{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.References Copyright : © 2021-2024 Albert Krewinkel License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : alpha Portability : portable Creation of a bibliography list using @@ elements in reference items. -} module Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.References ( referencesToJATS , referenceToJATS ) where import Citeproc.Pandoc () import Citeproc.Types ( Date (..), DateParts (..), ItemId (..), Name (..), Reference (..) , Val (..) , lookupVariable, valToText ) import Data.Text (Text) import Text.DocLayout (Doc, empty, isEmpty, literal, vcat) import Text.Pandoc.Class.PandocMonad (PandocMonad) import Text.Pandoc.Builder (Inlines) import Text.Pandoc.Options (WriterOptions) import Text.Pandoc.Shared (tshow) import Text.Pandoc.Writers.JATS.Types import Text.Pandoc.XML (escapeNCName, escapeStringForXML, inTags) import qualified Data.Text as T referencesToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> [Reference Inlines] -> JATS m (Doc Text) referencesToJATS opts = fmap vcat . mapM (referenceToJATS opts) referenceToJATS :: PandocMonad m => WriterOptions -> Reference Inlines -> JATS m (Doc Text) referenceToJATS _opts ref = do let refType = referenceType ref let pubType = [("publication-type", refType) | not (T.null refType)] let ident = escapeNCName $ "ref-" <> unItemId (referenceId ref) let wrap = inTags True "ref" [("id", ident)] . inTags True "element-citation" pubType return . wrap . vcat $ [ authors , "title" `varInTag` if refType == "book" then "source" else "article-title" , if refType == "book" then empty else "container-title" `varInTag` "source" , editors , "publisher" `varInTag` "publisher-name" , "publisher-place" `varInTag` "publisher-loc" , yearTag , accessed , "volume" `varInTag` "volume" , "issue" `varInTag` "issue" , "edition" `varInTag` "edition" , "page-first" `varInTag` "fpage" , "ISBN" `varInTag` "isbn" , "ISSN" `varInTag` "issn" , "URL" `varInTag` "uri" , varInTagWith "doi" "pub-id" [("pub-id-type", "doi")] , varInTagWith "pmid" "pub-id" [("pub-id-type", "pmid")] ] ++ case lookupVariable "page" ref >>= valToText of Nothing -> [] Just val -> let isdash c = c == '-' || c == '\x2013' (fpage, lpage) = T.dropWhile isdash <$> T.break isdash val in [ inTags' "fpage" [] $ literal $ escapeStringForXML fpage, inTags' "lpage" [] $ literal $ escapeStringForXML lpage ] where varInTag var tagName = varInTagWith var tagName [] varInTagWith var tagName tagAttribs = case lookupVariable var ref >>= valToText of Nothing -> mempty Just val -> inTags' tagName tagAttribs . literal $ escapeStringForXML val authors = case lookupVariable "author" ref of Just (NamesVal names) -> inTags True "person-group" [("person-group-type", "author")] . vcat $ map toNameElements names _ -> empty editors = case lookupVariable "editor" ref of Just (NamesVal names) -> inTags True "person-group" [("person-group-type", "editor")] . vcat $ map toNameElements names _ -> empty yearTag = case lookupVariable "issued" ref of Just (DateVal date) -> toDateElements date _ -> empty accessed = case lookupVariable "accessed" ref of Just (DateVal d) -> inTags' "date-in-citation" [("content-type", "access-date")] (toDateElements d) _ -> empty toDateElements :: Date -> Doc Text toDateElements date = case dateParts date of dp@(DateParts (y:m:d:_)):_ -> yearElement y dp <> monthElement m <> dayElement d dp@(DateParts (y:m:_)):_ -> yearElement y dp <> monthElement m dp@(DateParts (y:_)):_ -> yearElement y dp _ -> empty yearElement :: Int -> DateParts -> Doc Text yearElement year dp = inTags' "year" [("iso-8601-date", iso8601 dp)] $ literal (fourDigits year) monthElement :: Int -> Doc Text monthElement month = inTags' "month" [] . literal $ twoDigits month dayElement :: Int -> Doc Text dayElement day = inTags' "day" [] . literal $ twoDigits day iso8601 :: DateParts -> Text iso8601 = T.intercalate "-" . \case DateParts (y:m:d:_) -> [fourDigits y, twoDigits m, twoDigits d] DateParts (y:m:_) -> [fourDigits y, twoDigits m] DateParts (y:_) -> [fourDigits y] _ -> [] twoDigits :: Int -> Text twoDigits n = T.takeEnd 2 $ '0' `T.cons` tshow n fourDigits :: Int -> Text fourDigits n = T.takeEnd 4 $ "000" <> tshow n toNameElements :: Name -> Doc Text toNameElements name | not (isEmpty nameTags) = inTags' "name" [] nameTags | nameLiteral name == Just "others" = "" | otherwise = nameLiteral name `inNameTag` "string-name" where inNameTag mVal tag = case mVal of Nothing -> empty Just val -> inTags' tag [] . literal $ escapeStringForXML val surnamePrefix = maybe mempty (`T.snoc` ' ') $ nameNonDroppingParticle name givenSuffix = maybe mempty (T.cons ' ') $ nameDroppingParticle name nameTags = mconcat [ ((surnamePrefix <>) <$> nameFamily name) `inNameTag` "surname" , ((<> givenSuffix) <$> nameGiven name) `inNameTag` "given-names" , nameSuffix name `inNameTag` "suffix" ] -- | Put the supplied contents between start and end tags of tagType, -- with specified attributes. inTags' :: Text -> [(Text, Text)] -> Doc Text -> Doc Text inTags' = inTags False