{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-} {- | Module : Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshaling.ReaderOptions Copyright : © 2012-2024 John MacFarlane © 2017-2024 Albert Krewinkel License : GNU GPL, version 2 or above Maintainer : Albert Krewinkel Stability : alpha Marshaling instance for ReaderOptions and its components. -} module Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.ReaderOptions ( peekReaderOptions , pushReaderOptions , pushReaderOptionsReadonly ) where import Data.Default (def) import HsLua as Lua import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.Format (peekExtensions, pushExtensions) import Text.Pandoc.Lua.Marshal.List (pushPandocList) import Text.Pandoc.Options (ReaderOptions (..)) -- -- Reader Options -- -- | Retrieve a ReaderOptions value, either from a normal ReaderOptions -- value, from a read-only object, or from a table with the same -- keys as a ReaderOptions object. peekReaderOptions :: LuaError e => Peeker e ReaderOptions peekReaderOptions = retrieving "ReaderOptions" . \idx -> liftLua (ltype idx) >>= \case TypeUserdata -> choice [ peekUD typeReaderOptions , peekUD typeReaderOptionsReadonly ] idx TypeTable -> peekReaderOptionsTable idx _ -> failPeek =<< typeMismatchMessage "ReaderOptions userdata or table" idx -- | Pushes a ReaderOptions value as userdata object. pushReaderOptions :: LuaError e => Pusher e ReaderOptions pushReaderOptions = pushUD typeReaderOptions -- | Pushes a ReaderOptions object, but makes it read-only. pushReaderOptionsReadonly :: LuaError e => Pusher e ReaderOptions pushReaderOptionsReadonly = pushUD typeReaderOptionsReadonly -- | ReaderOptions object type for read-only values. typeReaderOptionsReadonly :: LuaError e => DocumentedType e ReaderOptions typeReaderOptionsReadonly = deftype "ReaderOptions (read-only)" [ operation Tostring $ lambda ### liftPure show <#> udparam typeReaderOptions "opts" "options to print in native format" =#> functionResult pushString "string" "Haskell representation" , operation Newindex $ lambda ### (failLua "This ReaderOptions value is read-only.") =?> "Throws an error when called, i.e., an assignment is made." ] readerOptionsMembers -- | 'ReaderOptions' object type. typeReaderOptions :: LuaError e => DocumentedType e ReaderOptions typeReaderOptions = deftype "ReaderOptions" [ operation Tostring $ lambda ### liftPure show <#> udparam typeReaderOptions "opts" "options to print in native format" =#> functionResult pushString "string" "Haskell representation" ] readerOptionsMembers -- | Member properties of 'ReaderOptions' Lua values. readerOptionsMembers :: LuaError e => [Member e (DocumentedFunction e) ReaderOptions] readerOptionsMembers = [ property "abbreviations" "" (pushSet pushText, readerAbbreviations) (peekSet peekText, \opts x -> opts{ readerAbbreviations = x }) , property "columns" "" (pushIntegral, readerColumns) (peekIntegral, \opts x -> opts{ readerColumns = x }) , property "default_image_extension" "" (pushText, readerDefaultImageExtension) (peekText, \opts x -> opts{ readerDefaultImageExtension = x }) , property "extensions" "" (pushExtensions, readerExtensions) (peekExtensions, \opts x -> opts{ readerExtensions = x }) , property "indented_code_classes" "" (pushPandocList pushText, readerIndentedCodeClasses) (peekList peekText, \opts x -> opts{ readerIndentedCodeClasses = x }) , property "standalone" "" (pushBool, readerStandalone) (peekBool, \opts x -> opts{ readerStandalone = x }) , property "strip_comments" "" (pushBool, readerStripComments) (peekBool, \opts x -> opts{ readerStripComments = x }) , property "tab_stop" "" (pushIntegral, readerTabStop) (peekIntegral, \opts x -> opts{ readerTabStop = x }) , property "track_changes" "" (pushViaJSON, readerTrackChanges) (choice [peekRead, peekViaJSON], \opts x -> opts{ readerTrackChanges = x }) ] -- | Retrieves a 'ReaderOptions' object from a table on the stack, using -- the default values for all missing fields. -- -- Internally, this pushes the default reader options, sets each -- key/value pair of the table in the userdata value, then retrieves the -- object again. This will update all fields and complain about unknown -- keys. peekReaderOptionsTable :: LuaError e => Peeker e ReaderOptions peekReaderOptionsTable idx = retrieving "ReaderOptions (table)" $ do liftLua $ do absidx <- absindex idx pushUD typeReaderOptions def let setFields = do next absidx >>= \case False -> return () -- all fields were copied True -> do pushvalue (nth 2) *> insert (nth 2) settable (nth 4) -- set in userdata object setFields pushnil -- first key setFields peekUD typeReaderOptions top `lastly` pop 1 instance Pushable ReaderOptions where push = pushReaderOptions