{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Main where import Control.Monad (join, msum, void, when) import Data.List (intersperse, (\\)) import Data.Text (unpack) import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO import Data.Version (parseVersion, showVersion) import qualified Data.Version as V import Development.GitRev (gitHash) import ExampleConfig (embedExampleConfig) import GHC.IO.Encoding (setLocaleEncoding, utf8) import ManPage (embedManualHtml) import OpenFile (openFile) import Options.Applicative ( Alternative ((<|>)), Parser, command, execParser, flag, footerDoc, fullDesc, header, help, helper, info, long, metavar, optional, progDesc, short, strArgument, strOption, subparser, value, (<**>), ) import qualified Options.Applicative.Help.Pretty as P import System.Directory (doesFileExist, getTemporaryDirectory) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath (()) import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr) import Text.Pandoc (pandocVersion) import Text.Pandoc.Definition (pandocTypesVersion) import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot ( Configuration (..), availableToolkits, configuration, defaultConfiguration, pandocPlotVersion, plotFilter, ) import Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Internal ( cleanOutputDirs, cls, configurationPathMeta, executable, readDoc, runPlotM, supportedSaveFormats, toolkits, pathToExe ) import Text.Pandoc.JSON (toJSONFilter) import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (readP_to_S) -- The difference between commands and flags is that commands require knowledge of -- the configuration, while flags only display static information. -- Please note that for some reason, makeVersion [2, 11, 0, 0] > makeVersion [2, 11] minimumPandocVersion :: V.Version minimumPandocVersion = V.makeVersion [2, 11] data Command = Clean (Maybe FilePath) FilePath | WriteConfig FilePath | Toolkits (Maybe FilePath) data Flag = Version | FullVersion | Manual deriving (Eq) main :: IO () main = do setLocaleEncoding utf8 join $ execParser opts where opts = info (optparse <**> helper) ( fullDesc <> progDesc ( unlines [ "This pandoc filter generates plots from code blocks using a multitude of ", "possible renderers. This allows to keep documentation and figures in", "perfect synchronicity." ] ) <> header (mconcat ["pandoc-plot ", V.showVersion pandocPlotVersion, " - generate figures directly in documents"]) <> footerDoc (Just footer') ) optparse = do flag_ <- flagParser command_ <- commandParser -- The extra optional input below only serves to show -- to the user that the last argument is the AST from pandoc -- The parsed input is never used input <- optional $ strArgument (metavar "AST") return $ go flag_ command_ input go :: Maybe Flag -> Maybe Command -> Maybe String -> IO () go (Just Version) _ _ = putStrLn (V.showVersion pandocPlotVersion) go (Just FullVersion) _ _ = showFullVersion go (Just Manual) _ _ = showManPage go _ (Just (Toolkits mfp)) _ = showAvailableToolkits mfp go _ (Just (Clean mfp fp)) _ = clean mfp fp go _ (Just (WriteConfig fp)) _ = writeFile fp $(embedExampleConfig) go Nothing Nothing _ = toJSONFilterWithConfig flagParser :: Parser (Maybe Flag) flagParser = versionP <|> fullVersionP <|> manualP where versionP = flag Nothing (Just Version) ( mconcat [ long "version", short 'v', help "Show version number and exit." ] ) fullVersionP = flag Nothing (Just FullVersion) ( mconcat [ long "full-version", help "Show full version information and exit." ] ) manualP = flag Nothing (Just Manual) ( mconcat [ long "manual", short 'm', help "Open the manual page in the default web browser and exit." ] ) commandParser :: Parser (Maybe Command) commandParser = optional $ subparser $ mconcat [ command "toolkits" ( info (toolkitsP <**> helper) (progDesc "Show information on toolkits and exit.") ), command "clean" ( info (cleanP <**> helper) ( progDesc ( unlines [ "Clean output directories where figures from FILE and log files might be stored.", "WARNING: All files in those directories will be deleted." ] ) ) ), command "write-example-config" ( info (writeConfigP <**> helper) (progDesc "Write example configuration to a file and exit.") ) ] where configP = optional $ strOption (mconcat [long "config", metavar "PATH", help "Path to optional configuration file."]) toolkitsP = Toolkits <$> configP cleanP = Clean <$> configP <*> strArgument (metavar "FILE") writeConfigP = WriteConfig <$> strOption ( mconcat [ long "path", metavar "FILE", value ".example-pandoc-plot.yml", help "Target location of the configuration file. Default is \".example-pandoc-plot.yml\"" ] ) -- | Determine configuration and run filter. -- -- Priority for configuration: -- -- (1) Loaded from filepath stored in document metadata, under the key @plot-configuration@; -- -- (2) Loaded from file @.pandoc-plot.yml@ in current work directory; -- -- (3) Default configuration toJSONFilterWithConfig :: IO () toJSONFilterWithConfig = do upToDatePandoc <- checkRuntimePandocVersion when upToDatePandoc $ toJSONFilter $ \mfmt doc -> do c <- maybe localConfig configuration (configurationPathMeta doc) plotFilter c mfmt doc -- | Check that the runtime version of Pandoc is at least 2.11. The return value -- indicates whether the Pandoc version is new enough or not. checkRuntimePandocVersion :: IO Bool checkRuntimePandocVersion = do -- Pandoc runs filters in an environment with two variables: -- PANDOV_VERSION and PANDOC_READER_OPTS -- We can use the former to ensure that people are not -- using an old version of pandoc pandocV <- lookupEnv "PANDOC_VERSION" case pandocV >>= readVersion of Nothing -> return True Just v -> if v < minimumPandocVersion then do hPutStrLn stderr $ mconcat [ "ERROR (pandoc-plot) The pandoc-plot filter only ", "supports Pandoc 2.11 and newer. ", "but you are using Pandoc ", showVersion v ] return False else return True where readVersion = fmap fst . lastMaybe . readP_to_S parseVersion lastMaybe xs = if length xs > 1 then Just (last xs) else Nothing -- | Load configuration from local file @.pandoc-plot.yml@. -- If the file does not exist, the default configuration will be used. localConfig :: IO Configuration localConfig = do configExists <- doesFileExist ".pandoc-plot.yml" if configExists then configuration ".pandoc-plot.yml" else return defaultConfiguration showFullVersion :: IO () showFullVersion = do putStrLn $ "pandoc-plot " <> V.showVersion pandocPlotVersion putStrLn $ "Git revision " <> $gitHash putStrLn $ mconcat [ "Compiled with pandoc ", V.showVersion pandocVersion, " and pandoc-types ", V.showVersion pandocTypesVersion, " using GHC ", TOOL_VERSION_ghc -- Constant defined by CPP ] showAvailableToolkits :: Maybe FilePath -> IO () showAvailableToolkits mfp = do c <- maybe localConfig configuration mfp putStrLn "\nAVAILABLE TOOLKITS\n" available <- availableToolkits c mapM_ (availToolkitInfo c) available putStrLn "\nUNAVAILABLE TOOLKITS\n" -- We don't use unavailableToolkits because this would force -- more IO actions let unavailable = toolkits \\ available mapM_ (unavailToolkitInfo c) unavailable where toolkitInfo avail conf tk = do putStrLn $ "Toolkit: " <> show tk when avail $ do exe <- runPlotM Nothing conf $ executable tk putStrLn $ " Executable: " <> (pathToExe exe) putStrLn $ " Code block trigger: " <> (unpack . cls $ tk) putStrLn $ " Supported save formats: " <> (mconcat . intersperse ", " . fmap show $ supportedSaveFormats tk) putStrLn mempty availToolkitInfo = toolkitInfo True unavailToolkitInfo = toolkitInfo False -- | Clean output directories associated with a file -- -- Priority for configuration are the same as @toJSONFilterWithConfig@. clean :: Maybe FilePath -> -- Use configuration file? FilePath -> -- Document to clean IO () clean mfp fp = do doc <- readDoc fp -- Note the priority for configuration: -- (1) path of argument --config -- (2) document metadata -- (3) local .pandoc-plot.yml -- (4) default config conf <- maybe localConfig configuration $ firstJusts [configurationPathMeta doc, mfp] void (cleanOutputDirs conf doc) where firstJusts :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe a firstJusts = msum showManPage :: IO () showManPage = do manualPath <- ( "pandoc-plot-manual.html") <$> getTemporaryDirectory TIO.writeFile manualPath $(embedManualHtml) openFile ("file:///" <> manualPath) -- | Use Doc type directly because of newline formatting footer' :: P.Doc footer' = mconcat [ P.text "More information can be found via the manual (pandoc-plot --manual) or the", P.line, P.text "repository README, located at https://github.com/LaurentRDC/pandoc-plot" ]