bs <- B.toList <$> (getField "body" fs >>= pWithContents pBlocks) rowspan <- getField "rowspan" fs <|> pure 1 colspan <- getField "colspan" fs <|> pure 1 align' <- (toAlign <$> getField "align" fs) <|> pure B.AlignDefault pure $ addCell tableSection (B.Cell B.nullAttr align' (B.RowSpan rowspan) (B.ColSpan colspan) bs) tableData [Elt (Identifier "table.cell") pos fs] -> toCell tableSection tableData [Elt (Identifier "grid.cell") pos fs] [Elt (Identifier "table.vline") _pos _fs] -> pure tableData [Elt (Identifier "table.hline") _pos _fs] -> pure tableData [Elt (Identifier "grid.vline") _pos _fs] -> pure tableData [Elt (Identifier "grid.hline") _pos _fs] -> pure tableData [Elt (Identifier "table.header") _pos fs] -> getField "children" fs >>= foldM (toCell THeader) tableData . V.toList [Elt (Identifier "table.footer") _pos fs] -> getField "children" fs >>= foldM (toCell TFooter) tableData . V.toList _ -> do bs <- B.toList <$> pWithContents pBlocks contents pure $ addCell tableSection (B.Cell B.nullAttr B.AlignDefault (B.RowSpan 1) (B.ColSpan 1) bs) tableData tableData <- foldM (toCell TBody) (TableData mempty) children let getRows tablePart = map (B.Row B.nullAttr . reverse) . maybe [] (reverse . snd) . M.lookup tablePart . unTableData let headRows = getRows THeader tableData let bodyRows = getRows TBody tableData let footRows = getRows TFooter tableData pure $ B.tableWith (fromMaybe "" mbident, [], []) (B.Caption mempty mempty) colspecs (B.TableHead B.nullAttr headRows) [B.TableBody B.nullAttr 0 [] bodyRows] (B.TableFoot B.nullAttr footRows) data TableSection = THeader | TBody | TFooter deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) newtype TableData = TableData { unTableData :: M.Map TableSection ([Int], [[Cell]]) } deriving (Show) -- for each table section, we have a pair -- the first element indicates the number of column spaces left -- in [currentLine, nextLine, lineAfter, etc.] -- the second element is a list of rows, in reverse order, -- each of which is a list of cells, in reverse order